

I stared at the window, my heart beating wild. This was going to be my first time going to Zone 44. I was wearing black leather jeans and a red t shirt.

I sat in chair inpatiently in my chair that Ryder, my brother tapped my shoulder. we looked at each other " what's on your mind Jenesis" he said in my head. Ryder and I are telepathic twins we got different powers except telepathy. " nothing much brother" he looked at me with the " I know you're lying but I won't push it" look.

"Don't tell me you guys are talking about us " Andrés says looking at me. I shoot a glare at him but he simply ignores me and looks at my brother. He shrugs and decides to lay his head.

I can't help get the feeling that somethings going to happen. I try shake the feeling but it never leaves me. I kept overthinking until sleep came for me.

"Mama can Ryder and I play outside? " I asked my mom who was washing the dishes. she looked down at me a saddened expression on her face. " baby I'm sorry but you can't, it's dangerous okay" she said.

I was suddenly in a room with Ryder while two strange men where with our mom in the kitchen. I peeped out the door " I just want them to be safe, is there a way I'm getting worse as the days go by" she said worry lace in her voice.

" there is a way but that means you might never see them again" one of the men in black said. he gave her paper that made her gasp when she read it.

"we'll come back tomorrow to fetch them " the other guy said before they left.