
Chapter 15: Life At Konoha(2)

As the group approached Ichiraku Ramen, they could hear Guy's booming voice and Lee's enthusiastic responses even from down the street.


"YES, GUY-SENSEI!" Lee agreed passionately.

Kakashi sat beside them, seemingly absorbed in his book but quite alert. When Naruto's group rounded the corner, the atmosphere shifted noticeably.

"Yo!" Naruto called out cheerfully, pretending not to notice the sudden tension. "Look who I brought for ramen, dattebayo!"

Guy and Lee froze mid-bite, their eyes widening at the sight of Sasuke. Kakashi lowered his book slightly, his visible eye carefully assessing his former student.

"YOSH! Sasuke-kun has returned to us!" Lee jumped up, tears streaming down his face. "Truly the power of youth and friendship prevails!"

"Lee..." Guy placed a hand on his student's shoulder, his expression unusually serious as he studied Sasuke and his companions.

"Maa, maa," Kakashi eye-smiled, though his posture remained alert. "Quite a crowd you've brought, Naruto."

"Yeah! This is Ichiraku's - best ramen in the world, dattebayo!" Naruto announced, trying to ease the tension. "Old man Teuchi! Eight bowls of your best ramen!"

"YOSH! Let us celebrate this youthful reunion with a ramen-eating contest!" Lee declared, fire burning in his eyes. "Naruto-kun, I challenge you!"

"You're on, Bushy Brows!" Naruto grinned, sliding onto a stool. "But don't cry when I win, dattebayo!"

"Such spirited competition!" Guy gave his signature thumbs-up and gleaming smile. "This is what youth is all about!"

Suigetsu leaned towards Karin, whispering, "Are they always like this?"

"How should I know?" Karin hissed back, adjusting her glasses as she watched Lee and Naruto already starting on their second bowls.

Sasuke sat quietly, a slight smirk tugging at his lips as he watched his old comrades' antics. Kakashi noticed this and his eye curved into a genuine smile.

"Some things never change, eh Sasuke?" Kakashi commented casually.

"Hn," Sasuke responded, accepting his bowl of ramen with extra tomatoes.

"NARUTO-KUN! I SHALL NOT LOSE!" Lee declared, noodles hanging from his mouth. "If I cannot eat more ramen than you, I will do 500 laps around Konoha on my hands!"

"That's the spirit, Lee!" Guy shouted, tears streaming down his face. "Show him your POWER OF YOUTH!"

"You guys are so loud," Jugo observed quietly, though he seemed amused by the spectacle.

Teuchi laughed heartily as he prepared more bowls. "It's good to see the shop so lively! Ayame! We're going to need more noodles!"

The tension from earlier gradually melted away under the warmth of shared laughter and steaming ramen bowls.

"FIFTEEN BOWLS!" Naruto declared triumphantly, patting his stomach. "Beat that, Bushy Brows!"

Lee slumped over his fourteenth bowl, tears streaming down his face. "I... I have failed, Guy-sensei!"

"No, Lee!" Guy struck a dramatic pose. "You have shown the true spirit of youth! To challenge Naruto in his specialty - that takes courage!"

"Guy-sensei!" Lee's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm.




As the two green-clad ninja embraced with their signature sunset genjutsu appearing behind them, Suigetsu's jaw dropped.

"What... what is that?" he asked, pointing at the mysterious sunset.

"Don't look directly at it," Kakashi advised without looking up from his book. "You'll get used to it... eventually."

Karin rubbed her temples. "I can't believe these are elite Konoha ninja..."

"Actually," Naruto grinned, slurping up the last of his ramen, "Bushy Brows and Guy-sensei are super strong! They're taijutsu masters, dattebayo!"

"It's true," Sasuke confirmed quietly, remembering his encounter with Lee before the Chunin Exams.

"YOSH!" Lee suddenly appeared in front of Suigetsu, making him jump. "Would you like to join us for training? We can fan your flames of youth!"

"Uh..." Suigetsu looked genuinely scared for the first time since arriving in Konoha.

"That's a great idea!" Naruto exclaimed. "Bushy Brows can help you with your sword training while you're waiting to go to the Mist Village!"

"What have you gotten me into?" Suigetsu muttered, watching Lee demonstrate his "youthful" training routine.

Teuchi chuckled as he collected the empty bowls. "Naruto, you've outdone yourself this time. The bill..."

"Eh?!" Naruto's face went pale as he patted his frog wallet. "Gama-chan is going to be so empty..."

