
The new horizon

Trevor committed suicide to end his sufferings and pain. Only to realize that he got transmigrated to another world and the first thing he saw after opening his eyes was a woman lying dead beside him. "Dear God, do you want me to go through another suicide again? Do you hate me so much?" Trevor said as he thought he would be accused of murder. But soon he realized that the world he was in had different rules. Take a walk with Trevor, as he rises above everyone else and takes control of his own destiny.  ------- This is a [Game of Thrones] X [Star Wars] fan-fic. It will be a little slow burn but I will try to go through all the lore and stories of both the books. Hope you will enjoy it. Sorry - I am still trying to make the conversation parts more acceptable and funny so bear me with this.

thelightedghost · TV
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19 Chs


/*Thank you for the suggestions on wine making and how to make different kinds of it. I will try to implement it along the way.*/

"Mom.. I mean Mother (Dammit, one day I will be busted)... I just did some mixing of different flavours and voila!! Now we have different kinds of ales." Gawen replied but he was cursing himself. A little disorientation of his thoughts had brought him back to the same way of talking like he used to do in his past life.

All these months of speech "conditioning" failed just because his thoughts were in disarray.

"Gawen, you have started to talk like a southerner." Erena whispered in his ears.

"I know, idiot." Gawen too replied to her in a low tone. But his mother was lost in her own thoughts. Her son was now becoming a talk of the town. Not for being the Young Lord but for being a baker. And now his son showed that he was an expert in ale. What more was he hiding or what kind of sorcery was done that her son gained so much after he lost his memory!

"What more are you hiding?" Sybelle asked.

"Uh.. I can make things fly.." Gawen said in all seriousness. Sybelle, Erena and even the people who were working nearby looked at him for a second.

And then burst out laughing. Gawen seeing this felt embarrassed.

"Seems like truth doesn't have a place here." Gawen thought but didn't speak it out loud.

"My son now has a sense of humor. That's good to know."

Gawen just stood there awkwardly as all had a good laugh.

"Mother, is that why you wanted to call? For the ale?" Gawen asked, trying to break away his awkwardness.

"No. I was just curious about the taste. I want you to take your sister to buy her a new dress for Robb Stark. He is the heir to Winterfell, if Erena could catch his eye, it would be immensely helpful for the House and would help us secure our positions for a long time." Sybelle said.

Erena's heart skipped a beat when she heard that. Like all other girls, she too was brainwashed into thinking that girls like her would be eventually wedded away to some prominent House, where the man would be their knight in shining armor.

In this case a shitty ass Young Lord in worn out old leather!!!

But Erena always hated this notion. She liked to be free, and the whole idea of marriage was a no-no in her mind, but she could never voice her opinion.

"I will take her mother and buy her the best dress." Gawen replied. Erena, who was standing behind him, squeezed his hand but Gawen didn't seem to care.

"Aye.. You are rich now.. Give her a good one." Sybelle said as she got busy with the work of arranging the Hall. Gawen and Erena left after that.

As they came out Gawen could see that she wasn't exactly thrilled about what was being suggested before.

"If you don't want to marry him, you can just wear a bad dress." Gawen said.

"Mother will kill me if she sees me in one." Erena said.

"She won't. I as a brother will protect you. Tell you what, tomorrow I will give you a new bow and a bunch of arrows for you to shoot if you act naturally as you are with us." Gawen said.

"Bow and arrows? Will you really buy me? If mother gets to know this she will burn me alive." Erena said but her voice suggested she was happy beyond imagination. Her mother never let her buy her own bow and arrow as she thought it was very un-ladylike.

"I am buying you with my own money. Erena, if you want to live your life on your own terms, you will have to earn it. Never let others dictate your life." Gawen said. Erena's eyes sparkled as she heard those bold words of her brother.

At the end they both went for a normal cloth shop nearby and she ended up buying a dress which she found cute. Though in their standards the dress would be given a seal of 'average'. But they both seemed not to care about it.

Later Erena went to her solar to try her new dress out while John went to a secluded place in the castle to try out his telekinesis. The count of 500 midi-chlorians wasn't a huge one, no, in the grand scheme of events this measly 500 was nothing at all but he didn't need to care.

The more he upgrades things the more experience points he will gain and if what he understood was correct then his midi-chlorians count will grow along with it.

All he needed to do was check later on this and prove his own conjecture.

But he also knew that knowing telekinesis didn't make him Yoda from the get go, he needed to be precise, fast and efficient with it and for that he needed practice. Immense practice.

And Gawen was determined to put on the hours. All he needed was a safe and a secluded place to practice. He did have a place in his mind to work upon but for that he needed time.

Soon it was evening, and the fabled Robb Stark had arrived in a small carriage. The distance between Winterfel and Deepwood Motte was around 300 miles so it was quite far.

When the carriage door opened a handsome and young man walked out of it. He looked more young and more handsome than he looked in the series. Probably because the story of the Game of Thrones series hadn't started and there was still time.

After Robb stepped out, there was another person who put his feet on the ground. The person whom Gawen never expected to see here. One of the few characters he really liked and probably the one with a most tragic fate.

Scratch that, every person in the series had a tragic fate.

The second person who had stepped out was the famous Jon Snow. The bastard!!

Or so was proclaimed.

Only to be revealed later that he had the bloodline of House Targaryan.