
The Nine Tailed of Evron

What would you do if you ended up in a hellish world? A world strange for you? Can a creature really be considered a monster if they are strange in your eyes? *** Celia Scott was a woman who loved to read books, but when because of her passion she was lost... Or loved? Loved a monster that was just her plan. Plan to get out of the world she is imprisoned. But what exactly will she choose? Her freedom or the love of a ruthless prince?

TalesInMind_ · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

"One night, a mysterious and dark, strong wind and I do not know where I'm going. I need to run away from the inexplicable monsters." I read in the book I was holding.

"Suddenly, something stopped—" My reading was interrupted when someone knocked repeatedly at my door.

"Celia! Lia! What were you doing there? Let's go and catch up in our class with Miss Potacio! You know that, it's so terrifying!"

I just rolled my eyes and twisted it. I let go of the book I was holding and lay it on my bed. Furthermore, I got up from lying down, and I went to my bedroom door and was too lazy to open it.

"I've been calling you, but you're not answering." she complained to me. Her face was furrowed.

I sighed and walked over to the side of my bed to pick up my bags and belongings. I slung my backpack over one of my shoulders and faced Nina again.

I tapped her shoulder and passed her. "Come on, Nina," I said to her.

I heard her footsteps, so I knew she was following me. I came out on the main door of the dorm I am staying at.

Furthermore, I was about to open the gate, but suddenly Nina called me, "Lia, wait for me." I obeyed what she said. I stopped waiting for her.

When she got close to me, I looked at her face. She fixed her eyeglass with her eye. It is big and thick.

"You don't really look like a woman, Lia! You walk so fast." she sighed.

I grinned and mess up her hair. I'm taller than her, so it's easy for me to mess up her hair. She snored at what I did, which made me laugh.

"All right. Let's go for a walk together." And I put my arm around her shoulders. She arranged her hair as the two of us walked.

We went to the garage of this dorm and I started my motorcycle. I reached the helmet to Nina before I wore my helmet. She sat behind me and when I made sure that her condition was in order when I started the motor.

When we arrived at the university, I felt different. I didn't realize what it was. It just seems like something weird happened today. I just shrugged and ignored that feeling. This is probably an effect on me when I read fantasy stories.

I AM HERE now, I am in the library and reading. The whole area was quiet, I was almost deaf to extreme silence.

I looked around, my forehead automatically frowns when other people here in the library were most likely speaking softly. So, why even a little voice I hear nothing?

I felt even unusual when I grew up, my vision on bookshelves. It was as if I were being pulled out by energy then. It's like someone was urging me to go to those shelves. I got up from sitting and settled down as I walked over to those shelves, now I have my eyes drawn.

When I got close to the far shelves here in the library I saw a book it looked as if it was decades old, the rest was brown and there is also a tear on the other side. But it still can't be maintained beautifully. Almost all of its thickness is already thick.

I picked it up on the shelves and tried to read the title on the cover, but in its ancient age I could no longer read it.

Why does the librarian even put these old books in the library? Shouldn't it be removed here?

Curiosity engulfed my system, many questions forming in my brain. I shook the dust off the book with my hand. It still doesn't matter even if I did that because I still can't read the title because it's just not that old, other parts of it also seem to have been burned. I even saw the letters, I tried to read it, "N-T Tailed?—" suddenly my name was called, so my mind is cut off.

"Celia," I looked at where that voice came from.

"Oh! Lance, why?" I asked him.

"I'm looking at you. I'd like to take you to lunch, is that okay?" He was shy. He was still holding on to the two handles of his backpack.

I smiled at him. "All right," I answered him. He looked at the book I was holding.

"What's that?" He was referring to the book I was holding. I looked over there in the book and looked at it.

"Ah, is it? I just saw it." my answer to his question.

He frowned as he looked at the book I was holding. "Why is it so old? Isn't the librarian removing the old books here?" he said, I shrugged.

"She just forgot, maybe,"

"Will you borrow it?"

I changed my gaze on the book I'm holding. "Y-Yes." is my only answer. I don't understand why someone seems to be urging me to borrow it.

It is unclear to me why I'm tempted to read it even though it's so old, maybe because curiosity is consuming me? Curiosity, which is for sure.

"So? Let's have lunch!" I looked back at Lance when he spoke again.

"Yeah, Y-Yeah, let's go." I only said.

I hugged the book as we walked towards it, where the librarian is. The librarian looked up at me, looking like she was in the mid-50's. She adjusted her mirror and she looked down at the book I hugged.

"Where did you get that book?" she asked.

"Hidden there. On the farthest shelves." I answered her. She looked at the farthest shelves, and she looked at me again.

"I'm giving you that book." I was surprised at what she said, and even more confused.