"I'll cover it," Sasuke said unexpectedly, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"Sasuke-kun..." Karin adjusted her glasses, surprised by his gesture.

"SUCH A YOUTHFUL DISPLAY OF FRIENDSHIP!" Lee exclaimed, tears streaming down his face again.

"Thanks, Sasuke!" Naruto grinned broadly. "You're not such a teme after all!"

"Hn. Don't get used to it, dobe."

Meanwhile, Guy had somehow convinced Suigetsu to try on a green spandex suit, much to everyone's horror.

"This is... uncomfortable," Suigetsu complained, tugging at the tight material.

"NONSENSE! It's perfect for maximizing your youthful potential!" Guy gave another blinding smile. "Now, let's start with 500 push-ups!"

"What have I done to deserve this?" Suigetsu muttered, while Jugo quietly observed with amusement.

Kakashi finally looked up from his book. "Well, this has been entertaining, but I should probably report to Lady Tsunade about today's... events."

Naruto nodded as Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Don't mind him - he's just super happy you're back, Sasuke, but he wants to act all cool and mysterious, dattebayo!"

As the group finished their meal, Sakura appeared, her medical apron still on. She paused momentarily at the sight of Sasuke before composing herself.

Sakura approached the group, trying to maintain her composure despite her racing heart. "Sasuke-kun... everyone... I just finished my shift at the hospital."

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto waved enthusiastically. "Join us, dattebayo!"

Karin's eyes narrowed behind her glasses as she observed Sakura's subtle reactions to Sasuke. The way the pink-haired kunoichi's chakra fluctuated when looking at him was unmistakable.

"Hmph," Karin adjusted her glasses aggressively. "I suppose even Konoha has its fan girls."

Sakura's eye twitched. "Excuse me? I'm the Hokage's apprentice, not some fan girl!"

Just then, Ino walked by, immediately spotting the group. "Sasuke-kun!" she called out, flipping her long blonde hair. "How are you settling in?"

"Oh great, another one," Karin muttered, rolling her eyes.

"What was that, Red?" Ino challenged, placing her hands on her hips.

The tension in the air grew thick as the three kunoichi faced off, each trying to position themselves closer to Sasuke, who looked increasingly uncomfortable.

"YOSH! Is this perhaps a youthful competition for love?" Lee asked excitedly.

"Actually," a new voice interrupted, "according to my research on relationships and the bonds between teammates..."

Everyone turned to see Sai approaching with his usual fake smile.

"...isn't Naruto supposed to be Sasuke's number-one love interest? The intensity of their bond, their constant rivalry, the way they chase after each other... My books suggest these are classic signs of romantic tension."

"WHAT?!" Naruto nearly choked on his ramen. "Sai! That's not... we're not... THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS, DATTEBAYO!"

Sasuke's eye twitched violently. "Naruto..."

"Don't blame me!" Naruto waved his hands frantically. "Sai's the one who said it!"

"But Dickless," Sai continued, pulling out a notebook, "the evidence suggests-"

"THAT'S IT!" Naruto jumped up. "Kurama, let me borrow some chakra! I'm gonna show Sai what happens when he reads too many weird books, dattebayo!"

Inside his mindscape, Kurama was rolling with laughter. "This is the best entertainment I've had in centuries, kit!"

The situation devolved into chaos as Sakura cracked her knuckles menacingly, Ino and Karin continued their glaring contest, Sasuke looked ready to disappear, and Guy and Lee started a passionate speech about the "springtime of youth and love."

Teuchi just shook his head, smiling as he prepared more ramen. Some things in Konoha never changed - they just got more complicated.

"Naruto-kun is right!" Lee suddenly declared. "The power of friendship transcends all! Though..." he added thoughtfully, "their bond is most youthfully passionate..."

"NOT HELPING, BUSHY BROWS!" Naruto shouted, his face bright red.

"According to my books," Sai continued, flipping through his notebook with scholarly interest, "the way Naruto and Sasuke fought at the Valley of the End was particularly romantic. The intense emotions, the dramatic dialogue-"

"SAI!" Naruto lunged forward, only to be held back by Sakura.

"Though," Sai tilted his head thoughtfully, "I'm confused about where the kiss at the Academy fits into their love story..."

"THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT, DATTEBAYO!" Naruto's face turned even redder.

"Kiss?" Karin and Ino asked simultaneously, momentarily forgetting their rivalry.

Sasuke's killing intent started leaking out. "If anyone mentions that day again..."

