
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 19: Destruction

The leader of AK07 was furious when he learned that the people from Earth had sabotaged the portal, causing the loss of many lives. He called an emergency meeting with his team, who had been monitoring the portal's activity. They presented him with a report, informing him that the portal had been working fine before, but its growth had slowed down and it seemed as though it had stopped growing altogether.

The leader slammed his fist on the table in frustration. "How could this have happened?" he demanded.

One of his teammates spoke up. "Sir, we believe that AK07 has somehow managed to absorb and neutralize the energy being sent by our portal, preventing it from growing any further."

The leader's eyes narrowed. "How could they have done this?"

Another teammate suggested, "Perhaps they have created a wire to absorb the energy from the portal and use it for their weapons."

The leader shook his head in disbelief. "No wire in the entire universe could withstand such force," he said.

Later realized that perhaps Earth had reversed the function of a portal machine and created a new machine that could absorb energy from their portal.

"Is there any way we can stop them from doing this?" The leader asked his team.

One of his teammates replied, "We could try to find a way to block their absorption of our energy. But we need to act fast before they completely neutralize our portal."

The leader nodded in agreement. "We must do everything in our power to protect our planet and our people. We cannot let AK07 succeed in their sabotage."

The team quickly got to work, brainstorming ideas and strategies to counteract Earth's interference with their portal. They knew that time was of the essence and that they needed to act quickly to prevent further damage.

As they worked, the leader couldn't help but wonder what Earth's motives were for sabotaging their portal. Were they trying to protect themselves or did they have more sinister intentions? He knew that he needed to find out more about Earth's actions and motivations in order to effectively protect his own planet.

The leader's eyes widened as he realized something. He had been so focused on the portal that he had overlooked a crucial detail. If Earth was absorbing the energy from the portal, then they must have a device or a machine that was connected to the other end of the portal. And since the portal was still incomplete, only energy could pass through it, not matter. He quickly devised a new plan to destroy the VR25 and teach the people of Earth a lesson. He turned to his army and shouted, "Listen up, soldiers! I have a new order for you!"

The army of AK07 and the people around them were startled by his sudden change of tone. They looked at him with curiosity and confusion, wondering what he was up to. The leader pointed at the portal and said, "You see that portal? That's our ticket to victory. But before we can use it, we need to deal with the AK07 beings who are trying to sabotage our mission. They have a device that is stealing our energy from the portal, and we need to destroy it!"

The army gasped in shock, realizing the gravity of the situation. They felt a surge of anger and resentment towards the AK07 people who were interfering with their plans. The leader gestured at some of his soldiers and said, "You, you, and you! Come here and form a line in front of the portal. Take out your guns and activate them."

The selected soldiers obeyed his command and moved towards the portal. They took out their guns, which looked like sleek metal rods with a circular opening at one end. They pressed a button on their guns, which caused them to emit a faint hum and glow with a bright light. They aimed their guns at the portal, ready to fire.

The leader turned to his second-in-command and said in a low voice, "We need to show Earth that we won't be intimidated by their actions. We must make a show of force and demonstrate our strength. We will make them regret ever messing with us."

His second-in-command nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. He asked, "How long do we need to fire for?"

The leader replied, "Until I tell you to stop. We need to make sure that we fire from every angle."

He then raised his voice and shouted at the soldiers in front of the portal, "Are you ready?"

The soldiers replied in unison, "Yes, sir!"

The leader said, "Then fire!"

They fired continuously through the portal at every angle until he told them to stop.

The leader watched as his soldiers fired their weapons through the portal, sending powerful beams of energy towards Earth. He knew that this was just the beginning, and that there would be many more challenges ahead. But he was determined to protect his planet and its people, no matter what it took.

The crowd of people who had gathered to witness the portal's activation was stunned by the leader's sudden change of plan. They watched in horror as he ordered his soldiers to fire their guns at the portal, sending beams of energy that pierced through the air and disappeared into the other side. They couldn't understand why he was doing this, and they feared that he was destroying their only hope of escaping their dying planet. They began to shout and protest, demanding an explanation from the leader.

"Stop! What are you doing?" one of them yelled.

"Are you crazy? You're ruining everything!" another one cried.

"Please, don't do this! We need the portal!" a third one pleaded.

The leader ignored their cries and continued to watch the portal with a grim expression. He clenched his fist and raised it in the air, signaling his soldiers to keep firing. He then turned to face the crowd and shouted back at them, "Silence! You have no idea what you're talking about! I'm not destroying the portal, I'm saving us from a terrible fate!"

The crowd was taken aback by his words, wondering what he meant by that but they believed in him since he was the one who created the portal, so they stayed silent.

As the soldiers continued firing, one of them suddenly shouted, "Sir, something's happening on the other side!"

The leader rushed over and peered through the portal. He could see flashes of light and hear muffled sounds of explosions. It seemed that Earth was fighting back.

"Keep firing!" He ordered his soldiers.

Thomas and his assistant were in the middle of examining the VR25, a device that could create portals to parallel universes, when they heard a deafening sound. They looked around and saw beams of light shooting out from the wall of the room which had the portal, cutting through everything in their way. They felt a surge of fear as they witnessed the horrific scene of people being sliced in half by the beams. They knew they had to get to safety as soon as possible.

