
The Next Vampire

A poor boy, happened to stumble upon a system which turned him into a vampire, in a world where all the weak are suppressed. This is his story.

Opxis · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The High Elves

Victor moved towards the portal, he felt a pulling feeling, pulling him towards the portal like an almost invisible pull. As he drew near, he saw the portal had changed colors. It was now pitch black, and look like a black hole. Victor, a often cautious fellow, didn't have a good feeling about it. He didn't want to call anyone, as that would call himself to attention. Instead, he thought it had happened to everyone else, and moved forward stepping inside the portal.

As he threw himself inside the portal, many colors violently waved around him. Soon he landed in a field, but not any ordinary one. Their was golden wheat as tall has his waist as far as the eye could see. All the people that had entered the portal were standing around talking aimlessly wondering what was going to happen. More people started popping out of thin air. Soon the the numbers of people dwindled till no one else appeared. Their were around 1 thousand people standing around waiting for the next set of instructions. Soon, another portal appeared, emitting a blueish haze. Out stepped five, or what looked like elves. As soon as they entered people stopped moving, the crowd fell silent, and the portal closed with a grinding noise. Not a single noise blew throughout the wheat field. How strange, wondered Victor. The elf in the direct center cleared his throat.

"Welcome to the mana synchronization test. We are the High Elves of Elinor, and have come to test your mana level. Unfortunately a few of you will be going home, after this test. I'll explain the rules of this test. Your not allowed to cheat in anyway shape or form. Now that covers everything, let's move on." he said in a almost bored tone.

The elf to the left of the elf in the center gave him a blue orb. It was a circle orb, that looked interesting to say the least.

"Now I want everyone to come up and touch the orb. If the orb doesn't glow, even in the slightest you have failed, and are to stand on my left and await your removal. If it glows, you will be moved onto the next phase by my colleague" finished the elf. As the people lined up, Victor placed himself near the front. Might as well get this over with, he thought. The first person in line, a blonde haired handsome looking teen stepped forward. He placed his hand on the orb, and waited. The orb glowed dimly at first, but continued to glow brighter until it was a miniature light bulb. A pass. The elf didn't looked surprised and told the guy to move on towards the elf on the right. The next person went forward a rather ruff looking youngster, and touched the orb. It didn't even glow, and was motion to move towards the elf on the left. However the man refused to let go of the orb.


The elf however looked unfazed and continued to stand their looking at the guys tantrum. Alex seeing this raged. Never had he ever been ignored as much as this! He felt humiliated and he also hated how the elf looked down on him as if he was some kind of lower being. He started forward a fist in hand ready to give the elf a piece of his mind. Before he could even get close, pressure emitted from the elf suffocating the child. It was like a closing feeling closing in on you. He soon fainted senseless, and was thrown through a portal conjured by one of the elves. The portal soon closed after.

"Now you see what happens to you if you complain? One word from any of you, shown as even the slightest resistance will result in a brutal removal. Don't test my patience, I can so much as squash you little bugs. Don't worry, I won't do it, as I don't have clearance. Tsk, this is such a waste of my time.."

As the elf continued complaining as more people touched the orb passed and moved on, while the unlucky few were removed and put towards the left side. Soon it was Victor's turn. Victor, wasn't worried, as in-case he did get unlucky again in his be-damned life, he could always do other things. He moved forward, and touched the orb with his palm, wrapping his hand around the orb. It wasn't against the rules, so he did it anyways. The orb glowed a dim light. As he was about to take his hand off, it started glowing more, and more, and more! Soon it was so bright, it was a like a beacon in the golden field of wheat. The orb kept on glowing more, and more, and suddenly it shattered!

The orb, a majestic piece of equipment, that the each dwarfs had to forge a specific part very carefully was destroyed in the hands of a mere youngster! The High Elf looked stunned. Never had, in all his 1213 years of living had he seen the orb being shattered, and even worse, it had glowed so brightly! They had found a natrual in the field of mana! He couldn't just tell him that however, he didn't want to inflate his ego.

"Attention everyone!" said the High Elf. "We are going to pause the examination for a few minutes, due to a problem that came up. You are free to roam around until you are called back." Everyone started murmuring excitedly, about what had happened. People that had been in the front couldn't see anything, as there view was blocked by Victor's body. Victor however was ecstatic! He had never seen a single person in hutch their orb had shattered today, nevertheless, for their orb to glow as bright as his.

'So much for not drawing attention to myself', thought Victor. He didn't mind much however. He knew exactly what he wanted to do! Ever since he was little, he always wanted to join a specific group of people, charged with guarding the nation! He wanted to join the...


It's so hard to come up with idea's! Give me some in the comments.

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