"YOSH!" Lee jumped up. "I remember that day! It was a most youthful display of-"

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" Guy interrupted, kicking Lee away before he could finish. "Sometimes, my precious student, we must let sleeping dogs lie!"

Suigetsu, still uncomfortable in his green spandex, was practically crying with laughter. "Oh man, this is better than any entertainment in Orochimaru's hideout!"

"Naruto and Sasuke... kissed?" Jugo asked quietly, looking genuinely curious.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" both Naruto and Sasuke shouted simultaneously.

"See?" Sai pointed at their synchronized response. "The books say that's another sign of-"

"THAT'S IT!" Naruto created a shadow clone. "Time for my ultimate technique! Sexy Reverse Harem Jutsu!"

"Naruto, NO!" Sakura tried to stop him, but it was too late.


The street was suddenly filled with handsome male ninjas, causing several passing villagers to faint.

"How's that for romance, dattebayo!" Naruto declared triumphantly.

Inside his mindscape, Kurama was howling with laughter. "Kit, this is NOT helping your case!"

The chaos only increased as Konohamaru arrived, saw what was happening, and decided to join in with his own version of the technique.

"Boss! I've perfected it!" he shouted, forming hand signs.

"NO!" Everyone yelled, but it was too late...


Konohamaru's attempt at the Reverse Harem Jutsu resulted in a cloud of smoke revealing several imperfect transformations - some too tall, others with mismatched features, creating an absolutely ridiculous scene.

"Konohamaru!" Naruto face-palmed. "That's not how you do it, dattebayo! The proportions are all wrong!"

"ENOUGH!" Sakura roared, her fist glowing with chakra. "Both of you, dispel these jutsu RIGHT NOW!"

Meanwhile, Sai continued taking notes. "Fascinating. Naruto's desperate attempt to prove his heterosexuality through inappropriate jutsu only seems to reinforce my theory about his feelings for Sasuke-"

"Sai," Sasuke's voice was deadly calm as his Sharingan activated. "One more word about this, and you'll experience Chidori firsthand."

"But according to my research-" Sai started again, only to be interrupted by multiple voices:

"SHUT UP, SAI!" everyone shouted in unison.

Ino, who had been watching the chaos unfold, suddenly burst out laughing. "Oh my god, this is better than any gossip I could've hoped for! Wait until I tell-"

"Ino-pig, don't you dare!" Sakura warned.

"Make me, Billboard Brow!"

Karin adjusted her glasses, a smirk forming. "Well, this explains why Sasuke-kun never showed interest in any girls..."

"What was that, Red?" Sakura and Ino turned on her simultaneously.

"YOSH! Such youthful drama!" Lee exclaimed, having recovered from Guy's earlier kick. "It reminds me of that beautiful story about eternal rivals becoming-"

"Lee!" Guy interrupted again. "Sometimes the power of youth needs to know when to be silent!"

Teuchi watched from his stand, shaking his head with amusement. "Ayame, I think we're going to need more seats. This show isn't over yet."

"And more ramen!" Naruto called out, trying to change the subject. "Nothing fixes awkward situations like ramen, dattebayo!"

Kurama's laughter echoed in Naruto's mind. "Kit, you're just digging yourself deeper!"

As the sun painted the sky in shades of orange and red, the group walked through Konoha's streets towards the Uchiha compound. The chaos from earlier had finally settled, leaving behind a comfortable, if slightly awkward, silence.

"Man, that was wild, dattebayo!" Naruto folded his arms behind his head, grinning. "Though I still can't believe you actually wore that spandex, Suigetsu!"

"Shut up!" Suigetsu grumbled, now back in his regular clothes. "I'm trying to forget that ever happened."

"I took pictures," Jugo said quietly, surprising everyone.

"You WHAT?!" Suigetsu's face turned purple with horror.

Karin adjusted her glasses, smirking. "Oh? I'd love to see those, Jugo."

As they reached the Uchiha compound, the sky had deepened to rich crimson hues. Just as Naruto was about to wave goodbye, Sasuke's steps halted at the entrance.

"Dobe, wait."

The atmosphere suddenly shifted. Sensing the change, Karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo quietly moved ahead, disappearing into the compound.

"You told me before... that you knew the truth about Itachi, but wanted me to hear it from him directly," Sasuke's voice was low, his eyes fixed on the Uchiha crest above the gate. "I accepted that, but I need to know something."

Naruto's usual grin faded into a more somber expression. "What is it, teme?"

