

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


The situation was now critical to the vampires which had attacked Monica Ye. They were stuck, trying to figure out how to deal with the young dude's super natural powers.

"Don't spare his life too!" heavyheartedly, Jelly Spatters ordered the ten subordinates.

Immediately all the vampires started transforming from their human form into bat form which granted them more flexibility in flying, speed and made their bodies appear ten times huge.

Kevin Moore told Monica Yen not to transform for it was going to be difficult for him to differentiate between her and them since in the bat form they all appeared similar.

"Just stick right by my side," he asked her. Blue radiations began flaming from his hands in form of waves.

Enormous vampire bats attacked all at once to take strike action.

Babara Yen:

Since Babara Yen can not move during day time, that very night when her mother and Kevin Moore are struggling in a fight against vampires to stay alive, she appears at Pinky's house.

Carefully she observes the area and sees two cameras up at both sides of the fence, next to the long gate. She walks eagerly towards the gate and presses the bell.

Back to the battle ground, Monica Yen's transformed only her hands into weapons. Long, sharp and strong claws on long hairly hands which she used to cause serious injuries to the ruthless vampire bats whenever she struck a blow.

The flash like speed, flying during attacks and strikes was the order of fighting between Monica Yen and the rest of the vampire bats in the middle of a high way.

Each vampire bat that landed on Kevin Moore's fist fell far a distance and abruptly got back into the human form down on the ground. However they never caught fire this time round.

Jelly Spatters noticed that whenever they attacked the young man with in their bat form, his blows couldn't harm them to a greater extent compared to when they attack in human form where they catch flames.

He immediately advised the vampires in a loud voice not to make a mistake of attacking the young man in their human form which they all picked in the middle of the fight and it resumed.

Kevin Moore was energetic and observant and his body was not easily injured. Whenever more than one vampires attacked him, they struck and caused damages on his body which with in a second the wounds healed.

Since Monica Yen was more energetic and speedy than the other vampire bats as a Dirty Dracula vampire, it was easy for her to fight against them here by in many attacks she injured them.

But they could also heal from the injuries and flew towards her again to fight. The fight was serious and destructive. Some areas of the road got damages which required repair.

Jelly Spatters observed that he is the only one who can challenge Monica Yen down according to her skills since they shared the same ancestral background. In his human shape he attacked her mercilessly.

Strongly, he struck her and before she landed down on the rough grounds by the blow, another blow had already hit her face seriously which threw her a distance.

Babara Yen:

At Pinky's house, one of the hired security personnels respond to the bell after hearing it ring. In the camera he sees Babara Yen who he mistakes to be Pinky, one of the bosses of the house.

Quickly he harries up along the house compound to get the gate. The security personnel wonders why she has decided to return home by herself and not with the driver and her father Jonathan.

Babara Yen impersonating Pinky, boldly tells him that her father had to represent her somewhere to meet some of her fashion clients and so she had nothing to worry about coming back home in a cab.

Due to the identical physical appearance by these twins, the security personnel gets convinced by Babara Yen and even accompanies her on the compound upto the front door which enters the house.

Babara's intentions for visiting Pinky's home in her absentia are not yet known. Before she grabs the door handle to step inside the house, she checks on time which indicates midnight sharp.

Then she confidently raises up her hand and pushes the door open. She slowly closes the door and starts to walk everywhere in the house, looking at different mènage.

She climbs stairs slowly to head up on the next floor. Like a robber in the night she moves in silence, goes on to open doors to different rooms which are well organized with beds but seems no one sleeps in them.

Another room she opens carefully are two people in deep sleep on a double bed, covered so well in bed covers. She walks gently towards them and takes a close look at their faces which are non other than Jonathan's parents.

Without making any unnecessary noise, Babara Yen walks out of their room and sees another door which is separate on the side. She walks towards it and slowly opens.

After entering inside, she closes the door and easily traces where the switch to the lights on the wall is, and turns it on to see. It is a bedroom with pink decorations everywhere.

"So, this is her!" Babara Yen speaks in a whisper.

She begins to loiter around Pinky's bedroom as if it is hers. Infront of the make-up mirrior Babara sits and goes on to design her face with Pinky's makeup.

