

Capricon city is one of it's kind _ a city of humans where the wealthiest comfortably manage life. This city later on becomes a war zone for creatures from different worlds when fate lands them in it. Kevin Moore, half a merman half a human, grows up with a single mother Meg, the mermaid, in the middle of black sea. Eventually, when Kevin becomes an adult, he badly wants to find out about his father. Monica Yen, a wealthy lady from the Vampire bat lineage marries Jonathan, a human. Monica gives birth to physically identical twin daughters but genetically different. Babara is a pure vampire with her mother's DNA and Pinky is purely a human with her father's DNA. Chaos rains on Capricon city when Kevin Moore falls in love with Pinky from slum sides, and when he visits the heart of the city and cross paths with Babara, he goes ahead to steal her heart too when he confesses deep love for her, thinking she is Pinky. Now, the battle between two blood sisters over a man sparks, and it remains for Kevin Moore, their boyfriend and Monica Yen, their mother, to resolve. However, Monica Yen has yet another an unfinished business with the leader of the vampire realm, Jelly Spatters, who wants to end her life and Babara's life. How is Kevin Moore, a young man with black sea magical strength and superpowers, going to deal with hard knock life in a foreign world, including the system he completely knows nothing about? #merman #Humans #Vampires

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Curiosity killed a cat. Everyone who saw Felix hectically running and screaming wondered. Fleet-footedly, careful though, they hurried themselves to the direction where he was coming from to check, including a number of gunmen as they left their stations anxiously.

Mystified, with his eyes on an unconscious colleague of his laying down on the floor, the remaining bouncer courageously walked towards the door and grabbed its handle. As he pulled it to open widely, a striking force from inside hit and plucked it out, and terribly the door hit him down.

Suddenly, an enormous vampire bat rocketed out of the private lounge, up in the skies. On a sudden eye sight, startledly the gunmen had no idea what it was that nearly collided with their heads at such a terrible speed. Puzzledly, they traced it's way abouts up in the evening skies and, "damn" they saw it wandering around at a terrible speed, "their it is!"

"What the hell is that!" Gunmen started firing bullets at it.

Much as the bullets were so painful, they couldn't cause any serious injuries to its thick skin. You could hear the anger in its deep voice when it roared. Shooting at it happened to be the worst mistake that costed these people's lives. The vampire bat began to attack them one after the other, crushing them like a falcon bird crushes its prey.

Unmercifully, whoever appeared in target that hell of an evening on FRANKLIN BARON, the ship, never survived Babara Yen's wicked version of life.

From gunmen who seriously shot bullets at it in the air as if they were in a battlefield shooting down a fighter jet, to servants who curiously hurried out on hearing bullets, the vampire bat didn't spare anyone who appeared in its sight. At a terrible speed it swept them dead mercilessly using its deadly claws.

The nine bikini young ladies' case was not at all different from anyone else who was in the open outside the ship. As they rushed frightfully to vacate the swimming pool areas when the chaos started, they appeared to the vampire bat as a threat.

Just like an eagle picks its prey from the ground, some were picked, taken to higher heights and smashed down to the ground like a glass on the brick. Others were terribly clawed life out. Non of them survived the tragedy.

A few friends of Franklin Baron who never missed life of the party worriedly hurried outside from their ship shelters on hearing back to back bullets, curiously to feed their eyes with what was going on. Only to expose themselves in target of an angered destroyer. As they lift their faces up in space to watch clearly who the enemy being shot at was, they were picked from the ground and destroyed by the angry vampire bat, Babara Yen.

It was a ship massacre.

Frozen island:

In the midst of the ship massacre which was happening on ocean waters in Capricon city, Jelly Spatters, on his precious throne where he relaxed eyes closed witnessed how the terrible tragedy went, in form of flash images which ran in his head. He suddenly opened his eyes and sat upright.

"Oh, no..!" he screamed painfully while the terrific flash images ceaselessly appeared in his head.

As the supreme leader of the vampire realm, his unintended envision of major positives and negatives which happened in the future of vampires was doubtlessly accurate because he was a grandchild from the great Drity Dracula lineage, well known for their unequaled ability to visualise what is coming ahead in the future, a talent which other vampires never had.

However, after him knowing that Monica Yen and her vampire bat child Babara Yen were at a certain point in life going to break the rules governing the vampire kingdom, he addressed the issue perfectly to hundreds of thousands of his subordinates, but there was more important information to reveal that he chose to keep to himself.

Jelly Spatters also envisaged Monica Yen at a certain point in life taking over the precious throne and becoming the new adorable supreme leader of the vampire kingdom. He accurately visualises himself ruthlessly being killed by Monica Yen herself using the ancestral colourless liquid; Red Venom Potion, in the presence of tens of thousands of vampires cheering in full support of his death.

"Jelly must dies, Jelly must die, Jelly must dies...." continously the united voices of a crowd of tens of thousands of vampires sing.

Jelly Spatters knew that he was not the only remaining descendant in the Dirty Dracula lineage like he made every other vampire alive believe. He clearly knew it from when Monica Yen was young that out there in the human cities lived a vampire which shared a pure blood of the Dirty Dracula lineage just like him.

He kept it a secret from all other vampires for a long time while he waited for the perfect time when he could get a supported reason for killing a fellow vampire and he reveals that in disguise because, killing a member of your own species in the vampire realm without a serious cause was prohibited. It was heavily punishable by death.

