
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter one

I stood there with blood dripping off my sharpened, new kitchen knife. My mind was unfocused thinking about the last week, it had been a stressful week. It took a while to realise that there was blood all over my face, i was staring in the mirror but i wasn't there. I was throwing water at my face aimlessly, i wanted to wash my face before my brother came home from work. I still don't know what came over me tonight. As i was cleaning my face my brother creaked open the door and headed to the bathroom where i stood soaked in water. He knocked and said,

"Lily are you in there?"

I replied franitcally looking for a towel.

"One minute Luke!"

Rushing, i quickly dried my face trying my best to get all of the diluted blood off, i opened the door and smiled. I followed my brother into the living room where he slouched onto the sofa. He looked at me curiously but i ignored it and continued to pace up and down the living room. I sat opposite him and sighed. After staring at each other for a good ten minutes, i looked up and muttered,

"I am going to my room."

Straight after mumbling to him that i was going to my room i ran up the stairs as fast as i could so i could think about what happened before Luke came home. Two questioned whizzed around my head, how did i do that and who was the victim?

In another part of the city a vampire called Alex had found a body with bite marks from a vampire. He lightly hovered his fingers along the bites of the victim, who lay there and was just a helpless homeless man, Alex scrapped up some of the blood that was splattered over the victims neck and tasted it and he instantly knew that it was not a vampire he knew but a newly turned vampire, who had no idea what they were doing.He tried to to look for clues to see if the newly turned vampire had left anything behind but there was nothing there, not one single hair or piece of DNA was left.He heard a noise coming from the huge wheelie bin next to him so he aggrssively turned around and had his fangs out ready to kill, but it turned out it was just a cat.Then he turned back around and had one last look at the victim and picked up the dead body and used his super speed to his den his fellow vampires were hanging out. As Alex walked in the other vampires were confused as to why he had a dead body in his arms, he placed the dead body on a table in front of all the vampires and growled at his allies,

"I found this body in a alleyway, if you look on the victims neck he has bite marks.Vampire bite marks, so this means that a vampire killed him, now i want to know whether or not anyone in this room killed him, so have any of you killed him?"

The other vampires all looked at one another and in unision said,


Alex then sighed and exaggerated each word,

"If it was no one here then that means there is a new vampire, that we need to find. We need to find justice for this man and the horrors he has faced."

He turned around and began to leave but then muttered,

"You may feast."

In the house that contained two teenagers Lily and Luke. Lily was crounched in the corner of her room trying to think of any reason to explain these intrusive thoughts; why did she do this and what made her have the impulses to do this? As she was trying to figure why she did this, all Lily could hear was little, and echoing voices in her head repeating the same sentence 'they found it'. Flashes of forgotten memories ran through her mind. A dead body that other people found but what Lily didn't know was that the voices in her head was the other vampires talking about finding a body she killed. The voices in her head started to get so loud she ended up trying not to scream so that her brother didn't hear her so she screamed as quietly as she could into a pillow. The next morning Lily woke up early as she had to go to school. It took her fifteen minutes as her brother drove her to the end of the street. When she arrived at school, she seen her brother laughing with his mates all laughing at each other. As Lily went into her class she seen a person she didn't recognise but what she didn't know was that the new kid in her school was Alex. Eventually he figured out that the vampire that killed the man was a teenager. As the day dragged on Lily felt as though someone was watching her every move and following her. As she lined up in the cafeteria she got a headache so painful that she headed up on the floor clutching her stomach and rolling around. However it wasn't a normal kind of pain she had ever encountered, the pain was like an impulse.She wanted to feed on everyone's neck she got distracted as all she could hear was impulses. Everyone was watching her on the floor in pain and not one single person helped her but Alex, except she didn't know that was his name.

"Are you alright?"

Alex asked Lily, he was curious about this girl.

"I'm okay thanks."

Lily replied with hesetation, she felt uncomfortable around him.

"What's your name?"

Lily asked him but she felt like she knew his name already.

"My name is Alex."

He replied with no emotion.Alex helped her back up off the floor and as soon as she stood up she ran as fast as she could towards the girls bathroom because she was embarrassed.The end of the school day came slower then Lily anticipated, so as soon as the bell rang she raced back to her apartment where she lived with her brother Luke. She entered the house and ran straight to her room.