"W-What? Why?" I asked an astonishing.

She straightened up and looked again at the book I was hugging. "That book is too old, dear. Do you think that it's even needed here in the library?"

I looked at the book. "B-But, But can I still read it?"

"But what?, dear?" she asked, I looked at the librarian and there was something in her eyes that I couldn't figure out.

I smiled, "Nothing. Alright. It's just me., Thank you very much." I imitated Lance to leave.

We were about to leave the door when the librarian suddenly spoke, "Be careful, dear." I turned to her. There was a smile posted on her lips when turning the page of the book.

"W-What did you say?" I asked her. I can't figure it out, but there was something strange today.

She adjusted her mirror and looked at me and smiled. "The moon is round later and it's so beautiful." And she gave me a smile that was beautiful, but I became more confused.

Moon. . .

I didn't answer her, and I just looked at her as goodbye to where I was leaving. I turned my back on her and I faced Lance, and we left the library. "Lance. . ." I caught his attention.

He looked at me. "Why?" he asked.

I looked it up at him. "Did you feel anything strange about the librarian?" I ask him.

His forehead furrowed, as if his thinking. "No. It's true what she said, the moon it's really a full moon later." I'm the one who is frowning now.

Maybe. . .

"Why?" he asked me.

I smiled at him and shook my head, "Nothing,"

When we entered the cafeteria, everyone was looking at me and the book I hugged. I understand them because who is the sensible woman to carry an old book?

I sighed and sat down at a table, Lance sat down in front of me. "What's your order? I'm going to the counter." he asked.

I put the book down on the table. " Whatever. Just the same as your order." I spared him by giving a smile.

He smiled big at me before he stood up. "Okay," he said.

As he walks, I follow him with my gaze. He has been courting me for a long time,, and today I still haven't answered him. I don't know myself why I don't even feel for him. He was kind and I couldn't deny he was handsome also, he's the type all women will like.

So, I also wonder myself why I don't see him as my boyfriend. Even the spark between the two of us, I could feel nothing. I only consider him to be friends. Maybe because I am not ready to have a relationship? Perhaps that's the reason.

When Lance arrived, the tray, he was carrying was full of food. He laid it down over the table and sat down. He arranged the food and he smiled at me.

"Let's eat, Lia." I smiled at him and picked up the cutlery, and I started eating.

In the middle of the meal, he asked, "Why are you interested in that book?" regarding the book. I stopped chewing.

"I don't know either, maybe it's because of my curiosity."

"Can that still be read? Even the title on the cover can't be read properly." I shrugged.

"Let's see." my only answer.

After we ate, we parted ways. Architecture is the course I took, and he was a Law.

I still hug the book as I walk down the hallway, almost every student or teacher I pass is looking at the book I hug. Because of its age and density is remarkable indeed.

I went to my next class and laid the book under my desk. I'm fixing the things I was going to use when suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

Furthermore, I was raised a look at Nina. "What is this?" she asked, and she pointed out the book under my desk next to her.

"A book," was my only answer to her questions.

"Hey, I know it is a book. But why was it so old? Where did you get that from? You can read is that it's too dusty?" she asked me one after the other.

"Maybe I can read this. That book came from the library, it was given to me by the librarian." I answered her question.

"Why was it given to you? And why is there a book like this in the library? It looks as if it's been a few centuries in that book." she asked me again.

The wind blew me away. This is what I don't like about Nina, she has numerous questions.

She won't stop asking questions until you run out of answers.

"It's not needed at the library anymore, so it was given to me." I replied annoying to her.

"And why—" I immediately cut her off from what she should have asked me.

"Miss is already there, Nina." I said, It's true because I can already see the heel of our teacher at the window, at the bottom of the wall.

Nina immediately ran back to her seat and sat there. When our teacher entered, one of her eyebrows was immediately raised. She angrily down up so many plates on the teacher's desk.

I secretly rolled my eyes while playing with my ballpoint pen in my hand.

Coming home, I immediately threw myself in my bed. Today was tiring.

I just stared at the ceiling when the librarian told me to enter my mind. "The moon is round later and it's so beautiful." Those words keep coming back to my mind.

I looked up the book I got earlier in the library. It is on the shelves. I got up from lying on the bed and approached my bookshelves where they placed the book.

I was about to pick it up when suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Lia? Let's eat." Nina's voice.

I lowered my hand in the air and came out of my door. I went to the dining room table and sat down, handed over the food and Nina, and we ate together.

After dinner, I went back to my room and made the plate I was supposed to finish. When I finished with the plate, I got up from a seat. I fixed my drafting materials.

