
The New Hyrule

Have you ever wondered, if Link was born in the year 2024? will the setting be medieval still? Read to find out.

Linkyy · Video Games
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A note? More like a page of his diary..

The continuation of Link's Note:

"And I also discovered a little secret that can be useful for us to use against them...

"The MHPs' armor was made of a special kind of metal. You said that the knives can't penetrate through their armor. But why? We can use the knife if we also used it at the same speed and force of a bullet. We can. But that's not my point. The MHPs' armor react differently to the knives."

This what happened to me earlier;

Before I left the H.L, I found a mannequin. It looked like me!".

Zelda happily remembered something.. (Oh, that mannequin was for Link's clothes model! I tested clothes on that mannequin and see if it fitted Link.. Heheh. Welp, I'm glad that helped him).

Zelda grinned thinking of it.

"So I took the mannequin and used it as a test subject to see what happens to me when I held the knife on my hand. I'm sorry, I think the scene cost you a faint hehe, but I had to do it.

I used the greenish water that you put me in. I noticed that, while the was drying up quickly, it made steam while fading away. I immediately contained it in a test tube. It could be helpful as a smoke bomb.

I went out, and I saw the five MHPs scanning for Lifeforms.

I threw a test tube in the middle of them. The test tube broke, releasing steam pressure of the greenish water. It made a large smoke, now they can't see me.

So I quickly ran in between all of them, Placed the mannequin in the middle, and put some clothes I'm wearing. I put all my clothing except for the chain mail, and my underwear.

*Zelda Laughed*

I quickly hid before the smoke cleared up.

There, I saw the mannequin holding the knife on its hand, observing what would happen to it.

I noticed that the MHPs kept their distance first before they started firing at the mannequin.

I sensed electricity between the knife and the MHPs...

I had a plan that I wanted to try out.

The MHPs stopped firing, so I quickly observed the results of what happened.

The mannequin, it got shot on the head. But I only saw three holes on its head thinking, the MHPs only shot three bullets. Then I saw the knife, well, it once was. The knife melted, then the ground absorbed it. The MHPs probably used high, temperature bullets on the knife to melt it. I'm thinking lazers? I'm not sure...

I figured that the MHPs targeted on the knife first. They were shooting at the knife. Then right after the mannequin dropped it, the MHPs targeted the mannequin and shot it three times on the head. After the mannequin was shot, they targeted the knife again until it melted, being absorbed by the ground.

I didn't have time to lose, I threw a knife at an MHP, one that was near to the other one. Then this happened.

You were right Zelda, the knives can't penetrate through them. But I saw my thrown knife slid on the MHP's armor and it made a shockwave of electricity that the other MHP near it, exploded.

And if I said slid, I mean friction. If the knife made a friction interaction with the MHP's armor, it creates an invisible, electric shockwave not destroying the MHP itself but destroying the other MHPs near it.

So I quickly ran with intense speed, threw a knife at the other one. And right before the knife hit it, I slid on the ground to dodge the MHP's bullets and shot the MHP that I threw with a knife with, using that trusty pistol. The knife made a shockwave and destroyed the other MHP. Then came the bullet that I shot. It ended the last one.

The first MHP that I destroyed exploded again, making a chain reaction explosion to the other MHPs that I destroyed.

I just stood there and watched the explosions, wandering, why do they explode anyway? I had no idea.

And so, Navi saw me through a drone and started calling me from the wireless earphone that you gave me.

I ran back to the lab, then I saw you lying on the floor. Navi said you passed out, so I immediately carried you upstairs to a bed, waiting for you to wake up. And I think Navi explained the rest to you. I just went out to get food.


"L-link carried me??" Zelda said to herself blushingly.

"Awwwee, ma'am Zelda your face is turning reddd! So, you really do like Link huh?" Navi replied teasingly

"W-well its not like a big deal or something right??"

"So you do?" Said Navi.

"N-no it's not like that really" Zelda replied with hesitation.

"Well, what if someone else steals... Link from you.. hehe.."

"W-well I.. uhh.. oh alright..! I-i think I do like Link" Zelda replied, having a cute pout on her face.

"But... Please Navi.. don't tell him.."

"I shall obey your order! Ma'am Zelda". Navi replied

"You don't have to call me with the "Ma'am" anymore... You're more like a best friend to me now. Please, just call me Zelda". Zelda declared with a lovely smile on her face.

"Yay! Thank you... Zelda." Navi happily replied.

Both Zelda and Navi talked together joyfully while waiting for Link. Until...

"Oh, Link's back downstairs!"

"He is?!" Zelda replied excitingly.

Zelda immediately went downstairs and saw Link.

"Link!!" *Zelda hugs him*

Zelda was so happy he hugged Link so tightly that she didn't want to let him go.