Vampires and Kevin:

Kevin Moore saw Monica facing it rough from the man who lead these creatures, but he was already in serious combat with several enormous bats which couldn't allow him rest.

However, when Kevin Moore noticed that the creatures he is fighting are more stronger whenever they attacked as a group in their bat form, he got an idea he set himself.

When he got his blue flame fist on one bat, he knew it was going to fall distant and suddenly the energy transforms it into human form so, he struck it with the right and held it with the left arm not to drift away.

In his hand the enormous bat turned into human and this was non other than the only female vampire on the team, the one that had come to take revenge for her girlfriend's death.

Jelly Spatters had Monica Yen in his hands, preparing to strike her with a life ruinous fist.

Kevin Moore yelled, "If you don't stop am not sparing her life!" as he held her as a hostage after noticing that these vampire's greatest pain was to loose a colleague.

And for another female's life to go, Jelly Spatters was not ready to see it happen so, he ordered all the vampire bats to stand back from attacking and threw Monica Yen right infront of Kevin.

"You're not a human being... we're going to deal with you," bitterly frowning his face, in a rough and frightening voice Jelly Spatters told Kevin Moore.

Backwards with the female vampire in its human form held as a hostage, Kevin Moore moved to where Monica Yen was laying. He supported her to stand up.

"Go to my car!" Kevin Moore instructed Monica Yen.

She walked unsteadily upto the super car and entered in the passenger's. Kevin came quickly holding the hostage and sat her on Monica's laps.

"Seize her!" he ordered Monica. From a distance the rest of the vampires right from Jelly Spatters were watching.

"Relax they won't harm her!" Jelly Spatters told the anxious subordinates who never wanted to allow their colleague to be taken away.

"If you happen to make any stupid decisions you won't survive!" Kevin warned the female vampire which was seated on Monica Yen's laps in the super car.

He started the engine and 'boom' he a hyper speed the car accelerated out of the area, leaving Jelly Spatters with his team with hurts and angers in their minds.

Babara Yen:

After looking so beautiful with Pinky's makeup on her face, Babara Yen, stands up and continues to observe more. On the bed side is a box of sweets with words 'barbie candies' in capital letters.

The pink candy box catches her attention. She walks to it, picks a sweet, opens it and gently puts it into her mouth. She closes her eyes when the candy begins to melt into her mouth.

"So tasty!" she exclaims in delight.

Babara Yen begins to get so comfortable as if she is in her own bedroom. She lays on Pinky's bed trying on different sleeping angles in all directions. She doesn't stop here.

In her closet she enters and begin to try on several clothes whereby all of them can fit her so well. She continues to the bathroom where she finds a beautiful pink bathtub.

Without water she gets in. On the side are different shower gels which she opens one by one and smells their fragrance in the bathtub where she's laying.

"My sister knows classy things", Babara Yen compliments Pinky on her choice of households.

As Babara Yen is doing whatever she wants inside Pinky's bedroom, but outside the bedroom two feet stand. They take a few steps back and stop exactly at the door.

"So, they returned and never even bothered to check on me! Gosh! How heartless they have behaved this time!!" Grandaunt complains after seeing the lights under the door coming from Pinky's bedroom.

In a little voice she cursed.

Grandaunt couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, she decided to knock on the door. Inside, Babara heard. She jumped out of the bathtub and walked so fast to the door.

Never did she open but instead, leaned against the wall right opposite and relaxed. Three times in a row, grandaunt knocked and she wasn't opened for.

She aimed for the fourth time but before the knock reached the door to create a sound, she thought it through and suddenly she had to put her hand down.

Slowly, grandaunt walked away from the door so sad. In all this, Babara was just at the opposite side not at all on pressure listening.

When she confirmed that whoever was knocking had gone, she walked to the bed side right to the candies and picked a few from the box. Time check was now two am.

With a few candies in hand Babara went and opened the bedroom door to leave. On the stairs she sloped down. She heard a female voice talking when she got downstairs.

She moved closer to were the voice was to listen to the words. This was grandaunt complaining joyless on how her number one friend can refuse to see her.

Babara Yen stood and relaxed in a hide and went on to listen to the ground up lady shading serious tears while she complained loudly about the unbelievable truth of betrayal.

