
Chapter 1: Peaceful life

Raixa woke up from her bed and looked outside the window. She could see that it was already morning but she still felt like sleeping. Last night she had gone to bed very late. There was a party at the village square which ended late as a result she hadn't gotten enough sleep. All she wanted to do was to lie down and sleep some more. However just as she laid on the bed and closed her eyes she felt a pillow hit her then she heard her sisters voice

"Wake up you sleepyhead it's already morning soon it will be boo"Elise her older sister scolded at her but rather than wake up she took the pillow and covered her head with it but Elise was having none of it. She moved out of the room and returned with a cup of water which she poured on her causing her to wake up abruptly

"What was that for?" Raixa asked as she rubbed her face to get water of it. Her sister could be so annoying at times. Why couldn't she let her have a little bit of sleep?

"Mom said she's out of yarn. You better get up and get some wool spun before mom returns from the market " Elise said. Raixa got down from the bed, picked up her towel and began heading outside

"Don't worry about the yarn. I spun some three days ago , it's in the cupboard where mom keeps her supplies" With those words Raixa made her way to the stream where she usually took her bath. It was secluded for girls only The one meant for men was at the other end of the village

When she got to the stream she was happy to see her two best friends Tressa and LinLin already there. Tressa was already in the stream taking her bath while LinLin was seated by the stream washing her clothes. Raixa folded her towel placed it on a stone and undressed. Then she took a dip in the water and went right under before surfacing again

"Hey Raixa what are your plans for today?" LinLin asked when she returned to the surface and Raixa shook her head indicating she had none.Her life was always so peaceful since she was born.Her father was a fisherman. Every day he would set out very early to catch some fish which he would take to the market where he and his wife sold them. After market he would go to the bakery owned by Mr Townsend and her mother would return and weave clothes which they sold

"Girls I heard of a rumor that the king is holding a huge festival these year for halo and everyone is invited" Tressa said as she stepped out of the water and began drying herself up with her towel. She sounded really excited and Raixa couldn't blame her. Tressa had been born in the castle where her mother had been working as a maid before she passed away and her father ran away with her. She had always dreamt of seeing the palace

"Wouldn't that be strange. I much as I know the king isn't that kind towards peasants especially humans"Raixa reasonned.

"Well maybe he had a change of heart. Who knows"

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❤️ nashty

Nashty_Da_Rosacreators' thoughts