Earth 108 . It's the year 2016 and already looking like a futuristic future from a movie can they keep it that way?
New York Hospital seven days later.
"Aww my head."
Now then the next questions is why I'm am in here the last thing I remember was being bit by a spider then Petra said something to me and I blacked out. As I lift up I try to move my arm but I feel something on it. Huh cute, I look around to see flowers and cards saying get well soon.
Mom: Your up.
"Your here?"
Mom: Where else would I be.
"At work or in a meeting."
Mom: Are you suggesting that I take more work than caring for my own son.
"Ay you said it not me."
Yeah we been kinda at this for while after she made me take that trip for seven years.
Mom: Well then I hope you got your rest I notify your friends that your awake.
"Well you be home tonight."
Mom: I think we both know the answer to that.
She says as she puts her phone away just as Petra comes in and hugs and she stay that way and my mom gave me a look then left just seven minutes later rest of my friends came in.
Miles first as we did our bro shake.
Then Gwen and Mj tried to give me a hug but.
Gwen: Petra.
Petra: No
Miles: You have been hugging him for the whole week.
Petra: That because I was worried.
"Well I'm fine now and as you can see I'm up was there anything I miss."
Gwen: Well you miss homework and since we have classes together I took your notes for you.
"I thankyou gwen besides why don't we go out tonight."
Miles: Where?
"Man I just got say this place have the best burgers."
Mj: The only bad things is the prices are high.
As the rest agree we see police cars passing through as Mj and petra look at them then look at each other.
Mj: Petra don't you have to help with Aunt May unloading some boxes.
Petra: Oh yeah I forgot sorry guys I forgot rain check on tomorrow.
Gwen: Sure my dad wants me back home.
"Uh do you girls need any help."
Petra/Mj: No!
"Oookay, well miles that just leaves us want to play games."
Miles: Sure.
We're playing jump force as miles have one remaining player and.
"I win."
Miles: Dude you sure your not cheating.
"No look at the board."
Pointing at the score bore which haven't been updated in while.
Miles: Yay the board.
"Well I'm going to use the bathroom."
Small Timeskip.
Miles: Dude your soaking wet.
"Don't you... *miles takes a picture. Just shut-up and watch."
Miles: Okay okay.
A/N: I should be ashamed of myself I didn't know because it felt well when Peter first experienced wall crawling when it was actually him being taken over from venom.
Then he starts to freak out and we both start to freak out when we hear the door unlock.
Alfred: If I may come in I just wanted to bring in the food.
As he brings in the tray as he brings in the food and notices two things.
Alfred: Where's is Master sprye.
Miles: Uh he went to the bathroom sir.
Alfred: And towards my second question why is there water on the carpet.
Miles: That's me sorry Alfred I will clean it.
Just in as the news comes in and of Spider-Woman stopping a robbery in progress as J.Jonah Jameson rams on about how she's a menace to society but no one listens to him.
Alfred: Honestly how can they let someone like him run if being honest he's worst than Master sprye when he did the dishes.
Miles: *laughs* alright Alfred I will tell him that the foods here you can go to sleep now.
As he leaves with the tray he wipes his forehead and breathes and speak.
Miles: Alright dude you can come out now.
As I flip down and come visible.
Miles: On the second note dude you can become invisible!!
"Uh I didn't know I could do that."
Miles: It's seems like some kinda fight or flight response.
"Uh no."
Miles: Oh really because last time we checked Spider-woman doesn't have that ability.
"Then we know what have to happen."
Both: Training/ Super Suit.
Both: What.
"Let me explain I'll do the training and necessary things and you can design the suit."
Miles: Do I have to be the chair guy.
"Well I'm going to need someone."
Miles: Okay but can we tell Gwen.
"Eh sure."
The next day.
Gwen: What.
Gwen: And you knew.
Miles: Ay I just found out last night.
Gwen: And aren't we suppose to meet up with Mj and Petra.
