
Power levels

This is a fanfic so I am going to make a few things that did not exist in the original and alter somethings so you all need to be ready for that. This is going to be going lowest to highest and it is my power scale so it will not match canon, sorry.

Low class devils/ Beginner exorcists/ Two winged angels

Middle class devils/ Experienced exorcists/ Four-six winged angels

High class devils/ Veteran exorcists/ Eight winged angels

Ultimate class devils/ Special class exorcists/ Ten winged angels

Satan class devils/ Twelve winged angels/ Weak Gods

Super class devils/ Strong Gods


Trihexa/Great Red/Ophis


Magic Levels

Basic= Low Class

Beginner= Mid class/ High class

Intermediate= High class/ Ultimate Class

Advanced= Satans/ Super class/ Gods

Pinnacle= Ddraig/Albion

I know I am probably going to get a lot of crap for this but oh well.

Peace12345creators' thoughts