
the new thundermans

Man dies and has the God given opportunity to reincarnate. Spins a wheel to see who he reincarnate as and gets Max Thunderman. God then allows man to swap out powers and abilities for others of a similar grade. Man discovers that powers and abilities are stackable. Man becomes all powerfull. Man gets bored. Now what is Man supposed to do. beginning of story won't involve the plot of the show. *Do not own anything. Unreliable upload schedule. This is just for me and is supposed to be fun.

needtoknowbasis · TV
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8 Chs

unexpected suprise

Now that I have completed my super powers project, I had a lot of free time. I had also learned almost everything I could hope to learn. I was now bored. What should I even do with my life. Or lives for that matter. I was only 160.

I then spent another 150 years in tardis time trying to find a hobby. Only to get bored after I mastered it. Is this the curse of intelligence and a long life. Am I destined to get bored of everything. Constantly searching for new things. I'm pretty sure I've read about some villains that start like that on my old life. I believe vandal savage fits this category. I mean he was always a villain, but I'm pretty sure he did certain evil things only to cure his boredom.

I dont want to be like him. Doing random acts of chaos just because I'm bored. Manipulating peoples lives to have entertainment. I don't want to be that. I need a new hobby. One that doesn't take care year to master.

While I was pacing in the controll room of the tardis thinking, I felt a tug on my pants. Looking over I see 4 girls all at the age of about 6 or 7. And all I can think is, " What the fuck?"


Pov narrator

Four young girls can be seen running with all there might through alleyways and empty street in the dark of night. What were they running from you might be asking? They are being chased by their "orphanage caretaker".

And why were they running away from a supposedly normal orphanage? Because it wasn't a normal orphanage. In reality, it was a front for a secret lab that experimented on children in order to create child soldiers. They wanted to find a way to give powers to kids and then indoctrinate them into the perfect soldiers that will follow any orders they have.

The problem is that the scientists that were in charge of giving powers to kids didn't have Max's genius intellect. So when they experimented on the children, some of them didn't come out alive.

But then they had a breakthrough. Four young children managed to survive and developed powers. The whole facility was celebrating their first success. And with them distracted, it was the perfect time for them to escape.

While the scientists were locking the four up in their containment cells, one scientists in his distracted and excited state for the breakthrough didn't lock up one other the cells properly.

When they left the storage room to go to a bar for drinks, a small figure can be seen opening the containment cell door. Looking around cautiously. The small figure poking her blonde head out of the door scanning the room with her dark blue eyes. Seeing no one around, she walked out and immediately went to another door and pushed the button on the side to open the cell. In it was another girl that look very similar to her.

The girl in the cell with a shocked expression questioned, "How did you get out of your cell?"

The little liberator replied, " one of the guards forgot to lock my cell. Now are you going to just stare at me or are you going to follow me and escape this he'll hole? We don't have much time before someone one finds out we're not in our cell. So hurry up Jackie."

The now named Jackie nodded and walked out of her cell. Both girls now heading towards the doors to leave this room. But while walking by two cells, Jackie looked inside to see two other girls. One with dark black hair and glowing green eyes. The other with brown hair and hazel eyes. Both looking at them with hopeful eyes but keeping quiet not wanting the guards to come.

"Rose stop." Jackie exclaimed. "We need to free the others."

Rose quickly turning to Jackie stated, "we don't have time Jackie. The guards could be here any minute. We need to leave now."

But Jackie would not budge. She started walking towards the green eyed girls cell while saying, "We can't just leave them here. You know what they are doing to us. I can't let them keep going through that. Please Rose."

Rose frustratingly said, " ugh. Fine." And began to walk over to the cell with the hazel eyed girl. Both Jackie and rose opened up the cell doors. But just then, the door leading to their escape opened. And standing in it was guard with tactical gear.

Everyone's eyes opened in shock, even the guards. The guard then started to unholster his gun and was about to point it at them but was stopped before he could. Reacting fast, the hazel eyed girl kicked of the ground with inhuman strength and appeared in front of the guard. She then threw her tiny fist into the guards chest. To the suprise of the other girls, instead of the guard tanking a the hit from a 7 year old girl, the guard was lifted of his feet and slammed into the opposite wall.

