
New kid at school

He was walking through the corridor when he bumped right into her.She fell and her books fell off her hands."Oh I'm so sorry!",he said.The girl was Susan the daughter of the mayor and also the most beautiful girl at school.All the boys were after her and Jack also admired her.She never paid any attention to them and it didn't help that Jack always got clumsy around her.He quickly helped her pick up the books and put them on her hands his hands gently brushing her arms.At that moment,the sound of the bell echoed noisily in the corridor and they all went for classes.

After the classes, Jack stayed back to read a little bit more.As he walked out,he tripped and fell flat on his face.He stood up and was face to face with his attacker who turned out to be Bill.One of the biggest bullies in his school.Usually,Bill was with his sidekicks,Bane and Bowers (their group is known as 3B). But this time Bill was alone Jack was seriously trying to resist the urge to transform and devour him in the lonely corridor.Bill gave him a wedgie then whispered to him "I saw the way you were staring at Susan and let me warn you ONE STEP TOWARDS HER AGAIN AND YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!.Then letting go of Jack, he moved out of the corridor.