
The Nimble Virus

When Alexandra Rosa's father gets into millions of dollars of debt, he faces the threat of death unless he accepts a deal: To offer his daughter in a contractual marriage to his debt collector’s oldest son, Staff Sergeant Bram Darling. Bram plays games and is verbally abusive to Alexandra throughout their marriage, but along the way when Alexandra poses as a friend to Bram online, she finds out how he truly feels about her. Just as she is about to confront him, a classified experiment goes haywire on base. Under the new threat, Bram and Alexandra are forced into close quarters. Will they succumb to the Nimble Virus or will they overcome their fears and admit how they really feel?

AL_Grey · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Rusty, It's Time

We waved and introduced ourselves to the new guards. If ever there were a group that was formidable it would be this bunch. I glanced at Bram who gave me a quick, confident nod.

If he was feeling good about this, then my worry should have melted away. But it didn't.

When we heard a vehicle approaching everyone knew it had to be Rusty. The guards raced to the gate while most of us waited. I was about to start biting my nails in nervousness when Bram took my hand.

"It'll be okay. We survived Nimble, remember?"

I laughed in relief, suddenly gaining perspective. As the Humvee limo rolled up slowly, I was determined to not allow Rusty into my head.

When he stopped in front of us, without thinking, our group moved closer together. Out hopped two people in formal attire. They opened the doors and there was Rusty.

He stood for a moment eyeing the gang of people who stood in front of him. I was sure that he was hiding any feelings of insecurity. Perhaps he even had false security, as if we as a group had all come here to meet him because he's oh so special.

I didn't expect him to be as short as he was or to have blond hair but there he was in front of me, no longer an unknown cloaked enemy.

He put his hands in his suit coat pocket, gave everyone a smile and said, "It's so nice to see you all together. I didn't think I'd ever get this opportunity to do it again."

Nobody said anything at first but then Bram said, "This is Alex. She's my wife."

I wasn't sure if he was saying it solely to simply set the stage for the meeting and to send the message to cool it to Rusty or if he was saying we beat the odds and despite Rusty's hold on us, we were our own people.

"You know, Alex, it's nice to finally meet you. I didn't think your father had it in him to pay to get you out of the contract, but he surprised me. Perhaps you'll surprise me also."

"There isn't any need for Alex to surprise you with anything, Rusty," said Bram, protectively.

"Well, at least you didn't go against my rules. I still don't want grandchildren, you know. I could always make sure that doesn't happen."

"By using slander and blackmail?" asked Rhys. Rusty cracked a sinister smile.

"It isn't slander if it's true. Bram's assault stays on the books and if he doesn't do what I want him to, I'll bring it to light again. You don't want to go to jail and lose your entire military career, do you Bram?"

"It won't stay on the books," Jonah said, stepping forward. "Tiffany will make sure you drop those charges once and for all."

Rusty glanced over at Tiffany, who he must have fully expected to cower but instead she stood tall and didn't budge. Her determined eyes remained on his without flinching.

"What is this? You all are against me now?" Rusty asked.

"Yes!" all the brothers shouted in unison. For some reason, this worked to upset Rusty. When the narcissist has nobody to be their minion, they lose all power. I was so proud of them for standing up to him.

He needed to be put in his place.

Len and Rachel stepped to Rusty, taking a stance that he should not step forward, but Rusty's guards put their hands on the two. As they were fighting Sammy and Jan joined in.

It wasn't two seconds later that an entourage of cars made their way around the cul-de-sac. Several men and women with guns ejected from the cars and rushed forward to help Rusty.

"You can disown me, but you'll never truly leave me," said Rusty, "You won't do it though, because I'm the only father you have. I'm your ticket to whatever it is that you need in this life."

As Rusty's guards began to circle in, everyone put their hands up except for Bram. Rusty's henchmen walked over to us and began to place us in handcuffs. I couldn't believe were going to be hostages.

I was beginning to lose hope as fear overwhelmed me. Rusty was only a human, but he somehow had people wrapped around his finger. Not only that, but he had droves of followers who supported him.