Recovering from their initial shock by the loud alarms that now went off, all the girls quickly ran out the door that led to a hallway and fled. While running, the hazel eyed girl turned towards the others and stated, "Thanks for freeing us back there. I'm Kasey by the way." Talking more towards Jackie and the other girl since she heard what Rose said about wanting to leave them.

The other green eyed girl also stated in a meek and soft voice, "Thank you. My name is Anna." Sounding extremely shy.

When they were about to turn at the end of the hall, they heard a loud "BANG". Red liquid started to run down Kasey arm as they all rushed toward a door on the side to hide from the gun fire. Kacey having tears in her eyes but trying not make a lot of noise had two holes In her arm. One entrance and one exit wound.

Before she could suffer anymore, Jackie quickly put her Hands over the bullet holes. Her hands began to glow a bright yellow light. 15 seconds later she removed he hands showing that the bullet holes were gone. The only evidence left that Kasey was shot being the blood left behind.

Kasey gave a quiet but grateful thank you to Jackie. Meanwhile Rose was looking around the room. Trying to formulate an escape plan. She was extremely lucky though because she saw that this room had another door that looks like it led to the outside world from the small triangular glass windows on it.

" Kacey, how strong are you?" Rose asked.


"Because I'm hoping it's enough to punch that door down." She said while pointing at the exit door.

Kasey began backing up a little and then sprinted at the door. Using all her strength, she slammed her shoulder into it. Causing the door to shack violently but it did not open. The only real damage was the now broken glass windows. But they couldn't fit through those tiny wholes.

Rose began inspecting the door to see why it didn't open even with that much force. She then saw through the broken windows that the other side had been completely blocked by metal bars.

"Shit!" Rose exclaimed. "We're completely blocked off."

" Is there any other way out without us having us through gunfire?" Jackie said.

"Not unless you can find a way to fit through the tiny blown out windows."Rose said in much frustration. She finally had an opportunity to escape this hell hole with Jackie only to be stopped just when freedom was withing reach.

Rose's inner thoughts were then interrupted by a meek and quick voice. " I may have a way." Anna said. Her fear of being captured overshadowing her shyness.

"Well then spit it out. We don't have much time." Rose stated.

Anna looking nervously around the others and grabbed and hugged everyone. The others immediately noticed a change in their surroundings. Everything started to grow larger and larger. Until everything is giant sized. Once they were as small as mice, Anna let go of them and everyone stopped shrinking.

"While it's great we can fit through the windows now, how are we going to reach up there when we're pint sized?" Rose said sounding exasperated.

Anna didn't say anything and just began running towards the door. She then jumped at an impossible height for her current size. Rose finally understood that their energy was compacted. Meaning they can jump higher and punch harder. But what she focused on was jumping higher.

They could finally escape. The others quickly followed Anna's example and jumped up to the window and climbed out. Once back on the ground Anna hugged everyone again and they grew back to their original height. They immediately sprinted as fast as they to get away from the fake orphanage.

It wasn't long before they heard the sound of engines getting closer. So they started running through alleyways hoping to lose their pursuers.

While running through an alleyway they stumble across a strange object. It looked like a big blue box with the words "police box" on it. And that is exactly what they need. The police. But first they need to hide from their pursuers so they quickly rushed to the doors of the box.

Jackie was the first to reach and tried to opened the the doors. But it wouldn't swing open. She kept pulling and pulling just like the sign said but it would budge. It wasn't until Kasey accidentally ran into her that she noticed that the doors open inwards.

With the doors open she urged the others to get inside. Once they were all in she followed and quickly closed the doors. Backing up from the doors still facing them. Just in case their pursuers saw them enter and will follow them.

Jackie then felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see what the other girls wanted only to see all their faced riddled with shock and awe. And she can understand why. When she turned around, what she saw wasn't an empty wooden box interior but a massive space with technology that looked alien to her.

"It's bigger on the inside?" Asked Rose with confusion as to how that was possible.

In their amazement, they noticed a fit brunette man that looked about 30 pacing back and forth muttering about hobbies.

All four girls were wary of him but noticed he was to busy thinking about something to notice them. It took them a few minutes of staring at him until they decided to get his attention. Hoping that he can help them. Kacey being the bravest of the four walked up to him cautiously and began tugging at his pants to get his attention.

The man stopped pacing and looked at them with a shocked expression. Looking surprised to see them, or anyone at all.

"How the hell did you get in here?" The man exclaimed.