
The Night Walkers

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Chapter two

That night as we played in the woods, I got tasty and decided to take a break from our play, he was scared and he wanted to go get me water but I instead he stayed and made sure the stars did not move an inch before I returned, I ran inside as fast as possible because I knew he was scared but on my way out I decided to go check on our parents, they were doing fine then I decided to grab him a cup of water maybe he might be tasty but when I returned to our secret hideout, a man was holding his head, he had a really scary mask on which made him look like a fox, he had fangs too and he had a chain which was more like a medal, a golden one with the sunset on it, I ran back to the house screaming, the man did not run after me, he just walked as he followed me, I ran inside sweating and shivering, my mom covered me with a blanket as I placed my head on her laps, she gently placed her hands on my fore head, her I could feel her warm hands but it was enough to keep my whole body warm.

On my way out, planning to head to school, I could sense that my mom was trying to warn me about something but I felt she would be alright since she had introduced the guys I met as my uncles, I missed the school bus, when when I got to the main road it was gone, I could still see them, I tried yelling at them to wait but they could not hear, I chased after them for a while and since they could not hear I let them be, I decided to return home to be with my uncles and my mom. Our house was a little far away from the city, it was up a hill, my parents had a very bad choice of house. It was really stressful having to climb a hill before I get to our house, even with this my uncles still pay us visit almost every day for the same reason they wanted to check up on me and when they around, my parents were not always comfortable, one time we were in but we locked them out but as usual they returned the next day, my parents were thinking of leaving the house.

I was lost in thought that i did not notice that i had gotten to the top of the hill where our house was, to my surprise they were yelling at each other, normally I would have bagged in but this time I had a rethink, I sneaked in through the kitchen window which was always opened, and it was close to the sitting room where they were talking. They were not having a really nice discussion because they were making my mom beg for her life like she was a puppet. I wondered what my mom must have done to them to be do determined to kill my mom the way they had killed my brother, it was obvious they wanted to kill the whole family, I sneaked in to my room, parked some clothes, on my way back I wanted to take our frame just to have something I could use to remember them. As I stood on my toe trying to reach the frame hanging up, my uncle's voice shook the room as he was yelling at my mom, it was obvious he was really mad at her but why? My hand finally got a grip of the frame still standing on my toe which was not really good because I was not comfortable and I don't think my toe could carry my whole weight, I Shaked it trying to remove it from the nail it was on but it was not working and I was sliding down the stairs because I was standing on at the tip. Finally got it down and I had a crash a really loud one but my uncles decided to pretend like they did not hear a thing but surprisingly I could not hear my mom's voice, she was suddenly quiet, I picked up the frame and was about to leave when the devil showed up, he was looking more of a beast now than a human, he had a fox face also and fangs like the guy who killed my brother but my uncle eye were a little blue like but the killer own was more red, I knew it was either a fight or I surrender but that was not the only option in my, I could run if I could find a way outside and like that nobody gets hurt. They do not look like they would allow me to get outside without a fight, gave my uncle a baby face thinking it was going to change the situation but instead it made things worse and it triggered their attack, they were really fast but i was faster, i could see the direction they wanted to hit me before they hit me, I avoided their hits and made my jump through the kitchen window which I had came in through, we were all on the run, i could barely think while running, I was to fast, I kept crashing into trees, this was slowing me down, and they caught up with me which was a really bad. Thanks to the tree I crashed into, I would have fallen down the hill, I would have died right in the air cause I was scared of heights too. Before I regained consciousness, I was already surrounded and he said

' not bad for a little boy', how could he look at me and call me a little boy, I was almost as tall as he was and he was still calling me a little kid, I really wanted to show him the damages this little boy can do to him, without holding back I left the beast out, my beast was really cool and I love him because he is always there for me and he is so hot, he has two huge wings that had it own claws, he had a pretty human face which was mine, reddish blue eye that sparkles in the dark, long claws and shining and I feel older when he is around. My uncles were surprised to meet the beast inside, it looked like they were breath taken by his beauty cause they all left their mouth opened in shock but the asshole uncle who called me a little kid was not surprised, it was like he was expecting something better and he was ready to fight, he shook the rest out of their imagination and they were back to reality. They allowed their beast out also, the fight was a fair one, we all had fangs and claws and sharp long teeth, but it was still unfair that they were all after my life. I was expecting them to come one by one and since they were my uncle they should be weak.

When he lifted me off the ground, I was shocked, he threw me against the tree, I felt a little back ache, back on my feet trying not to show my pain, I swinged my hands left right hoping my claws would scratch him but it didn't, I lost guard and he hit me on the ribs, I lost balance as I vomited blood, I got back on my feet looking dizzy, the asshole who called me a kid did it again,

`` How tough are you now kidd?' He emphasized on the word kid before he asked him to finish me, and he ran expecting to rip off my head with his claws. He stressed out his hands, running, claws out and shining, this same time I was also ready, as he got closer, I felt my fingers in his chest, I could feel his heartbeat,the asshole was surprised and shocked when he saw me pull out his heart. He got angry and sent two of my uncles to launch an attack. I could no longer control the beast, it was like the blood turned him on, before they could make their moves he already ripped off their heads, there was no need to remove their heart but he did. I killed three of my uncles, i was turning into a monster already, i tried to take control but he was not done yet, to the asshole surprise he was the only one left, no one else just the two of us, he decided to make his death dramatic, he grabbed him by his neck hold it very tight that he could barely breathe, I had not noticed that I was very strong to lift him up with his neck, he was in pain as he tried to gain his breath beating my hand as he choking, his eye slowly turned red, at of the beast could do by this time, either as him why he wanted to kill us? Or why he killed my parents? He just steered into his eyes as he watched him choke, his hands stopped tapping me and suddenly dropped. Then the sun came up, the beast hid immediately pushing me out, I was too weak to stand so I fell.