
City Lord Li Beiye's Decision

Outside Yebei City, a figure flickered in the void, steadily approaching the city.

"Yebei City! Su Yang is back again."

"Wang Yiyi, I hope you won't be too surprised when the time comes. The words I, Su Yang, spoke will definitely come true!" On the back of the purple lightning lion, Su Yang clenched his fist, feeling excited in his heart.

After three months, he had finally returned to Yebei City. However, this time was different from the last. Last time, he was like a dead dog, but this time he would transform into a fierce warrior, settling three years of hatred, pain, and the grievances with the Wang family.

"Master, we're in the city now. Where should we go?" The purple lightning lion landed on the roof of a civilian house.

"Don't rush; let me feel it." Su Yang closed his eyes. Three years had made him almost forget the exact location of Wang Mansion.

Soon, Su Yang sensed powerful spiritual fluctuations to the north. He looked in that direction, but soon furrowed his brows. "That direction... isn't that my Su family?"

"What's going on?" Su Yang wondered. He didn't understand the current situation in Yebei City, but it was an opportunity to find out. With his current cultivation, as long as he concealed his aura, he shouldn't be discovered.

Thinking about it, Su Yang patted the purple lightning lion and said, "Head to the north, but don't let anyone notice."

"Okay!" The purple lightning lion agreed and instantly turned into a shadow, disappearing into the darkness.

In the Su residence,

Seeing that Wang Lang had revealed his intentions and released a powerful killing intent, Su Beilou had no choice but to make a move. "Wang Lang, if you want to destroy my Su family, you'll have to step over my dead body first."


The aura of a third-grade Divine Martial Realm erupted.

However, compared to the aura emitted by Wang Lang, it was naturally inferior.

"Brother Beilou, I didn't expect that after so many years without a fight, your strength has improved quite a bit." Wang Lang showed a mocking smile.

"Don't waste words; just make your move." Su Beilou knew there was no turning back, taking the initiative. A powerful spiritual energy covered his body, forming a protective shield, with Qi of Three Mysteries swirling around.

His aged body erupted with endless power, and he fiercely threw a punch towards the direction where Wang Lang and the others were standing.

It was like the force of a fierce tiger.

This was an intermediate-level technique of the Su family, "Tiger Fist"!

Roar~ A powerful aura, like a raging wind, swept out and instantly struck the position where Wang Lang and the others were.

Boom! The entire Su residence shook.

Soon, other experts from the Su family appeared by Su Beilou's side, including Su Beilou's trusted subordinates.

Su Family's Second Elder, Su Qiang.

Su Family's Third Elder, Su Mo.

And Su Family's Fourth Elder, Su Chen!

All three were in the Three Mysteries Realm, and at this moment, they glared at Wang Lang. Su Qiang pointed at Wang Lang and said, "Damn you, Wang Lang! Have you so quickly forgotten how you begged us for help back then?"

Su Beilou's attack did not cause any harm to Wang Lang and the others. It only created a large crater. Wang Lang and the others, standing in the void, looked at the Su family as if they were watching clowns.

"It seems everyone is here."

"Fine, a family should go to hell together."


At this point, Wang Lang no longer hesitated and ordered the other several experts from the Wang family, all in the perfect Three Mysteries Realm, to make their move.

Swish, swish, swish! Similarly, three experts in the perfect Three Mysteries Realm from the Wang family instantly attacked the Su family members who had appeared.

"Humph, Wang Zixiang, I've long wanted to take your dog's life." Su Qiang couldn't help but snort as a Wang family expert of the same realm approached him.

"Facing death, you dare to boast shamelessly?" The Wang family expert, Wang Zixiang, sneered.

Boom! The two clashed with a punch, and their figures simultaneously retreated. At the same time, Su Mo and Su Chen also engaged in battles with two other experts from the Wang family.

The collision of powerful spiritual energy had already overturned the entire Su residence!

At this moment, the entire Yebei City fell into a deep silence. Ordinary people dared not make any noise, silently praying that their lives would not be affected.

In the southernmost part of Yebei City, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Beiye, clad in battle armor, stood on the roof, looking towards the north where the Su family was. He said softly, "Is it finally starting?"

Beside Li Beiye, there was a slender figure, looking extremely nervous. "Father... is the Wang family really going to annihilate the Su family and our City Lord's Mansion?" Her voice was soft, tinged with a hint of fear.

"Sansa, there's no time to lose; you hurry and leave the city. Go to your aunt's place, so I can be at ease." Li Beiye stroked his daughter's beautiful black hair, expressing great tenderness and reluctance.

If not for the necessity, who would willingly separate from their own flesh and blood?

"No! Father, I don't want to leave. I want to stay by your side!" The girl's tone was resolute, in a voice choked with tears.

She was Li Beiye's daughter, the fiancée Su Yang had neglected years ago—Li Sansa!

Beneath her pure white snow-like gown was a face as delicate as a porcelain doll. However, at this moment, her beautiful arched eyebrows were faintly furrowed, revealing a shallow worry on her exquisite face, adding a touch of heartache to her already surprisingly charming appearance.

If Su Yang were to see Li Sansa now, he would surely curse himself for not only being blinded but also having his heart covered in lard.

"Sansa, be obedient. For these years, I haven't let you leave the mansion. One reason is to prevent you from encountering danger, and the other is to protect you."

"Now that Wang Mansion is rising, that scoundrel Wang Lang will definitely not let us go. This City Lord's Mansion was established by me. No matter what, I won't leave easily. And you, you are the pearl in my hand."

"Also, there's something you should know."

At this point, Li Beiye's expression revealed a complex emotion, seemingly hesitant about whether to tell Li Sansa the truth.

"Father... you..." Li Sansa suddenly felt at a loss, clenching the hem of her skirt with both hands.

"Sigh, I think you've sensed it yourself. For these years, your cultivation hasn't made a breakthrough because of the Extreme Yin Bloodline in your body. I've tried everything to find a solution to the problem in your bloodline, and I initially wanted Su Yang, that genius from the Su family with the Supreme Bloodline, to marry you. I hoped to use his bloodline to regulate your Extreme Yin Bloodline. Unfortunately... due to a twist of fate, that kid actually chose Wang Yiyi."

"He must regret it now."

As he spoke, a cool breeze blew through the hair of the father and daughter, seemingly stirring up memories.

Li Sansa pursed her lips and seemed to have the figure she hadn't seen in three years appear in her mind.

"Alright, there's no time left. I'll send you away now." Li Beiye didn't want to waste any more time. After clapping his hands, a silver-armored general appeared on the roof.

"City Lord!" The general knelt and saluted.

"General Yang, there's no time to delay. Take Sansa away now, head to Central City, Liang Mansion. Someone will be there to receive you."

After saying this, Li Beiye took out a dark green token and handed it to General Yang.

General Yang took it with both hands, lifting his head with an unwilling tone, "City Lord, let us leave together. I'll lead my brothers to fight our way out. Even if I die, I'll make sure City Lord and Miss Sansa leave Yebei City."

Seeing the general who had accompanied him for many years so loyal and righteous, Li Beiye revealed a gratified smile, "To have brothers like you in this life, Li Beiye has no regrets!"

With that, Li Beiye held a long spear, the cloak on his battle armor fluttering in the wind. His whole body resembled a war god as he leaped towards the north, where the Su family was.