

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"Wow! whoever took these pictures from under the water was a professional!" Swinging on a small uncomfortable seat, Suxes flattered.

"That's my home," Kevin cheerfully double tapped on Suxes' shoulder as he stated.

On a deaf ear, Suxes continuned to view the photos. He had convinced himself that kevin had a mental problem according to the words he barbarically spoke.

Suxes opened another folder in which he landed on under water videos. Species like Zebra fish, octopuses, sharks and many others where seen living a wonderful life. Quietly, Kevin watched from behind Suxes and a smile quirked corners of his mouth in sheer bliss.

"This is so beautiful to the eyes!" Calmly stated Suxes in an appreciative tone.

It was high time Suxes, after satisfying his eyes with the content on the hard disk, to eject it. As he was closing the folders for safe eject, unwittingly a picture showing a deep water rock displayed and within the picture was a human, who appeared to have been snapped accidentally from a distance.

"Wait!" Suxes said eagerly, with a keen eye.

Intrigued, Suxes, as a contemporary person, zoomed through to observe the face in the picture clearly. To his amusement, clearly seen was a face of a beautiful young lady who had no oxygen support to assist her breathe under such deep waters. Further more to his shock, the young lady in the picture had a fish tail instead of human legs. 

"Wait! Oh, no! This is impossible!" Exclaimed in shock, Suxes.

"Oh, yes! That's my mother right there! I can't believe she was as beautiful and young as Pinky. We are going to talk about it when I get back home." In an amused voice, Kevin said.

"Who is Pinky?" Suxes asked as he still wondered over the picture on the computer screen.

"My human friend..." Kevin smiled shyly in a reply.

"But how is this possible?!" Mumbling in denial, Suxes keenly questioned the picture. "So Unbelievable!"

"Mermaids are creatures of the myth!" Suxes slowly turned his curious eyes at Kevin from down his barefoot to the head.

With the shocking evidence on the computer screen, goosebumps displayed on Suxes' skin. Intrigued, as he looked keenly at Kevin, Suxes started to accept that all along what he thought was a person with a mental problem is actually a creature from a different world.

Humbly, after all his excitement had gone out of the window, slowly Suxes turned his eyes back on the computer screen and carefully began to open more folders. But this moment on quietly.

Among the folders Suxes opened was one named 'Sean Moore and Gang Du', which contained pictures of two happy men sharing blissful moments on a yatch. In some photos one of the two men was dressed in a frogman attire coming out of the water, and in some photos was a beer moment between the two men as they smiled peacefully.

"I think one of the two is my father", solicitously Kevin said behind Suxes were he was standing.

"Yes..." Suxes replied in a very frozen voice.

"We will need an internet connection to search about Sean Moore!" Suxes mumbled.

Kevin: "Excuse me!" 

Suxes: "Never mind."

Capricon city airport:

A private jet landed safely. The bodyguard, secretary Jamila and Babara Yen walked out respectively. Right after the plane stairs, two executive black cars, a sedan and SUV with drivers waited. As soon as Babara Yen and her team comfortably sat, smoothly the SUV followed behind a sedan.

On the smooth tarmac roads of Capricon city that night, both cars ran upto the lake harbor which was flocked by mediocre boats. From a distance, a young gentleman watched the cars coming. Not so long, the two black cars arrived and parked right opposite where the young man was standing. 

Immediately after parking, the young man walked quickly and pulled open the sedan rear door. Babara Yen honourably stepped out.

"Am so glad to see you Babara Yen," delightfully the young man spoke with a warm smile.

"Are you Felix?" Babara Yen asked calmly and the young man, same age bracket with her, replied yes.

Immediately, from the SUV, secretary Jamila and the bodyguard were already out.Quickly they joined their boss Babara Yen as Felix led the way onto a speed boat, which left wakes at the shoreline as it shot off.

Babara Yen, a reserved and serious young lady with a few words, quietly felt the lake breeze while the speedboat ran. After a while, almost in the middle of the lake was an enormous ultraexpensive ship which was marked with words, 'FRANKLIN BARON SHIP', and under it the speedboat entered.

On this luxurious ship, gunmen where alert almost in every corner necessary and tight was the security.

Felix, a young brother to a multimillionare grown up man named Franklin Baron, had his assignment to lead Babara Yen and her team accomplished so, he stepped a side immediately his elder brother showed up to recieve the visitors.

"There comes the big boss Franklin Baron," whispered secretary Jamila to Babara, who seemed not to know Franklin Baron's face.

A white-bearded healthy looking aged gentleman, dressed in a three piece cream suit, guarded by two huge bouncers on both his left and right hand sides, gently walked towards the guests with a glass of whisky in his left hand, and puffing on big cigar in his mouth.

"look who I have tonight!" Displaying a very welcoming smile on his cheeks, Franklin Baron spoke with his eyes on Babara Yen.

"I've heard a lot about you from my mother," with a pretty smile, Babara Yen responded.

With a sigh of a hand, Franklin Baron politely asked Babara Yen to walk along with him, which Babara willingly did.

