
The new villain win again today (BL/YAOI)

There's are two type of evil people one is pure evil and the other one is has the right to become evil. It's what almost all the people who think a lot say. I'm Rio who make a choice to wake up in this world. Well I don't even know if my body died or not. I realized that almost all the Nobles in this country is disgusting. The example is that bitch who better if disappeared from this world. It's weird I don't want to become evil but I don't want to be kind like angelic. I will take some action but not yet. I will become villain.

LE0_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Good enough but

So Rosien will get marry to Alexander-sama. I want to become knight to protect Rosien that I swore when I was little. He was so weak and small but he still choose Alexander-sama. I don't know if my feelings for Rosien should disappeared or not.

Maybe I should used Raphael to get Alexander and without a place Rosien will choose me. and then.. "I don't know that the strongest knight in the academy is crying because of love." I looked beside me and see Raphael de Harvest. Why did he come to this garden.

I get angry because I feel like he looked down upon me and then I swing my blade beside his neck. Without even hesitate I just looked down on him and he said "So you really think about it." What did he meant by that . He just stare at me with an ordinary eyes.

"What did you mean?" Jack ask Raphael and Raphael just sit but not to close beside Jack. He ask Jack to seat and then Raphael ask Jack "So you doesn't said your extremely love to Rosien." Jack just looked down and doesn't said anything.

"It's not time for you to sulking like a child, grown up." Raphael just look at Jack and he realised that right now Jack do like what he used to do. Raphael feel pity to Jack because his wish to make Rosien his wife doesn't get fulfilled until the end.

"Look. I know it's hard but when something suddenly happened differently from what you imagine, you can't do anything anymore. You can't used the same path like you always plan." Raphael said to Jack.

Jack who thinks it is doesn't have any other way to give up feel disappointed to himself. He said something to Raphael with a deep voice but Raphael know inside his heart it's shouting and broken slowly.

"So did I must give up on Rosien."

"Yes, just give up on Rosien."

"It's weird when I heard the voice tone of someone who without hesitation said just give up to me make me feel annoyed and frustrating at the same time"

Jack thinking that though while looking with a grudge eyes on Raphael. Raphael just sit calmly and suddenly said "I know what are you feeling right now. It's truly hard isn't it when you realise that the person who always number 1 for fell in love with someone else who suddenly appeared and treasure their memory likes a precious jewels."

I just look at Raphael de Harvest when he said that, when I think about it did ever anyone see him for who he is. Everyone just talking about Rosien who is adored by the Grand Duke household but doesn't even anyone said about Grand Duke biological child.

"Why did you try to be nice to me? Aren't you hated me" I said that to Raphael and once again without hesitation he said "What did you say. Are you trying to say that I'm the same as you? Huh! don't make me laugh asshole gorilla. I'm farther better than you."

I gets up and shouted to him all my might, First I'm not an idiot, Second he is the one who bullied Rosien because of envy. I'm just doing all I can to protect Rosien. did he trying to say that my justice..

"Your justice is false."


"Did you know that in noble world when the men gets a fiance he must treasure them and treat like their own future so he can't just looking someone else."

"What did you mean!?"

"crown prince is the men, I'm the fiance while Rosien is someone else I want to ask you, who is the victim here."

Jack who hear what Raphael just said suddenly shut his mouth up. Raphael just walked away and said to Jack "Do as you like, I doesn't even care about apologize from someone who doesn't mean anything to me. Hope I never see your face again Asshole gorilla."

Good enough but.... end