
Chapter 6:Shadow Clones

You leave Ikaros sleeping and quietly wait out towards another room.

You:"System use the Random Bloodline, Skill, and 4 Lottery Ticket I got"

System:Ding! User has Won [Vampire(Shinobu Oshino) Bloodline], Skill:[Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Basic Mine], Upgrade Card, Random Summon, and Random Skill

You:"Use Random Skill and I'll save Random Summon for when Ikaros wakes up in the morning"

System:Ding! User has Won Skill:[Summon]

You"Ok, system put the mine into the second floor so that Golem can Mine it, next show me what ores are in the mine"

System:Iron, Coal, Copper, Tin, and Lead

You:"I guess I can use Synthesis to make steel using iron and coal, and bronze using copper and tin once we mined some. Ok show me my stats now"


Name:(your name), Job:[Anime Dungeon Master], Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Vampire(Shinobu Oshino)








Sp. Atk:A



Ability:[Golemancy], [Synthesis], [Basic Monster Language], [Hand-Signs Mastery], [One Hand-Signs Mastery], [Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Sharingan](three tomoe), [Vampiric Regenerate], [Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Summon]

Items:[Ichigo's Shikai], Upgrade Card, Random Summon

Dp:222,630 Dp


You:"wow Shinobu bloodline did wonders to my stats, my Hp is 5 times what it's suppose to be and my Attack and Speed went put a couple ranks"

Thinking about what you should no next you look at what your new skill Summon does.

[Summon]:Summons any being you know to your location if they're willing. User can also send the Summoned person back whenever you want

You:"that's a good skill if I need help since I can just summon Ikaros whenever I'm in danger."..."hmmm let's Synthesis the skill first since they won't disappear"

(I'm only going to show the successful ones because I don't want to bore or type all the combinations"

System:Synthesizing [Golemancy] and [Shadow Clone Jutsu]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu]

System:Synthesizing [Shadow Clone Jutsu] and [Shadow Imitation Jutsu]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Shadow Clone]

System:Synthesizing [Shadow Clone Jutsu] and [Summon]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Reverse Summoning Jutsu]

You:"The only one I know is Reverse Summoning Jutsu, and Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu is probably similar to Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, so the only I need to see is Shadow Clone"

[Shadow Clone]:Can make a permanent shadow that can do everything you can; User can customize your Shadow and use their strength as your own and a extra life. If the Shadow dies you have to wait 24 hours until it respawn again. Number Of Shadows:1

-Immediate Respawn:10,000 Dp

-Shadow #2:10,000 Dp

-Shadow #3:100,000 Dp

-Shadow #4:1,000,000 Dp

Etc... (Basically x10 the Dp from the last Shadow)

Without any hesitation you buy shadow #2 and #3. Feeling the 3 shadows inside of you, you punch the air feeling the power of 4 punches at the same time; same thing happened to all your actions, 4 times the speed, attack, and defense.

After testing your power, you summon all the shadows out. Seeing 3 of yourself you feel weird looking at them.

At first you were going to change them to girls but you decide not to because there you, and you can feel what they learn and sense if you focus on them; you'll only change them if you need them to go out in public but since you can feel what they do if you want to, they'll be of good use for your harem sexual needs later since you plan to continue expanding your harem Kingdom size.

You use the shadows to make 8 more Golems, buying some iron and F Rank Mana Stone, and putting drills onto the Golems hands.

System:Ding! Mission complete:Create 5 Golems, Reward:1 [Mana Stone(Grade:F)] and 10,000 Dp

After you made another Mining Golem with your reward, you use [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu] and send the three shadows out on 3 of the wolf's you chosen and making sure they each use a different weapon to learn.

The first one will use [Ichigo's Shikai] to practice controlling Reishi and learn how to use the sword, the second one will use a Bow Focusing on using the Sharingan to practice Chakra control and learn how to use the bow, and the last one will use only his hands to practice Martial arts or Taijutsu.

After the shadows left your feel dirt from all they work you did with Ikaros and the Shadows. Thinking that it'll be great to have a hot spring like in anime you decide that will be your next plan but it's night time, mostly everyone is asleep, and you don't have enough Dp to buy a hot spring right now so you settle for just washing up using water for now and go to sleep with the naked Ikaros.