"If I fight Itachi... would I win?"

The last rays of sunlight cast long shadows across their faces as Naruto let out a heavy sigh, his blue eyes meeting Sasuke's mismatched ones.

"Only if he allowed you to, dattebayo," Naruto answered honestly, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "Itachi is one of the top 5 strongest ninjas alive. I'm not even sure if his genjutsu could trap me."

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, with pride and sadness crossing his features. "Top 5?"

"Yeah," Naruto nodded solemnly. "Right now, you're at peak jōnin, maybe entering kage level. But Itachi? He can fight at peak kage level and beyond, dattebayo."

Sasuke absorbed this information, and his expression was thoughtful. "And where do you rank, dobe?"

Naruto grinned sheepishly, scratching his cheek. "Well... as of right now, I'm probably the strongest ninja of our generation."

"Strongest of our generation?" Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly, a competitive spark igniting. "Don't get too cocky, dobe."

"Hey, it's not being cocky if it's true, dattebayo!" Naruto defended, and then his voice softened. "But don't worry, many strong people are out there. I might not hold that title for long." His signature grin returned as he turned to leave. "Well, let's not dwell on this stuff. I know you'll catch up. Have a good night, and please... trust me."

As Naruto's figure disappeared into the darkening streets, Sasuke stood there for a moment longer, his brother's image and Naruto's words weighing heavily on his mind.

Sasuke watched Naruto's retreating form until it disappeared into the darkness, then turned to enter the compound. He found his team waiting by the main house, trying (and failing) to look like they hadn't been curious about his conversation with Naruto.

"Everything okay, Sasuke-kun?" Karin asked genuine concern in her voice.

"Hn," he responded, walking past them into the house.

"That means 'yes' in Sasuke-speak," Suigetsu translated with a smirk, earning him a glare from both Sasuke and Karin.

Inside, the house was quiet except for their footsteps on the wooden floors. Moonlight filtered through the traditional paper screens, casting long shadows across the hallway.

"I'll prepare dinner," Jugo offered quietly, heading towards the kitchen.

"I'll help!" Karin quickly volunteered, following him.

"Just don't let her near the actual cooking," Suigetsu muttered under his breath, remembering the last time Karin had attempted to cook. The resulting food had looked more like a science experiment gone wrong.

Sasuke moved to the engawa, sliding open the door to sit on the wooden porch. His mind was still processing Naruto's words about Itachi. The dobe had grown not just in strength, but in wisdom too - though Sasuke would never admit that out loud.

"You know," Suigetsu said, unexpectedly joining him, "for what it's worth, that loud friend of yours seems to care about you. Not many people would be that honest about power differences."

Sasuke remained silent, but his expression suggested he was considering Suigetsu's words.

From inside, they could hear Karin yelling at Jugo not to add so much salt, while Jugo calmly explained that's what the recipe called for. The domestic chaos was oddly comforting, making the usually empty compound feel alive again.

"Naruto..." Sasuke finally spoke, "has always been honest to a fault." He paused, looking up at the stars now visible in the darkening sky. "Even when the truth hurts."

As Naruto walked through the dimly lit streets of Konoha, Kurama's voice rumbled in his mind.

"Kit, you might have said too much," the fox's tone was concerned. "Telling him about Itachi's true strength and your position... that was risky."

Naruto sighed, kicking a small pebble as he walked. "I know, I know. But I'm tired of hiding things from him, dattebayo. In the future, all those secrets and lies... they only pushed him further into darkness."

"And what if this knowledge pushes him to seek power more desperately?" Kurama challenged. "Knowing the gap between himself and Itachi is even wider than he thought..."

"That's exactly why I told him," Naruto stopped walking, looking up at the star-filled sky. "Sasuke needs to understand that some gaps can't be closed through hatred or shortcuts. He needs to grow stronger the right way."

"Hmph," Kurama snorted, but there was a hint of approval in his voice. "You're still taking a gamble, kit."

"Maybe," Naruto grinned, resuming his walk. "But I believe in him. In this timeline, things will be different. Besides..." his expression turned more serious, "he needs to be prepared for what's coming. We all do."

"Just hope your honesty doesn't backfire," Kurama muttered, settling back into his mindscape. "The Uchiha can be... unpredictable."

"That's why we're here, isn't it?" Naruto smiled softly. "To make sure it doesn't."

The conversation faded as Naruto continued his way home, the weight of his knowledge about the future heavy on his shoulders, but his faith in his friend remained unshaken.