
Chapter 10

Annabelle slowly began to wake up, she lifted her arm to wipe her eyes but it couldn't reach. Was she still chained up in Bea's basement? No this is different she thought to herself. Annabelle could hear men talking, she could smell a fire and man B.O.

When she opened her eyes it was pitch black, something was put over her head stopping her from being able to see. These chains were alot tighter and heavier, if she didn't have this new strength inside her, she was sure the collar around her neck alone could break her human spine.

Before she could even think about where she was, one of the men must have noticed her waking up. The musty smelling hood was soon pulled violently off her head revealing her surroundings. It was clear she was in the forest.

Trying to count all the men while they are moving around was pretty difficult. Annabelle counted 15 before the scruffy butch man standing directly infront of her spoke.

"Oh look, she's awake! we're going to fetch a hefty price for you Lycan girl. Maybe the king will even invite me to the to the table" he spoke through charcoal teeth. And laughed with his men. They reminded Annabelle of the stories she was told about vikings.

Anna didn't know how long she'd been out but it must have been a few hours as the sun had fallen and the moons took their place.

How did she even get here, Bea said the room could withstand an apocalypse, Bea said to trust her and yet here she is in the hands of these barbarians. Was she given to them? no, no, she quickly expelled that thought from her mind.

She was so exhausted, to much to fight back right now. Looking down she noticed she was covered in sticky dried blood again, sporting barely any clothes. Luckily the clothes Bea had gave to her were a bit more stretchy so her private places were still covered.

She knew the only reason the men weren't harassing her is because of her value. They knew she was exhausted aswell.

"You slaughtered 8 of my men... arrr I guess it was worth the loss. If you hadn't ran into them, I wouldn't have you now Hahaha. And they thought you were a man Ahahaha" his laughter echoed through the woods.

Annabelle wasn't about to waste what little energy she had left arguing with a bunch of brutes.

"Where have you been hiding all these years girl?".

Still nothing.

"You wear the blood of my men yet you can't answer a simple question...".

Annabelles silence began to get on the big guys nerves.

"Ronan, her wolf is ferrel, maybe she is too?" interjected a smaller scruffy man from behind the big guy now known as Ronan.

"Nonsense, you better start talking girl. I know you understand me" Ronan's face was now a few inches from Annabelles. Him calling her 'girl' pissed her off but she knows when to pick her battles. She just looked him back dead in the eye.

She had faced cruelty before but this is disgusting.

Annabelle was just thinking about how many other victims Ronan and his gang have prayed upon. She was angry but too weak to do anything, she just stared him in the eyes.

One of the bigger guys approached Ronan with a proposal "The King wants the Lycans delivered alive, and we will do so. You know what will get us even more noticed?".... "what?.." one of other men asked scratching his head like a monkey.

"Someone has been hiding her, if we give this information to king, we will be even richer" the man said with gluttony written across his face. Another one started... "We could keep her ourselves, No one would dare cross us"...

Annabelle just sat there, thinking of all the things these people had in common with her own. The greed that fueled them being the most obvious right now. "or we could.." The man was quickly interrupted "Enough! unless you want to challenge me I suggest you do as I say" Ronan growled puffing out his chest through the dark fur sleeveless Jacket he was wearing.

All of the men took a step away from him looking down. Everyone, even the ones that looked big enough to take him on.

Why were they so scared of him? Anna thought to herself.

Throughout the night Annabelle thought of many ways she could escape, each one would never have worked, and that's if she even had the energy to try.

When your trapped for so long, it becomes your second nature to submit. Annabelle wanted so badly to give up, seems like her wolf doesn't want to eat them right now either so I guess she's stuck.

As soon as the sun came up the group began to move. A couple of the men retrieved horses from somewhere behind the trees. Annabelle was given the leg of some kind of bird to eat, it wasn't so bad, better than not eating. At first she refused it but Ronan wouldn't leave until she took it so she did.

When she was finished, Ronan brought out new restraints, these were giant metal cuffs that engolfed her whole hands. The Collar around her neck had a chain link on either side to secure her to something, in this case it was Ronans horse. He quickly lifted her onto it and secured her in place.

"Make her walk" one of the men suggested to Ronan.

"No" he replied simply.

The next thing to be said by Ronan was "Move out!". The group walked for a few hours occasionally stopping for water, the sun was blaring. Annabelle noticed a few glances from the men when she took water from Ronan. She could tell this wasn't the usual treatment.

The only words he said to her now is "Drink!" or "Eat!". Maybe they were the only words he thought she understood but it was more likely that he knew they were the only words she would listen too. Annabelle was never one to turn down food, even if it is from huge stinking burly men. I guess they make a mean BBQ she thought.