
The New Hyrule

Have you ever wondered, if Link was born in the year 2024? will the setting be medieval still? Read to find out.

Linkyy · Video Games
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10 Chs

Link's Death

"And that's the story of why we're here right now". (Yes! I did it)

"Ma'am, you have successfully perfected the "words" you have been "practicing" from your Data_Script."

*Zelda whispers to Navi* N-Navi! I didn't order you to report!" *sigh*

"By the way, Link, this is Navi if you already know".

*Link looks at the computer (Navi)*

"I created her a year ago, thanks to the antagonist who accepted the upgrades from the Hylian to the MHPs, I was able to apply it to Navi. Well, not entirely... Because this happened;

"Someone leaked the formula and blueprints for the MHPs on the internet right after the innocent Hylian got assassinated. It was probably a servant or a family member of the Hylian but I'm not really sure... Ganondorf saw it and deleted it immediately. But it was too late, the Hylians learned of it already, they made robots for themselves and used them against Ganondorf. His rage was slowly uprising every time the Hylians were making memes and stuff out of him. This was the root of "The Hylian Massacre"

Link suddenly approached Zelda's computer and started typing with amazing speed! Zelda looked at Link and touched him by the shoulder and asked confusingly, "What are you doing??"

Zelda saw Link type so many codes and commands on the computer. Zelda felt worried, thinking, Link might break her computer, Navi.

Link was still typing... Wonder what he's up to... Could it be that there was something bad going on?

Link stopped typing and distanced away from the computer

The computer restarted, then showed a loading screen. They waited for Navi to open.

"Link! What did you do??"

But Link just smiled at Zelda.

Then the computer opened as it would normally do.

"Navi? Are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Yes madam' Zelda! Loud and clear." Navi replied with a happy tone.

"Ok umm.. Can you give me particular updates?"

Navi: "Well ma'am, I think... Ma'am, I don't think so! Ma'am! Oh, hi Link! I'm back!."

Zelda was impressed by Link's doing. He changed Navi into a less-robotic computer!

*She gazed at Link*

"The Goddesses must've been using this man," Zelda thought.

Or this could just be Zelda's doing to Link. She tried various things through technology just to awaken him. And this may be his results. Zelda might've been created the most overpowered Hylian subject of all Hyrule. Well, I think it's in her opinion.

Navi: "Zelda! There are five intruders located near the South Gate of the H.L! They're about to rush in at any minute. We need to force a lockdown now!"

*Link lowered his eyebrows*

"Shoot! Why now?! We haven't even train Link how to fight yet! *sigh* calm down... Ok, commence the Lockdow- ".

Link interrupted Zelda by touching her shoulder and covering her mouth for a moment.

Link looked serious, looking towards the door, with Zelda, thinking, Link might say something like, "I can handle this..."

Then they both looked at each other.

"L-link I understand. Take some weapons right there on the corner. Guns would be best to destroy them. Don't take the knives, The MHPs were specially programmed to destroy them, literally! They can sense whether if you have them or not. Here's a wireless earphone. Navi can talk to you with it. Now go! I'll explain some details later.

Link understood Zelda's words.

But Zelda saw Link took the knives, and a simple, Pistol. He was about to leave the room.


Link stopped, looking back at Zelda.

"L-link I.." *Zelda blushed*


Link got confused thinking, what Zelda was trying to say to him.

"*sigh* Just.. be careful... Okay?"

Link grinned, and smiled at Zelda, nodding his head. Then left the room with tremendous speed!

Zelda felt worried. She remembered the time Link was being shot by multiple bullets 2 years ago by the MHPs.

Navi: "Zelda, don't worry. Link will be fine, you made him strong through your sweet little touches anyway hehe".

*Zelda pouted*

Zelda: "D-don't say that! You know that Link can hear you right? *sigh* But yeah, I guess your right. But still, I need to do something to help Link."

Zelda: "Navi, send a drone to observe Link's situation right now".

They saw Link through the drone's camera.

But suddenly, smoke started to appear everywhere, blocking the scenery. They couldn't see Link with the MHPs.

They waited for the smoke to clear up.

The smoke was coincidentally blown away by the wind. They can now clearly see the situation.

Link was being cornered by the five MHPs having the knife on his hand.

Zelda trembled... Link was about to die if he obviously showed off the knife to them! Zelda started to panic and planned to order Navi to send out armed drones to execute the MHPs desperately.

