
Season 2

A pink hair female appeared...!"hey there guys I am back its me author "she said as she sit on a large sofa...!" Well as you all know season is finished and in season 1 there are some parts which I skipped, I will tell it in this season and you will also meet new character's,now let me introduce the characters,oh and I will also tell the meaning of their names."she said as she start introducing...!



Age:29 years old

Hair Colour:White

Eye Colour: Blue

Specie: nine tail fox


Name meaning:Tsubaki mean Camellia Flower and Japanese origin.

Tsubaki is 29 years old and single mother of triplets,currently living in fox world as queen of fox(since she is nine tail fox and also a princess), she has half twin brother(introduce him later).

Tsubaki-"hello there guys since author introduce me I thought I should say hi"waves hand...!

Author-"next is the male lead"


Age:33 years old(as human) 120 years old(as vampire)

Hair Colour:Blue

Eye colour:red (as vampire)blue (as human)

Specie-Pure-blooded Vamipre

Name Meaning:Urie means:"my flame,my light.origin of Urie:Hebrew

Author-"uh Urie say hello"


Author-"seriously I made you so say hi"

Urie-"no mama"

Author-"I am not your mama"

Urie-"you just said you made me so in othewords you are my mama the creator"


***To Be Continued***