After they tossed me and Bram into the back seat of their oil-black cars I watched intently to see who else was going to get taken.

I couldn't believe it when I saw a much bigger, stronger man pushing Rhys around. For all they knew, he was still terminally ill. My eyes watered tearfully while watching how cruel and unfeeling these people were.

Bram glanced at me for a moment, and I somehow knew what he needed. If we could find a way to free him, he could teleport Rusty and his crew far away, leaving them stranded. It wasn't a long-term solution, but it certainly was better than the position they were in now.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"Can you somehow give me strength with your Noir ability? I know so far it has only been to heal but what if there is more to it?"

I turned around, and through a big of wiggling, I was able to touch him while still in handcuffs. Once I did, I was able to enter him. While I slowly searched for a biological way to enhance him, I was involuntarily led to the adrenal glands.

Yes, that was it! If I could somehow overstimulate his adrenal response to flood him with cortisol and epinephrine it may be possible to give him a temporary boost of super-human strength. I couldn't believe how much my Noir ability and being around Bram had taught me about science.

I felt like I was becoming an expert.

Without us speaking, he knew what my plan was. I had to hurry. I could tell his body would reject me soon.

As I produced action potentials to his nerves, his axon terminals became illuminated and pouring with neurotransmitters.

I pushed them to their limit and then I had to leave. As soon as I was out, he was fiercely wriggling his way out of the cuffs. With incredible strength he broke free, immediately turning to me and helping me out of mine.

"I don't know how long it will last," I said apprehensively.

"I know. I can tell it's temporary. All I can do is take care of us and get rid of the threat."

I smiled seeing the soldier in him come out. When he saw my smile, he kissed me and then we tried exiting the car. Unable to open the locked doors, Bram had no choice but to begin kicking the windows.

Once the glass shattered, he teleported me out of the car. Several of the nearby guards' mouths dropped open.

"What the?" was all one woman could get out before Bram grabbed her and took him somewhere, far enough way that I couldn't see. I was nervous without him, but I didn't have to wait long for him to return.

As everyone else was being thrown into cars, Rusty was outside watching in malicious glee. The smile on his face was evil and as I approached him; I wished I was stronger. I'd have loved to wipe that smile off his face.

I didn't have to improvise though because Bram raced in front of Rusty and grabbed him. I couldn't believe how fast it was that they disappeared. The rest of his henchmen and women stared at the now blank space where their boss had been.

"What did you do?" one demanded from me.

"Me? I'm still standing here. How could I have done that?"

The same guard pushed me up against the nearby car, trying to restrain me with flex-cuffs.

"You know something. Speak!"

It wasn't two seconds later that Bram appeared. With fury in his eyes at the sight of me being assaulted, he raced toward the man and toppled him over.

I gasped, my eyes widened in shock and relief.

"Looks like I'm still racing from what you did," Bram said, as he hit the man on the ground.

"You feel strong?" I asked. He stood up, sweating and gave me a smile.

"Oh, yeah."

"Awesome! What did you do with Rusty?"

"I brought him nearby and restrained him. At least without his crew, he'll be at a disadvantage. But I'll need all my bros, you, and Tiffany. We're about to make sure he never has the ability to control people with his devious ways again."

As soon as he said it, one of the guards came over ready to lay a punch on Bram. He quickly teleported away, leaving the brute to smash his hand in the window glass, shattering it. He yelled in pain and anger but when he removed his fist and arm, he was bleeding profusely all over his suit.

Bram grabbed my hand, and we raced over to the car where Rhys was. He was shouting how he would get everyone blackballed from the casino industry. Bram opened the backdoor and pulled Rhys out.

Several guards dashed over to thwart Bram's plan, but they were too slow. Without teleporting he was able to bring Rhys to the other side of the property.

Rhys glanced through the fence and found Rusty in the middle of the field zip-tied to one of the palm trees nearby. Rhys couldn't help but chuckle.

"It seems fitting that he's chained and alone. Any idea what you'd like to do with him?"