She had no choice, she needs to save Link!

"Navi! Send out armed drones to Link's location. Quickly! Before he gets himself kil-

*Gun firing noises*

Link was being shot brutally on the head, he fell on the ground but the MHPs kept firing at him till the knife was torn and melted to pieces.

With the knife all gone, they stopped firing at the poor hero.

Zelda.. was intensely shocked! She saw him die in her own eyes!

Not able to do anything even in his last moment...

Zelda fainted and fell on the floor with tears on her eyes. She took care of Link for 2 years and this is all Link was going to repay her? Death? what a weak person.

Navi: "LINK NOO!! Drones! Commence execution!

Navi: "Zelda.. I'm... very... sorry. Monitoring cameras off, Camouflage mode, commence building lockdown."

The drone monitoring Link returned back to the Hidden Laboratory, and all the gates and entrances were all shut, not leaving anything open. The H.L faded—it camouflaged.

Navi: "Link why... In this way... How could you die in this way... You have so many things to do..."

Navi silenced, she didn't know what to do...

Navi: "Sorry.. we're very sorry... Link, you must've been tired of living this way... Yes... I think you have done enough... You already helped us find our solution, and you served Hyrule.. for decades if you didn't know. and so, you may now rest in peace, Mr. Link. Good..bye..".

There was total silence everywhere. The MHPs were wandering around the camouflaged Laboratory, observing, if there were any more threats surrounding them. And there you go, this Legend must be called, "The Legend of: Zelda – The Storytelle-


*Gun fires and an explosion*

Navi: "..Whoa what?!"

Navi sent a drone to monitor the situation outside. And saw Link for a second. But all the explosions blocked the scenery. Navi can't see anything. She can't order the drone to get closer—the drone would be exposed by the heat of explosions. So Navi waited excitingly for a few moments.

The Gun firing stopped and there was smoke everywhere.

Navi waited for the smoke to clear up and see what happened.

The smoke cleared.

She saw the MHPs burning, then the flames were blown by a strong wind.

And there she saw Link, wearing an underwear, and the chained male Zelda gave her.

Navi was surprised! She was so happy Link was alive. But Navi asked herself, who was the one being shot by the head? It looked exactly like Link. Well, she didn't really care because she saw Link was alive!!

"Link! Can you hear me? Nicely done! You scared me to the core of my memory! Now, come back here, quickly. Zelda fainted!"

Link quickly ran back to the Lab and saw Zelda lying on the floor.

Link held Zelda then carried her upstairs, to a bed. There, Link waited patiently, he wanted to tell her everything.

A few hours later, Zelda was still asleep, and Link felt hungry while waiting for Zelda to wake up.

So Link left a note on the bed. The note was about what happened to him.

Then Link went downstairs to go and prepare food. She thought of Zelda, thinking, she might get hungry once she wakes up. So he prepares food for the both of them.

Unfortunately, Link didn't find much food in the Laboratory, so he was thinking of heading outside to get food.

So he went out, finding food.

But before he left, he made some equipment that he noticed of himself he was capable of.

He made a fine sword and a strong shield.

He smelted the knives that he used earlier from the battle he fought earlier. But there were much stronger metals in the lab that he can use. Why didn't he use any of those metals? Hmm...

Then he made the shield made from the MHPs' armor. Link didn't smelt the material. He just hammered it then he formed it into a perfect-looking shield. How did that happen.

So yeah, then Link set off to find food for both Zelda and himself.

Meanwhile, Zelda woke up. She started to cry.

Navi saw her through her cameras.

"Ma'am Zelda?"

"Yes, Navi? *wipes her tears*".

"Please don't cry."

"Yes, *sniffs* I'm sorry. I need to move on and think of another plan to-

*Navi interrupts* "Link is alive."

"Yes, I know, soon, after this situation, we're in will be all over, he will be reincarnated to-

"He went outside to go find both of you some food to eat."

"What?" *Zelda stopped crying*

"And he left a note on your bed. He wanted to tell you everything, but he just felt very hungry and went off to find some food"

"A note.."

"Dear Zelda, you must be confused right now but.. I didn't die.

I made a strategy earlier to destroy the MHPs. And I also discovered a little secret that can be useful for us to use against them...

Hi theree. Sorry if my english is a bit bad XD I'm not american, so yeah not good in english. Thinking of scenes are easy, but when you type them.. ITS JUST CONFUSING so yeah. Hope you guys understand. LOL

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