"That's only later tonight and we still got time left so let's get started."
A/N: Also can Superman break or destroy Kachi Katchin.
"So on this board we figure that I can lift...A/N: I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible but fuck if it's FanFiction.... So let's say about 27,540"
Gwen: And here is web shooters it should be able to keep up for a year but after that you will have to refill.
Miles:And here's your suit.
Miles:*Talks while puts on the suit." It has two lines one for phone and and the other we can talk through non- trace or hack. It's has a map of the city and your music. It has the things you see on spy movies to. Oh and it can do this.
"Do what."
As he press a button and the suit goes into my dad watch.
"Thanks guys."
Miles: I should let you know that there was something weird.
"Like what weird."
Miles: When I was adding it into the watch I found a note.
He hands me the note and I open it.
"It's says son."
???: *watch* Voice recognization recognize.
All three: Woah.
Gwen: An A.I.
Miles: Dude did you know?
"No... I didn't. What is your name."
???: My name is Karen I was created from your father Darnell Sprye.
"Why did he create you."
Karen: To be there to talk to you.
"Uh do you have any of his recordings."
Karen: Yes
"Uh can I see them?"
Karen: No he told me to wait until your eighteen Are you.
"Uh yes."
Karen: No your not your sixteen and you just lied.
Miles: Wow it has a lie detector.
Gwen: And a little bit of sass.
Just then the police radio went off as a hostage situation at the bank went off.
"Oh crap guys I got to go."
"Okay guys I'm in the building. How many thugs are there?"
Miles: There are-
Karen: Thirty men in there.
"Thirty Jesus this was a planned heist but it obviously couldn't be done by these morons but we got to figure that part out later. Are they armed?"
Karen: Yes
Miles: I thought I was suppose to be the chair guy.
Gwen: I thought you hated being the chair guy.
"Guys can we focus Gwen when the police coming."
Gwen: My dad said they were coming in thirty minutes just got out from shoot out and Spider- Woman was spotted.
"Alright let's get started."
As I go in the building with the help of my spider-powers I use my invisible powers to take out one of the guard and just when I'm about to go in something ringing like a bell telling to me watch out as I jump back on the ceiling and look to see five guys waking in.
Thug1: Guys we got movement in the room spread out and find him.
They forgot about there partner.
Let's do this.
Almer: All crap guys Spider- woman take out Ted.
Dommer:But didn't they say that she was thirty minutes away.
Thug3: Then that means we got a new player on the filed.
He says as he smirks and grabs a hostage and points a gun at her.
Thug3: Alright whoever you are you better come out now.
And I do.
Thug3: Hey wait a minute your not a woman.
"Your right I man.... Spider-Man."
As I turn invisible.
Thug3: Hey what the-
Gets knock outs and so dose the rest of them. As the police shows up.
"And that's my que."
"Alright guys what's next."
Miles: They're a building on fire and people trapped inside.
"Right on it."
Small Timeskip.
"Alright guys it's getting hot in here and the building unstable what do I do?"
Miles: That's why I belt a device for that shoot the web that should be treated as a small fire hydrant it should work.
And I do it and looks like it works but the building is still going to go down.
Five minutes later.
"Okay that was hot let's see what else have else New York have for Spider-Man."
It's night time in New York and I was on my way back home so that I can get ready for the fun tonight.
Miles: Dude you saved so many tonight.
"And I couldn't have done it without guys so now let's go have some fun."
And a final Timeskip.
Me and Petra are at the Ferris Wheel on the top one and this city is beautiful.
"You know I don't know when the last time when you and I haven't been together for a while."
Petra: Your right hey can I ask you a question?
Petra: I was wondering if you know since we been friends for a long time hoping if you would like to go on a date?
"Petra are you asking me out?"
Petra: Yes.
"Then let me show you mines."
He says as he goes in for a Kiss with fireworks at display.
And here's my second chapter of this story.