
Chapter 3: Hunger for more

Ahh my head it hurt

Looks like I drank a little too much yesterday. Damn, I end up wasting max money on my drinks too better not tell him about this event.

Ohh what's that

(Saw armies and tank Marching straight to the street like they are going out of the captain)

[While walking he is saying]

Huh it's like my time has ended and the new youth are moving towards the demise.

Even after the war is ended, even after we serve, even after all the tragedy all the suffering. They are hunger for more but it's not like I can stop them NO I won't try not because it doesn't cocerned me but because I like to avoid this law . I like to avoid this law in which people are living together under a same room without having a hint of doubt about eachother. Through my this half lived life that I had lived I could easily tell the difference between people and dog. There are those who die for there county and there are those who get medals and honor but in return there is always some sacrifices that both of them did for themselves. Looks like people are getting more hungry, more to tell others that what they have done for there county and can be proudly say they are man. But for me these war are nothing but curse, curse that can't fade away in man. Even in the darkest hour a man could get this curse and that can not only destroy him but his surrounding also.

Ahh, man I am thirsty let buy some water for my thirst

[Enters in bar]

Him: The usual one

Bartender: here you go sir(giving it to him)

[Give cash, pick and take a leave ]

(Outside the bar)

I shouldn't be inside for too long or else other might talk trash like they always did better to avoid than fight without any reason. Ohh so cold looks like the winter is near might go back to my home before it start snow. As for today looks like the bread and the drink will do just as fine what else would I ever think (smiling while looking at the drink)

Let's go home