*sobs* "Link.. at least tell me your plans first before you do that kind of scene... Okay?"

Link smiled, nodded his head, and hugged Zelda back.

"Awwe you two are so cute!" said Navi.

"N-Navi!" reacted Zelda.

"By the way Link, what's that you have there?" asked Navi.

Both Zelda and Navi looked at the things Link has.

He brought food!

He brought 5 cooked cuccos (It's chicken in their world), he also bought a sack of rice grain, fruits, vegetables, and kinds of wheat.

Both Zelda and Navi were surprised! I mean, a single Hylian can't carry all of that stuff. They're all too heavy. And its kind of unbelievable to get all that stuff in a short period of time.

"Link, What's that behind you?" asked Zelda.

Link stood back revealing what Zelda meant.

"Whooaa!!" Both Zelda and Navi were shocked at what they saw!

Link also brought two cows with him!

"Ok, that's just unbelievable... We are so wealthy right now." Said Zelda, still shocked.

"I didn't have a lot of food after the great Hylian massacre started... Link... Thank you!!"

"So sad. I'm not a living being huhuhu... But Link, that was really impressive!" said Navi.

"Hey, Link, how did you do it?? Two hours just passed, and now you have all these goods?"

"Never mind, Link, you must be hungry, let's eat!".

"Uhm Zelda? Don't you guys have to cook the other things too? Like, the vegetables or something?" Suggested Navi.

"O-oh, right.."

"Link, you must be tired... Hey Zelda! You should cook the vegetables and mushrooms!" Said Navi

"M-me?? Uhmm.. *Looks at Link* Uhmm.. yeah... I guess.." responded Zelda, with hesitation

Link helped Zelda put the sack of grain in the kitchen. Link left and went to a table. There he prepared plates, forks, and spoons that they needed.

"Hehehe I just set up a date between the two of them. This'll be fun to watch". Said Navi.

Link sat on a chair. He got a bit sleepy while waiting for Zelda. So he put his head, facing sideways, on the table.

"Awe, Link fell asleep. Hmm... I wonder what's Zelda's situation right now Hehe". Thought Navi.

Meanwhile... Zelda...

"Oh no. How can I cut these?! Remove the leaves? No no... that's not right... Huhu what should I do!?" She cried.

*Zelda accidentally wounded her finger*

"Ouch!" Zelda said with a scream

Link woke up, hearing Zelda scream. He went to the kitchen and see what happened to her.

"Link! What are you doing here?!"

Link held Zelda's hand and saw blood.

"I-I'm fine Link! Really! I can cover it by myself-

Link held Zelda's hand and licked her finger to wipe the blood.


Link hold Zelda's hand and went to the sink to wash her hand. Zelda was blushing.

Luckily, Link had a bandage, so he covered Zelda's finger with it.

Then, Link noticed what Zelda's cooking. So he went to the cooking place, still holding Zelda's hand.

Link figured that Zelda wasn't good at cooking. So, he taught Zelda how to cook. First, Link washed the vegetables.

Next, they need to chop it. Link went behind Zelda's back, holding her hand, teaching her how to cut, and peel the vegetables. Link was so good at it that, Zelda already learned how. So, he depended on Zelda to cut the vegetables. Meanwhile, Link opened the stove and put a pan on top of it. He heated the pan for a while then poured some oil in it. Then he transported the chopped vegetables near the stove to easily put them in the pan later. Then Link assisted Zelda on putting the vegetables on the pan. Once Zelda put the vegetables in the pan, the oil boiled harshly. Zelda immediately distanced from the pan and fell on Link. Link held Zelda, he knew she was about to trip. Zelda stood again but this time, Link, again, held Zelda's hand and helped her mix the ingredients carefully.

"Look at Zelda, enjoying herself. Must've been fun to be a Hylian.," said Navi.

"I have an idea! Oohoho, I'm going to surprise both of them tomorrow.. Just you guys wait".

Navi commanded the garage's gadgets to make something. I wonder what she'll do...

Link and Zelda finished their cooking and settled the food on the table.

"Navi! Were done cooking!" Zelda said excitedly.


"Zelda! You're back! So, how was it?

"Thanks to Link, I learned how to cook now!" replied Zelda.

"O-oh, good for you!"

Link and Zelda sat on their chairs and started eating.

"By the way... Navi... Is there something wrong?" asked Zelda.

"What? Oh, no no... I'm just a little bit busy for a while checking on the H.L"

"Ooh, I see. Navi.. thank you.."

"No prob!"

In the middle of eating, Zelda thought of something. Meanwhile, Link finished his food and happily gave Zelda a thumbs up, saying, that he enjoyed the food.

"Yay! Thank you, Link!

"(O-oh shoot. I don't have a spare room for Link for the night... Where should he sleep?!)"

My english is still bad. Yup.. still bad huhu

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