
The New Story of Uzushiogakure

The war was over, but it never brought comfort. Naruto received fame, honor, and respect. But one can hardly call his life complete. An old acquaintance gives the Hero a chance in another world... Original : https://ficbook.net/readfic/2452362#part_content I'm a translator

evil_follo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

So what is next.

I went down to see Fox, who was lying peacefully in a clearing in the subconscious, talking quietly about something with Hagoromo Ôtsutsuki, known as Rikudo Sennin.

The old man was slightly levitating in the air, and below him were nine Goododama.

- Hello, Naruto," Rikudo smiled cheerfully.

- Rikudo-sama, Kurama," I nodded lightly.

- "And in the past, you used to call me 'Grandpa'," the wise man smiled again.

- Well, things change.

- You... Naruto, how are you?

- I'm fine. I lost track of time, though," I said nonchalantly.

- ... It's been ten years since the war ended, Naruto," the wise man stretched out.

- "That's how it is. So I am now," I thought involuntarily, "twenty-six years old.

- That's the reason I stopped by to see you. I know it's been a long time, but it just so happens. I was allowed to give you a gift for helping me defeat Shinju.

- Will you send me to the Shinigami? - I said hopefully.

I wasn't lying, I was already unthinkably anxious for peace. Rikudo stared at me like a sheep at a new gate. He looked at me and Kurama incomprehensibly, and only flapped his eyes.

- Let me explain," Kurama reached for the sage's forehead with the tip of his tail and for ten seconds Rikudo was passing on my memories. And when the process was over, Rikudo shuddered.

- How... sad... it all turned out," he stretched out wearily. "I can imagine. Ten years of self-abuse and such commonplace loneliness for me, it's like being back in my very childhood. Oooh, nostalgia!"

The sage was pensive, and I sat down on one of the tails for the time being.

- I think the gift I brought would be of no use to someone like you," Rikudo grimaced. - I... Naruto, is there anything I can do to help?

- Either send me to my father and mother and Hinata already, or do something about this fucking life. If not, I'll go. I'm not interested in power, I'm already a "Hero" around here... I'm sick of it. And I have to work for those to whom I owe the fact that there are no redheads left.

The old man thought again, and then smiled slyly.

- Maybe you'd like to make things right.

"And what do you mean by that, eh, Rikudo?" I remember very well that Rikudo is a trickster better than Madara.

- Scare me, grandpa," Rikudo blurted out in a satisfied smile at this treatment.

- I can send you to a parallel world.

- How far? - I perked up a little, and that's the kind of gift I'm comfortable with.

- Well, for instance, when you were first assigned to the teams...

- NO! - I... if I see any of them alive, I'll go crazy for sure! That would be way out of line. Man, you better not give me anything at all. I'll live out my life and die in peace.

I was able to put the old man in the position again: "EYES, WHERE ARE MY EYES?!"

- Hey, grandpa. Can you send me back to a time when Uzushiogakure existed? I want to see my clan.

Rikudo smiled contentedly.

- But not in this world. In one of the parallel cans, the Kakurezato ("Hidden Villages") process is just beginning there. However, I think you realize that if you do, you will lose the powers of the tails, you will not have parts of the other biju in you, nor the Rinnegan that I helped awaken. You would still have some of my powers, but not the dojutsu ones. Your own chakra level will remain. I'll be able to transfer your own techniques, too, except for the summoning. I'll have to make a new one," Rikudo smiled.

- But what if I don't want to! - Kurama interjected, displeased at the prospect. - Maybe I want to stay with the boy!

- So attached to me, ginger? - I smiled. - Pack up and come with us! Do not worry, I'll get you and there. We'll break a couple of stereotypes with you, and spoil the nerves of others! - The fox grinned. - Grandpa, what's going to happen to this body?

- Well, I guess they'll give you a decent funeral. And no one will know your soul is gone.

- That's good," I said quietly.


Today was a sad day in Konoha.

Uzumaki Naruto, True Shinobi of the Will of Fire, Hero of the Fourth World Shinobi War, captain of the most "badass" group of ANBU, and loyal friend and trusted protector was found dead on Hinata Hyuga's grave. Shizune and Sakura personally examined the body, and both gave the same conclusion: "Cardiac arrest."

Hiashi asked the Hokage for the body to be laid to rest next to his daughter, and for both graves to be fenced separately from the others. The request was granted, as everyone knew - Naruto was very often at her grave. The funeral was attended by all the villagers, and a week of mourning was declared.

