
The Calm Before The Storm

As Haru sits alone in his desolate room, he looks around in boredom. It's the same room as it's always been, with a bed and a table with a chair. Plain as always!

"Well, this is eventful!" He exclaims to his empty room with just the smallest hope of someone replying. But the same as there always is, there's no reply.

"There's absolutely nothing to do, as usual." He says with a slight hint of annoyance as he throws the covers off himself.

"What time is it…" He ponders, "The lights are off still, so that must mean it before 8… I mean, that's extremely vague, but we'll go with it!"

He pauses for a moment before announcing loudly, "I'm going crazy in here! I'm even starting to talk to myself now!"

He gets up and paces around the room, trying to think of something, anything to do!

"UGH! I'M SO BORED!" They exclaim as they flop onto the floor with a loud thump and curl up into a ball.

"Wait… If there's hardly anyone here…" They mutter with a joyful expression. Haru proceeds to look at the wall mischievously. They had a plan.

"I'M A GENIUS!" He bellows, quickly after realizing the huge mistake they made by shouting that out loud at the top of his lungs he covers his mouth, but even so, they jump up and down in joy. The fact that there's even a small chance of him getting out of the lab gives them a rush of adrenaline.

"Freedom, here I come!" They think as they take a running jump at the wall. CLANG! Their efforts were in vain. Haru looks up at the wall where he rammed his body into full throttle in disappointment, as there is nothing but a mere dent.

"I suppose it was an amateur plan considering that the most obvious thing to do, I should've thought about it more and refined it. Then I could've executed my plan with utmost precision and a 100% success rate!" They note, but still persistent in not giving up, they started to ram themselves into the wall over and over and over again, just hoping that he'd break it. CRACK! In hope, they looked at the wall, but it was just a bit dented where he was ramming it.

"What was that noise, then?" They questioned, looking around as blood dripped down his arm and fell to the floor with a small patter. When they eventually noticed that their arm was currently bleeding he states, "That's not good…" but still not giving up he looks around for something to use, they start weighing up the pros and cons of throwing the bed at the wall which could end up breaking it meaning he'd have to sleep on the floor. Haru decides against it and grabs the table instead and thrusts it into the wall full throttle!

The table shatters on impact and wood flies in every direction, some even cutting Haru on their way past. As they looked up at the wall, they saw that their attempts had worked! Against all odds, there was a tiny crack in the wall where you could see right through, but instead of doing the logical thing and looking through, they decided to just rip the wall off and waltz right in.

"Hang on a minute… This looks the same as my room! Don't tell me there are even more people here!" They exclaimed in pure shock. It indeed looked the same as Haru's before they rampaged through it, but it wasn't Haru's room… it belonged to someone very different from Haru.

An abnormally tall and pale Girl with purple bangs and red hair with makeup to make it look like they're a clown rolls out from under the bed. They're wearing a rabbit-shaped hat, a blue jumper with a smile in the middle and clouds all along the sleeves and some baggy beige clown-like trousers.

"You've only just figured it out? Oh, great job at ruining my wall, by the way." The unknown girl says, seeming unfazed by Haru's sudden break-in. In the surprise of their being a life form in the room they just broke into, they let out a shriek of terror.

"Quiet down, will you?!" The girl shouts as they leap up and cover Haru's mouth.

"Sorry…" Haru whispers.

"Whispering is a bit excessive if I'm going, to be honest…" She says, while uncovering Haru's mouth.

"I'm going to go back to my room now, sorry to bother you…" He mumbles while still trying to process what just happened.

"Enjoy talking to yourself." She enthusiastically announces.

"Actually, on that note… maybe I'll stay, it's better than being alone in a dark room," Haru adds.

"Feel free." The girl says with a smile, "I'm Piero, by the way."

"Haru." He replies.