As Babara Yen joined Franklin Baron in a walk, her team of two also followed from behind. Perfecting her job as a secretary, Jamila never wanted to miss any minute in the business meeting so, she kept listening to the conversation between her boss and Franklin Baron.

Franklin: "Oh, that wonderful woman! How's she doing?"

Babara: "My mother is beautiful as always."

Franklin: "No doubt she has raised you into a very beautiful lady you're!"

Babara Yen: "That's a compliment."

Franklin: "Just to celebrate all the birthdays never attended, am popping a bottle of champagne for you! How do you like that?"

Babara: "I don't think that's necessary... me and my team have other business meetings to attend, but thanks anyway, am pleased!"

Franklin: "To refuse my offer is not polite Babara, think about it; and I have a gift for you, hope you'll like it!"

Babara: "So, since you convinced my mother to work with you again, hope you're aware that when a new leader comes on board, obviously something automatically change!"

Franklin: "Don't you think it's better we sit somewhere nice and discuss comfortably?"

Babara Yen, it being her first time to meet Franklin Baron face to face, and in his own place (ship), she had to behave as a visitor. Besides, Franklin Baron was as a father to Babara according to his age and the history he had with her mother.

'PRIVATE LOUNGE', Were the readings up on the steel door which was guarded by two huge bouncers besides the two who walked on Franklin Baron's guard.

Immediately the Franklin Baron showed up, one of the two bouncers on private lounge security pulled the door open for the boss to enter together with a guest Babara Yen.

As a gentleman, Franklin Baron paved way for Babara to enter before him. Secretary Jamila and Babara Yen's bodyguard were stopped from following behind their boss, an act they didn't take seriously, not until Franklin Baron, followed by his bouncers entered and the private lounge door was pushed closed.

Inside the mind blowing lounge, which was all designed with modern ambiance lighting and comfortable seats, Babara Yen looked anxious when she turned and didn't see her team inside with her.

In a paradise of its own, a private lounge with luxury setups and beautiful music in the area playing, Franklin Baron asked his guest Babara Yen to comfortably have a seat, glancing guiltily while he assured her the colleagues chose to stay behind and will be well taken care of.

Something which Babara didn't buy on her doubtful face.

"My secretary can't stay behind without my word," on a serious note, Babara told Franklin Baron, looking at all of them.

"Calm down okay! am going to call them inside.. make yourself comfortable," guaranteed Franklin Baron, as he assisted Babara down on a coach as a gentleman.

After sitting uncomfortably anxious, "please call my secretary inside!" Babara demanded.

"You've grown into a very beautiful lady!" passing fingers on Babara's thigh, Franklin Baron complimented her again.

With irritated eyes against an indignity treatment from the man who was more likely to be her father, Babara, in silence, stood up abruptly and walked towards the exit door.

As if it was already planned about, one of Franklin's bouncers went before Babara, grabbed her ruthlessly, disregarding her feelings and carried her back on the couch where his boss Franklin Baron was.

"What do you think you're doing you morons?" In her feminine strength, weak enough to loose against three musculines which included two bouncers, Babara tried to defend herself.

As Babara tried to prevent the harassment, a heavy slap from Franklin Baron landed on her right cheek. Immediately he jumped on top of Babara and pulled the dress partially torn off her innocent body.. with the help of one of his bouncers who held strongly both Babara's hands.

Outside the lounge, secretary Jamila and the bodyguard stood, confounded about the sudden unfair treatment sometging they least expected. As secretary Jamila, on top of her voice, was still asking the mindless bouncers why closed outside, from behind approached gunmen.

"Move!" Commanded a gunman who pushed the bodyguard rudely with an apex of a gun.

Felix, as he was busily enjoyed a cigarette standing in a distance with bikini young ladies, unexpectedly he saw secretary Jamila and Babara's bodyguard walking on a gun point. Anxiously, he rushed to find out why.

"Non of your business!" Was the answer Felix got when he asked the bitter gunmen, as they continued with their unwavering actions.

"Shut up!" Another gunman barked rudely at secretary Jamila when she tried opening her mouth to talk to Felix.

Curiously puzzled, Felix hurried to meet his brother Franklin Baron and perhaps find out from him the reason for their high profile visitors to face a gun.

Just like a tyrant, after stripping Babara Yen half naked, grown-up Franklin Baron forced himself in-between her thys and began to rape her mercilessly with the help of his two body builded bouncers, who were laughingly entertained.

Helplessly in pain, innocent Babara Yen screamed out loud, begging them to stop.

As Franklin Baron continued with such a shameless act, Babara Yen's cells started deviating from normal inside the body due to an abnormal heart beat which was a result of fear.

Abruptly, Babara's soft skin roughened and dark veins marked all over it. Her beautifully white eyes suddenly turned dark and on the upper jaw grew long whiskers. The adorable manicure on her finger nails faded away as they sharpened out longer enough to tear.

As Babara continuously screamed in pain, the bouncer holding her hands casually noticed her exposed canines sharpening out. Fearfully freaked, stutteringly opening his mouth to alert Franklin Baron, Babara grabbed him by the neck with one powerful hand before his words came out clearly. And just like an empty plastic can, he was thrown.