After the ceremony only a small group remained at the grave: Rok Lee, Kakashi Hatake and Naruto's ANBU group of four fighters, one of whom was "Wolf" - Konohamaru Sarutobi.

- May the earth rest in your soul, my friend, for you have lived a hard life," Lee muttered and disappeared. He'll be drunk tonight, but he won't be gambling anymore.

- At last you can rest, Naruto. They're all proud of you," Kakashi squatted down and placed Jiraiya's book "Tales of the Unstoppable Ninja" against the tombstone, and then turned to the four ANBU who had stood on one knee throughout the ceremony, paying their respects, "Come on, today is an occasion," Kakashi disappeared, following Lee, the ANBU disappearing into thin air without saying a word.


I woke up in the middle of a big crater in the middle of a clearing. The sun was just at its zenith. I didn't have time to recover, but I could feel a few pockets of chakra. The ANBU's alignment was taking its toll on me.

"Four hundred yards to this 'brethren. What have we got?"

I began to use my chakra to probe every millimeter of my body and accumulate senchakra.

"The body is much younger than mine. About eighteen years old, a huge supply of his own chakra, just like any Uzumaki. Chakra control isn't bad, but it's a far cry from my previous level... in the ANBU with the kind I had in the war, I'd be kicked like a puppy..."

"Two hundred meters," six fighters. They come in a semicircle, apparently pushing toward the woods.

"No separate chakro-channels to the eyes, so I've really lost my dojutsu. I don't see any biju, which means I've lost my kekkei genkai as well (like Jiton ("Release of Magnetism") Shukaku or Yoton ("Release of Lava") Son Goku). The Sage of the Six Ways has lost its power. At least my father's technique works.

- Yeah. Not much," I muttered to myself. I have enough Senchakra for a Sennin Modo, but I don't have a summoning contract, so I have to use it very carefully: "Otherwise I'll fucking die!"

"And why do I get the feeling that Hagoromo managed to surprise me here too...?"


The crater was small, about 10-15 meters in diameter, with six Uchis already lined up around the perimeter, led by...

- Holy shit..." I involuntarily stretched out, looking at Madara, about sixteen or seventeen years old. "That stinking chakra I'd know from a thousand."

Sharingan looked at me with disdain. I quickly ran my chakra to the seals on my arms and was ready to kiss the horny old man who could levitate. My storeroom seals were completely intact, which meant that my father's kunai was with me and I would still be able to fight.

- Who are you?! - he said with a distinctive Uchiha snort.

- You'd better tell me where I am, my dear man," I replied.

There was laughter in the air.

- Answer the question!

- Why should I? - I straightened up.

- If you do not I shall kill you! - His eyes lit up with a three-tomoe sharingan. I exhaled noisily when I saw that the others only had one tomoe each, though some had no sharyngan at all.

- Get out of here, kid," I muttered as I activated Sennin Modo, causing the ground beneath my feet to crack. The KI pressure increased manifold. One Uchiha couldn't take it anymore and dropped to his knee. - I'm having a shitty day today," two kunai-kade fell out of the seal, and I immediately threw them.

One was near the kneeling man, the other flew past the man next to me.

- Hiraishin: Ni no Dan," I combined the technique with a rasengan, like my father, and "jumped" to the first target. Then to the second. Two Uchiha were nailed to the ground. - They're still alive," I muttered, rising above the man lying there, playing with my kunai.

- Akio ("Handsome," my Japanese name)," a woman's voice said.

- Goro ("Fifth Son").

- Who... are... you? - Madara was beginning to boil.

- Guess," I said playfully. - My parents are from different clans. So who am I? - I smiled sarcastically.

- A filthy-blooded one! Half-blood! - was heard from all sides.

I made a simple gesture at the insults- I took the head off one of the talkers with the same method I used to knock out the others.

- Would anyone else like to insult me? Or should I slaughter you all like rabid dogs and bury you in this pit," I poked at the crater. They didn't cry or utter a word, just let their CI's out on me.

- How do you know Tobirama Senju's technique?! - Madara said in a steady voice.

- Madara-san, let's just kill him already!

- Silence! - Uchiha-boss barked.

- I'm not going to answer you," I muttered, sealing my kunai. - See you later, Madara.

- Hold it right there..." was the last thing I heard as I disappeared into the forest at breakneck speed.