"My own granddaughter!" she cried, "couldn't be you Pinky to sleep without telling me goodnight." Grandaunt sniffed and whined disappointedly.

As a grown up, the reason behind her waking up at night was to take two tablets of medication as it was her daily routine.

She opened the plastic container, picked them out and swallow with a glass of milk she had already set infront of her. She cried again after swallowing the tablets.

Babara Yen smiled where she was after listening to a lazy reason which was making the grown up lady cry. Well knowing that she was the exact copy of Pinky, Babara came out from the hide.

"You shouldn't be crying like this or else you'll catch a headache," Babara Yen cautioned from behind her.

"I thought you were not going to see me before you go to bed...," grandaunt turned around with a complaint, " you've never done such a thing even when we were still in slums."

While grandaunt was still speaking, Babara Yen behaved in a strange way and suddenly changed her conduct. As a vampire, her listening skills were highly advanced to those of a normal human.

"Excuse me for three minutes", Babara asked and turned around to walk on.

"Whats wrong with you right now?" Grandaunt asked wondering. "come back here Pinky, you can't just walk out of your grandaunt when she's still raising her complaints!"

"Alright grandaunt, just stay here and wait for me... Okay!" Babara Yen turned around and spoke seriously. Grandaunt looked so confounded at her.

Babara noticed her voice had come out a bit rude and she adjusted, not to scare or make grandaunt feel out of place; "Listen, you can't go to bed before I wish you a goodnight!"

Outside the house gate, an exective sedan black in colour arrived. Babara Yen had already sensed it inside the house where she was. The gate automatically opened up for the car to enter inside.

She walked out of grandaunt's sight. In the car was Pinky, Jonathan and the driver who was driving the car. When it parked, they stepped out.

Since the security personnel knew the car, never did he bother to pay detailed attention. All his focus was at the gate, making sure it closed safely.

"Grandaunt!" Pinky called suspiciously after getting inside the house which was bright with lights on like someone was awake.

"This is the time she's woken up by the alarm to take her medication", Pinky said to her father Jonathan.

"Could she have gone back to her room and forgot them on?!" Jonathan talked inquisitively.

"Grandaunt I am back!" Pinky called the second time while she walked towards the direction of the refrigerator where grandaunt was expected to be.

Grandaunt gently walked out from where she was. Pinky walked innocently and gave her a hug like she had always done.

"We thought you had forgotten lights on and went back to your bedroom," she said to her.

Gazing puzzled, grandaunt was. She looked at Pinky like she was looking at total stranger. At the back of her mind she thought her granddaughter was a good pretender.

"Have you finished with taking your medicine?" Pinky asked freely in comfort and care.

"Goodnight to both of you," since Jonathan was already used to the way Pinky and grandaunt cared for each other, he wished them and got on his way upstairs to rest.

Grandaunt wasn't saying anything in response instead she kept on a confused face. In her hands she had an empty used glass. Pinky got it from her and took it to where it was supposed to be kept.

"About this party grandaunt, you can't believe my father managed to negotiate two successful deals with famous

fashion companies just like a professional and a heavy amount was signed in a contract," Pinky jazzed her.

She continued to reveal to her all news possible while they walked upstairs, freely as she always do everytime she got back home from a party or business deals because she's a celebrity.

However, grandaunt's response was not lively at all. She listened but in silence. Pinky escorted gently upto when she entered into her bedroom.

"Am not coming inside this time because am so tired... I think right now father is already snoring", Pinky spoke and said in harmony, "until tomorrow, goodnight!"

Inside the bedroom immediately after her granddaughter had left, grandaunt stood with a frowned face, in a heap of thoughts. She looked so confused, wondering from when her granddaughter began playing games like this!

She relaxed and climbed her bed, covered well in bedsheets and aimed on her right hand side to switch of the lights in the room, then she put her head down to sleep off.

Downstairs Pinky was, making sure all lights are turned off. After switching them off, she climbed the stairs to go to her bedroom so that she can also have some rest those late hours.

On her bedroom door she approached. Under the door it showed clearly that her bedroom light was on but due to the fact that she was very exhausted, she didn't notice.


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