Thomas: "Come on, we have to get behind the portal! It's the only thing that can protect us!"

Assistant: "What's going on? Where are those beams coming from?"

Thomas: "I have no idea, but we can't stay here. We have to get behind the portal. It's our only hope."

They sprinted towards the room where the VR25 was operating, ducking and dodging the beams as they ran. They saw many of their colleagues and friends fall victim to the beams, dying in agony right before their eyes.

They reached the room where the VR25 was located and quickly hid behind the portal, hoping that it would shield them from the beams. The VR25 was glowing with energy, as it was about to reach its maximum capacity before it exploded and released energy rays all over the room. The beams continued to fire randomly, as the walls of the room began to crumble and half of the building collapsed. Thomas, his assistant, and a few other scientists who had survived managed to escape to the other side of the building.

Assistant: "That was insane. What just happened?"

Thomas: "I don't know, but we have to get out of here. We need to go to NASA headquarters and alert them about what's happening."

Assistant: "But what about the others? We can't just leave them here."

Thomas: "We have no choice. We have to go now before it's too late."

With a heavy heart, Thomas and his assistant made their way to NASA headquarters, determined to warn them about the danger they had just witnessed. As they walked, they couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled over them. They knew that they had just witnessed something terrible, and they feared for what was yet to come.

As Thomas and his assistant drove towards NASA Headquarters, Thomas felt a surge of dread. He had a terrible suspicion that the AK07 people had planned this all along. He turned to his assistant and said, "I think we made a mistake. We should have thought that VR25 could be easily destroyed through the portal."

His assistant looked at him with a worried expression. "But how could we have known? We were busy with other problems too and besides, we barely escaped with our lives."

Thomas shook his head. "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this. They must have known that VR25 was blocking their portal, and they used their weapons to get rid of it. Now they have a clear path to Earth, and we have no way of stopping them."

He checked his calculations on his laptop and felt a chill run down his spine. "According to my estimates, they will be here in about 20 days. That's not much time to prepare for an invasion."

They reached the headquarters and parked their car. To their surprise, they saw the president of NASA himself waiting for them at the entrance. He looked anxious and relieved at the same time.

"Thomas, thank God you're alive!" he exclaimed as he rushed towards them. "I've been trying to reach you for hours. What happened?"

Thomas got out of the car and greeted the president. He quickly explained what had transpired in the parallel universe and how they had destroyed VR25.

The president's face turned pale as he listened to Thomas's story. "This is a grave matter," he said solemnly. "We must take immediate action to prepare for their arrival."

Thomas nodded in agreement. "We need to mobilize all our resources and come up with a plan to defend ourselves," he said.

The president turned to his assistant. "Get me the heads of all departments on the line," he ordered. "We need to have an emergency meeting right away."

As they made their way into the building, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Time was running out, and they needed to act fast if they were going to have any chance of stopping the invasion.

The conference room was filled with a palpable sense of urgency as the leaders of all departments sat around the table. The president looked at them with a serious expression and spoke in a firm tone.

President: "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We have a critical situation that requires our immediate attention. The VR25 has been destroyed by the AK07 force. We have only 20 days left before the portal opens fully."

The room was silent as everyone absorbed the shocking news. The head of engineering was the first to break the silence.

Head of Engineering: "Sir, how did this happen?"

President: "We don't know yet."

Head of Science: "Sir, what are we going to do now? How can we rebuild the VR25 in such a short time?"

President: "We have no choice but to try. The VR25 is our only hope of saving the Earth. We can't afford to miss this opportunity. We also need to prepare for plan B, in case things go wrong. We need to launch nuclear bombs into space, aimed at the Sun, believing that the portal will teleport?"

The room erupted into a flurry of questions and comments, as everyone tried to grasp the gravity of the situation.

President: "Please, calm down. I know this is a lot to take in, but we need to act fast and decisively. I need each of you to do your part and coordinate with your teams. We have a lot of work to do, and not much time to do it. Let's get started."

Meanwhile, on AK07, the leader ordered his soldiers to stop firing at the portal and approached it cautiously. He noticed that it was slowly regaining its shape and size, indicating that it was still functional.

Leader: "Soldiers, stand down and keep an eye on the portal. If it shows any signs of weakening again, resume firing immediately."

Soldier: "Yes, sir!"

The leader returned to his camp, where he had set up his base of operations. He knew that he had only a few hours left before the portal would be fully operational again, and he didn't want to risk losing his chance to capture Earth.

Leader: "Activate the backup portal machines. We need to speed up the process and make sure that nothing interferes with our plan."

Soldier: "Right away, sir!"

The leader had made two extra portal machines, in case something went wrong with the main one. He instructed his soldiers to turn them on and direct their energy beams towards the portal, increasing its power and stability.

The leader watched as the portal grew larger and brighter, signaling that it was almost ready for transport. He smiled wickedly, anticipating his victory over Earth and its inhabitants. He knew that they were unaware of his presence and his intentions, and that they would be caught off guard by his sudden attack. He was confident that he would be able to conquer Earth with ease, using his superior technology and weapons.

He looked at his watch and saw that he had only 30 minutes left before he could enter the portal and begin his invasion. He felt a surge of excitement and adrenaline as he prepared himself for the moment he had been waiting for. He was about to make history as the first being to capture an entire planet from another universe. He was about to become the ruler of two worlds.