As rules set by the vampire ancestors clearly stipulated, the punishment of death to any deserving vampire criminal was to be served infront of every member to witness. However, Jelly Spatters deliberately violated the rules to safeguard himself from the agonies of his destiny the future dictated of him. He wanted to put an end to it at an earlier stage before it happened.

Intentionally, Jelly Spatters wished aggressively Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen to die in the human cities, far away from all other vampires so that their true origin was not disclosed.

Back to the ship in Capricon city, within the upper atmosphere the enormous vampire bat made rounds. Firing bullets were no more because all gunmen were dead. Keenly, from the skies it monitored the ship on the outside. The vampire bat looked out for any unnecessary movements and contentedly, after detecting no threat, it found itself a perfect spot at the highest peak on the ship where it tiredly rested.

The skies were very dark. Neither was there a moon nor stars to light on the ocean waters that night. On the outside of an ultraexpensive ship were fascinating lights which brightened up the whole area. Clearly seen was spilled blood and dead bodies everywhere on deck. It was a very silent night.

Inside the ship, within the private lounge where all chaos started was a private office room. In the office was a stunningly dressed young lady named Tsunami in an orange colour designed bikini outfit. She was dancing drunk to loud music from the headphones on her head with a big bottle of liquor, almost empty in the hand.

Infront of a wide wall mirror within the office room, Tsunami made drunkard dance moves. Stress free, she enjoyed her own company. As she was dancing, she noticed her liquor was almost getting finished. Exhaustedly, Tsunami sipped the remaining portion to the last drop and dizzily placed the empty bottle on the nearby table.

After hourslong drunk, she could barely walk. Blasted, Tsunami walked on unstead gait and grabbed the door handle. She pulled it open to find her way out of the private office. As she came out into the lounge which she did not know was messy, accidentally her foot collided with an obstacle and she fell down.

"Arrrrrrrr..!" On top of her voice Tsunami suddenly alarmed sharply.

She was terribly horrified.

On a decapitated victim, one of Franklin Baron's merged bouncers Tsunami landed. As she panicked to crawl away from the body, her hand slipped. Looking at the palm, blood was all over it. At that moment all the booze which had dominated her consciousness disappeared.

Fearfully in panick, Tsunami kept sliding back down on the bloody slippery floor as she struggled to get up on her feet. She looked at the exit which didn't have a door in it by that time. Fighting harder to get up, finally she was on her feet. She maneuvered horrendously her way through the messy lounge.

It was not over yet.

As she horrendously maneuvered through upside-down messed chairs and tables including pieces of broken glasses towards the exit, unpreparedly Tsunami saw Franklin Baron's body laying dead through the entrance outside.

Horror-struck, Tsunami fainted in a shock.

Through the corridors inside the gigantic ship on another side, in one of the lavatories the door opened. From inside the lavatory, innocently walked out a young man who was smartly dressed in the ship servants' uniform. He was one of the attendants on the ship.

"I like your working spirit."

With a friendly smile, the young servant uttered a compliment as he walked towards the bathroom sink water taps to wash his hands.

On the side was a grown-up man, a janitor who was busy moping the bathroom floor. Nearly old in his appearance, the janitor stood up straight with his long stick mopper in hands and smiled. He replied, "thank you!" To the young man.

"By the way, Chefs today cooked something special for servants' dinner, I suggest you don't take too long to join because some of us out there... have really a big appetite", warm-heartedly, after washing his hands clean, the servant invited the janitor for dinner.

As the young man walked out, the janitor happily continued with his work, squeezing the rag on the floor to wipe it clean.

Through the ship corridor smartly the young servant walked back to performing his duties. Along the way, he came across a trolley filled with already used utensils including leftovers. The utensils were perhaps from one of the executive rooms on the ship. He pushed the trolley and moved along with it.

As the he reached a certain door, he aimed at pulling it open, which he did. He pushed the trolley a few steps through the open door. Inside, he sensed a sticky substance underneath his shoe. Smartly, the young man lifted the leg to check what was inconveniencing his smooth walk on a marble floor.


The young servant suspected when he saw a red substance.

Intrigued, the he spaced himself a lit bit from the trolley and looked down on the floor to see where he might have stepped into the ketchup. To his wonder, it was not a just a simple ketchup drop on the floor like he thought but rather, a pool of a red sticky liquid, obviously showing to have come from the opposite room under the door.

Curiously, the young servant was forced to leave the trolley behind, just a little bit. He aimed to check out for the source of such a vast red liquid in the opposite room. Carefully, he held the handle and pushed the door open. Suddenly, shocked by what he saw, the young man widened his eyes unbelievably.

Fleet-footed, he dropped down on his knees and here, one of his colleagues dressed in the same uniform as his, a fellow young man, was laying in what he confirmed doubtlessly to be blood which had come out of him.

"Larry... Larry!" Larry's chest was ripped deeply with a huge single claw.

"What has happened to you Larry?" In fright the young servant trembled both hands and mouth as he yelled his colleague's name.

So nervous that he had to vomit right there, his mind perceived an idea when he looked at the exit ahead. Quickly he began shouting, "help... somebody please help!"

Around the area he moved his eyes confoundedly amidst calling for help. he stood up and ran towards the exit. But more shockingly, only for his eyes to land on another colleague in a blood pool.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Overwhelmed with the tragedy, the young servant saw something on which his eyes stuck. His voice frozen. As his body trembled anxiously, slowly, he walked coldly gape-jawed a few steps from where he was standing. He suddenly broke down on his knees and busted in tears.

Laying beneath his eyes was his elder brother, dead with three huge claws marked on an open chest.

He cried for him so passionately.

Thank you reader