I was moving quickly north. If I got it right, about a couple of hours of running like that would put me in front of the sea, and then on to Uzushio. Back in that world, I found this village when I asked for a two-week vacation.

At the border, that is, where it was in my world, in this world you could not talk about shinobi villages, I came across a small settlement, only five houses. The place had been attacked by some band of brigands, and I would have passed it by if not for the red-haired family that was about to be strung up in the nearby trees as an example to the others.

Sennin Modo was active, and I decided to help.

A gang of ten men with no shinobi among them. "Yep, that's it." About thirty of my clones began to actively use replacements, which came as a complete surprise to everyone, including the inhabitants themselves. Switching places with logs, tables, chairs, stones in the yards or whatever, the clones simply took out ten outlaws, and then scattered all at once.

I came out of the woods and waved to the villagers. At first the people flinched at me, but when I started unleashing and helping clean up the mess, they quickly came around.

- Thank you, young man.

- Thank you, you've been very helpful.

- So be it," I muttered as I untied the girl when I felt like I couldn't move.

- Fuinjutsu: Binding," I heard myself say. The people, recognizing Uzushio's shinobi, relaxed, apparently these huts were under their protection, or something. Behind me was a shinobi in a blue suit and black jonin armor, with a mop of red hair sticking out in every direction. He put his palm to my head with a seal on it.

"That's brilliant," my thought flashed.

- "Poof," the clone this jounin had stamped on fluttered away, and I had already put a kunai to his vertebrae. - Twitch, and you'll be paralyzed for life. Do I make myself clear? - The shinobi flinched. - That's good. So who, why, why?

- What makes you think I'm going to tell you anything?

- Because at least I don't deserve a stamp on the back of my head for saving that Uzumaki family over there.

- Where are you from...? - but he was interrupted. Another Uzumaki just like him appeared in front of us, but already wearing armor with a clan maelstrom. He was much older, looking about thirty years old. He had long red hair and amber-colored eyes.

- Enough, Aki ("Autumn"). Please let our shinobi go. We will not fight," the newcomer said.

My kunai disappeared into the seal, and I moved two meters away from the shinobi.

- Maybe you should show yourself. - The shinobi in armor spoke again.

- Ooooo, finally someone started to think, and then get into a fight? - I stretched as I came out of the forest. And the clone that had previously held the jounin dispersed.

- Who are you? And why did you help these people? - The lathan spoke in a peaceful voice.

- Was I supposed to watch the Uzumaki family with a five year old child get strung up? - I arched an eyebrow.

- No, I should thank you for that on behalf of the people of Uzushiogakure," he only nodded politely. - And to apologize for my subordinate's stupidity," he shot a glance at the jonin, who also bowed politely.

- It's all right.

- So can you introduce yourself?

- Maybe. Uzumaki Naruto," I nodded lightly.

- "Uzumaki?! - Junin was taken aback. - But your hair!

- Half-blood. My father is from a different clan. I don't even know if he exists now.

- Where are you from? - The clawed man spoke again.

- It's... nowhere," I grimaced. The shinobi looked at each other. Localized skirmishes, where innocents were often killed, were not uncommon, and thus such places were often left devastated.

- Where are you going?

- ...I don't know where I'm going, just wandering. I ran into some Uchis the other day. They're funny guys," I said at my reference to the clan and the mention of the clan in general, and the lath-wearing shinobi grimaced. - I accidentally cut off one head that was talking a lot.

- Is that so? And why should I believe you? - The lancer asked.

- Because I have no reason to lie. I have lost loved ones to the Uchis. And because I'm stronger," I arched an eyebrow mockingly.

- We'll see about that! - The jounin barked.

- And what will you do? Siccing the two men who stayed behind in the forest on me, setting traps around the perimeter and making a barrier? - The lathman merely shook his head.

- He shook his head. You could feel them, even their feeble chakra manipulations. I guess you can't be fooled. Not with us, anyway," the clawed man said bitterly.

- Why don't you introduce yourself? You know my name, though you haven't introduced yourself.

- Right," Uzumaki smiled, "my name is Izamu ('Brave, Warrior') Uzumaki. How would you feel about coming with us to Uzushio, we could use a strong shinobi.

- I'd look at it positively.

Izamu made a gesture with his hand, and I felt the barrier immediately collapse, and two more actors appeared in front of us. After helping the inhabitants, we set off. This group of Uzumaki was supposed to escort the villagers closer to the village, to make it easier to help them.

I stayed in the middle in full view of the shinobi, Izama had asked me to do so.

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