"W..w.. what the hell are you?" Cried horror struck, Franklin Baron, as he panicked out of Babara's thighs, endeavoring to pull his dropped pants up.

In a swing of a hand the second bouncer's head was separated from his neck when Franklin Baron is watching. Babara began to grow thrice as huge than a well built human being and suddenly, she transformed into an enormous winged creature, the vampire bat.

Like a flash, the creature Babara grabbed and crashed Franklin Baron through glass tables all around the lounge upto against the wall. It opened its deadly Jaws and before Franklin Baron shouted out his last breath, Babara Yen's teeth were already cutting his neck vessel.

Babara Yen the vampire bat sucked Franklin Baron's blood completely dry out of his body and threw the useless carcass away, down in broken furniture.

On a gun point, secretary Jamila and their personal bodyguard were ordered to get on a speed boat. Obediently and hesitantly, both jumped on the speedboat.

"Now choose between saving your foolish lives and staying", arrogantly, a mindless gunman told them.

Anxiously, the personal bodyguard ignited the engine and cruised out of the ship, Leaving the gunmen watching them closely.

"My boss!" Exclaimed secretary Jamila on a very worried face as the boat ran.

"Stop! You need to do something!" Hitting and pulling the bodyguard's coat restlessly, tears came out of secretary Jamila's eyes.

"Unless you want to die carelessly, we can't risk going back without a clear plan!" The bodyguard spoke cautiously as he stopped the engine.

"It's your duty to protect her with your life and not excuses! Do something!" Bitterly confounded, secretary Jamila demanded.

"Can you just let me think! Security doesn't mean acting reckless with my own life!" In a polite tone of voice, the bodyguard said looking straight in Jamila's eyes.

"How am I going to explain to her mother?" Carrying hands on the head as she cried out loud in question, secretary Jamila staring at the ship in a distance.

"That bustard Franklin Baron", stressfully she cursed, "deserves to live in hell!"

With his eyes on sailing ultraexpensive ship left far in a distance, the bodyguard stood speechlessly in thoughts.

A deadly killer babara Yen walked fearlessly like a lion in its territory inside the messed lounge. On the side it saw the first bouncer to face its wrath fighting for his life down of the floor. Mercilessly with a wipe of a single claw, his life was teared out of his body.

"Instructions say no one is allowed inside!" Outside the lounge, in a deep voice, one of the two bouncers guarding on the entrance door told Felix, posing stubbornly at ease.

Since Felix knew the rules and had total respect for his elder brother, he got caught up in the situation. But quickly, he figured out an excuse to convince the bouncers in order to get access to him by all means.

Felix: "This phone call is very important, he must recieve it!"

Bouncer: "We follow instructions, thats why we recieve a good pay check!"

Felix: "Alright, howabout you talk to any of your colleagues inside, because your boss is not answering his phone!"

Bouncer: "Hey guys! Hello! Anyone hearing? Hello! Someone talk to me in there!" (On a radio call).

Felix: "Can we quite waisting time and do the needful?! If no one is responding and I can't go in there, why don't one of you go in there and tell my brother I need to see him urgently!"

Unwilling to abide, with the little respect they showed Felix as their big boss' young brother, a bouncer winked at a colleague. With a hesitant hand, a colleague pulled the thick sound proof door slightly open. As he tuned his merged body absentmindedly and took a step inside, abruptly his head dropped down and rolled upto Felix's shoe.

"Wait!!" Stated Felix immediately he saw the head, lifting his perturbed looking eyes hastily into the direction the head came from.

Suddenly the remaining part of the body fell right infront of him. Screaming madly on top of his voice, terrified Felix turned and ran so timid. Everywhere he passed running, the gunman who saw him wondered what exactly was chasing him to run screaming madly.

Curiously, a number of gunmen were forced to quickly leave their locations on the ship, and come check out for security purposes.

Mystified, with his eyes on a headless dead colleague laying on the floor, the remaining bouncer courageously grabbed the door handle. As he pulled the door widely open, a strike force from inside plucked it out and terribly the door hit him down.

Babara Yen the enormous vampire bat now flies out of the private lounge like a dragon, but accidentally in the face of arrived good numbers of gunmen who starts firing at it.

Angrily, the deadly creature which moved on a hyper speed attacked and killed whoever appeared in its target that night on the ship.

From gunmen who were shooting bullets at it to service personnels who curiously came out on hearing bullets.

A number of bikini young ladies who stood up to and started running fearfully in panic on the swimming pool side were also attacked and killed mercilessly by the vampire bat.

Franklin Baron's rich friends who came out from the ship shelters, worriedly wondering what was taking place, were not spared by the killer creature; Babara Yen.

It was a ship massacre.

Frozen island:

As the massacre went on, Jelly Spatters, on the throne where he relaxed witnessed it like flash images in his head.

"Oh, no..!" he screamed painfully while the terrific flash images continued to appear in his head.

Over the ship, an enormous vampire bat Babara Yen made rounds. Aggressively, the flying mammal monitored as it looked out for any unnecessary movements on the ship. Contentedly, with no threat detected except spilled blood and dead bodies, it found itself a perfect spot at the highest peak of the ship where it rested.