After arranging my belongings, I looked out my window. Moonlight enters my room. I went through my window and sat down there. I looked up at the bright moon. It's true what the librarian said earlier, it's so beautiful, It's super light, enough to give light to a dark night.

The cold wind still blows with its beauty. Very peaceful. It's nice to read a book at this time.

So, I went to my shelves to find a book to read. But that's it, the only disappointment I felt when I found out that I had read all the books on my bookshelves. Fortunately, my eyes met the book I got from the library. I picked it up on the shelves and went out my window.

You can sit on my window because the wood is thick. I stayed there. The moonlight is just enough to give me the light to read this book. I put the book on my thigh, and it started to unfold.

The first page is dusty, so I sat on it and I removed the dust with the palm of my hand.

"The gumiho is not just visible, it is very mysterious. They don't even show you, but you can feel them."

My reading was interrupted by a sudden loud blow, the leaves were flying. The trees are shaking because of the wind force. Due to the strong wind, the pages of the book I was reading fell off.

Due to the excessive force of the wind I accidentally lost my balance, I fell through the window. Fear filled my mind. Three stores high is the height of my room. So if I fall here, I will definitely die.

I just closed my eyes and prayed that I would escape from my death now. I could hardly breathe, I could no longer feel my heartbeat. If I were to die today, I wish my parents were in good health and I apologize to Lance for not reciprocating his love for me.

I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. My system is filled with nervousness and fear.

Next, my dreams will come true. I want to be a successful architect, be a well-known writer, provide my parents, have children with the man I love.

Is now really the end of my life? I was just dilated because I seemed to have stopped falling, and I couldn't feel myself stopping in the air.

I slowly open my eyes. My eyes only widened when I was surrounded by yellow butterflies! They shine, they so many I can no longer count them!

The nervousness I felt earlier was even more urgent when I saw my hands turning ashes and being blown away by the wind!

Gradually, my whole body turned to ashes until I no longer know what happened. My spirit was awakened by the noise I was hearing, my forehead grew as I closed my eyes tightly.

My headache was so bad, I felt like it was splitting in two. "Is she still awake?" A boy's voice.

"Lucas! Don't be too noisy! Look, it looks like we woke her up." A voice girl.

"Argh!" I moaned because of my headache. Only now do I feel this way through my headache. I feel all my nerves ache.

"Hey! Miss! What's going on with you?" the boy asked.

"Lucas! Call our mom!" she commanded his brother.

I heard the footsteps already running, but I am no longer focused on that because of my headache.

"Mom! The woman is already awake! But it looks like something hurts hers!" I heard the voice of the boy from outside.

I heard footsteps running, and I felt something approaching my habit. It touched my neck, seemingly looking to see if you were sick. "She has a high fever, Kenya, boil the leaf on the table. Hurry." A lady's voice.

There was concern with her voice. Soon I felt like someone wiping my body with a cloth.

Warm water got soaked in it. I was still moaning because of my headache. I could hardly cope with the pain, so I gradually lost consciousness.

Likewise, I've suddenly opened my eyes. The dark surroundings opened before my eyes, but I could still see what was around me through the lamp in my room. I was thrown back on my feet when I realized that I was not in my room.

I looked at my arm, leg, and foot if turned to ashes. I just rested loosely, but I probably didn't turn to ashes. Wait? Maybe it's just a dream?

It was impossible for me to stop falling because I was surrounded by butterflies, and it was also very impossible for those butterflies to be clear and especially for my whole body to turn to ashes. Could be it was solely a dream because my body is still intact.

But why is it so realistic? Why does it seem like it really happens?and where am I?

My mind was interrupted when something suddenly appeared to my left. I was caught in my chest because of the shock, my breath also stopped because of that. I was rested by heart when realizing he wasn't a ghost.

He is holding a lamp, I can see his dirty face because of the light already coming from the lamp he was holding.

"Miss, are you okay? Why, are you shocked? I'm sorry. . ." said the boy in front of me.

"W-Who are you?" stuttering, I asked him. He didn't answer me, and he touched my forehead, seemingly looking to see if I was still sick.

"Your fever has gone down." he said it innocently.

I tilted my head to avoid my forehead on his palm. He lowered his hand, he noticed that I didn't want his touch. He smiled sparingly at me.

"Just a minute, and I'll call mom." And he ran out of the door. My forehead frowned, why am I here? I don't know this place and I don't know that place.

Just then, a lady came in the door with the boy earlier. "You're awake. Are you alright?" the lady's voice is worried.

Instead of answering her question, I asked, "Where am I? Why am I here?" I asked as if I rolled my eyes all around.

I only looked back at the lady when she answered my question. And the answer she said was the reason my questions increased in my mind. . .

"My kids saw you under the bridge and were unconscious while you were on the edge of the river."

R-River? How did I get there?