
Damn Hands

I didn't know where I was and had a bad feeling about it. After all, I was in an unknown place, unsure if it was safe. As I walked down the stone sidewalk on a dark city street, a scream echoed through the emptiness, catching my attention.


I looked back, but the street was so dark I couldn't identify the person who screamed. I imagined it was Henry, but to my surprise, the longer I waited to discover who screamed, the more something seemed to be approaching me. I had no idea what was coming; my senses were weak, as if this place dulled all human senses.

To my surprise, I waited and waited, but nothing but a strong wind came, which scared me quite a bit. I decided to leave this street quickly. There were other streets less dark, bathed in the faint light of what seemed to be a sun but was actually a dim moon.

I sat on the ground to lean my back against something, and a new voice caught my attention in the emptiness of the city. This time, I knew it was Henry.

"Ohhh! Phill!"

He came running, holding some snacks in his hands. When he arrived, Henry handed me one of the snacks and, panting, said,

"We're here! We arrived at the New World. It was easier than I expected!"

"But what is this place? What exactly is here?" I asked.

My question made sense in that desperate situation. Imagine being in a dark world, with dim lights, abandoned houses and buildings, and no other human being besides you. Henry and I didn't know what could happen to us if something abnormal appeared. So, we decided to walk only on the streets bathed in the faint light of the moon.

As we walked, I noticed that the city we were in had very old architecture, and all the places, without exception, were abandoned. With this curiosity in mind, I asked Henry,

"Hey, do you happen to know where we're going?"

"Of course I do. By the way, I wanted to know if you managed to bring your camera," said Henry, apparently more relaxed.

"It was pure luck..."

I showed the camera to Henry, and he was relieved I had managed to bring it, in a somewhat nonchalant manner. Without looking back, we walked towards a point I honestly had no idea about. The strong, cold wind blowing didn't please me at all, but Henry seemed used to it, having been to this place before.

"How can you walk normally, huh? This cold wind is killing me," I said to him, hands on my knees, trying to breathe more oxygen and less ice.

"The wind always comes from the same direction and is always cold. But relax, you'll get used to it over time."

After walking quite a bit, Henry stopped and said,

"This is it!"

Unexpectedly, he entered a totally dark and deserted church. Naturally, I followed Henry and entered the church too. There was only a trace of moonlight passing through the stained glass windows, minimally illuminating the interior. He walked to the altar, where the religious leader possibly preached God's words to the faithful. I stood still, just observing how inhospitable the places in this city were.

Then Henry asked,

"Go on, Phill, take a picture of me at this altar."

I couldn't understand his excitement in a city like this, where life seemed to no longer exist and the light was minimal for the few who set foot there. I wondered,

"What kind of limbo is this? Did this place, this city, ever have people?"

The questions started swirling in my head and wouldn't stop. In such a discreet and serene manner, a thirst for answers made me think and think until I might go mad.

We didn't stop wandering through this abandoned city. While I questioned everything about this New World, Henry walked around admiring the city like a new tourist who had traveled abroad for the first time. At one point, he turned down a right-hand street that led us to an underground subway.

Despite my burning distrust, I had to follow him down to the subway. As we descended the stairs, we found ourselves in a totally random corridor, clearly out of the ordinary.

"This is not normal at all."

Henry continued walking towards the white corridor, and I desperately shouted,


But he simply ignored me. My fear made perfect sense and was proven correct at that moment. When Henry started walking through the white corridor, several bizarre hands emerging from the corridor walls began pulling him to the right and left. I was desperate, understanding the terrible fate that could unfold before my eyes.

"Shit. What is this? What do I do? What do I do?"

I decided to run to try and pull him out of the corridor.

"Screw it."

But just as I was about to touch Henry, several other hands emerged from the walls to stop me from approaching. I was scared and frightened but, above all, very desperate, and that could be lethal. I understood this in a few seconds and decided to step back at the right moment. 

As soon as I took a step back, the hands came towards me, trying to grab me just as they had grabbed Henry.

With my blood pounding and feeling I had barely saved myself, I watched in horror as Henry was torn apart by those cursed hands.