
Chapter 1 - The Scroll

Wei huddled in the shadows of a dingy alleyway, his stomach growling with hunger as he watched the hustle and bustle of the busy street nearby. He had been a street urchin for as long as he could remember, surviving on scraps and doing whatever it took to stay alive.

Despite the squalor that surrounded him, Wei was always curious about the world beyond the streets. He longed for a better life, one where he didn't have to rummage through garbage piles to survive. As he gazed out at the street, he saw the wealthy merchants and their entourages passing by, adorned in expensive silks and jewels.

Wei's attention was drawn to a group of merchants who had stopped near his alleyway, their rich laughter filling the air. He crept closer, curious about what they were discussing. As he neared them, he heard one of the merchants talking about a scroll that held the secrets of qi cultivation. Wei didn't know much about qi cultivation, but he knew that it was a practice that could harness the power of the universe.

The merchants eventually moved on, leaving Wei alone with his thoughts. He knew that he had to find that scroll, but he didn't know where to start. As he rummaged through a nearby garbage pile, he spotted a flash of parchment and reached in to retrieve it. To his amazement, it was the same scroll that the merchants had been discussing.

Wei was overjoyed at his discovery, and he carefully wrapped up the scroll and tucked it away in his tattered jacket. As he made his way back to his makeshift shelter, he couldn't stop thinking about the scroll and the secrets it held.

The alleyway where Wei lived was cramped and dark, filled with garbage and debris. He sat down on a rickety crate and unfurled the scroll, the intricate symbols and diagrams on its ancient parchment shining in the dim light. Wei was fascinated by what he saw, but he couldn't understand everything. He spent hours poring over the scroll, trying to make sense of its mysteries.

Despite the darkness and the squalor of his surroundings, Wei felt a glimmer of hope. He knew that the scroll held the key to a better life, and he was determined to unlock its secrets.