
The New Gods : ArdhDaevas

A thrilling saga of the 'Daevanshas' left behind by the higher gods, Daevas. The Endtime is here and these young stars face an epic struggle against formidable forces that once were fought against by their parents - The Asuras, The Demons, and The Gods of other pantheons have decided to return. But will the daevas return even? And in this fight will they emerge victorious? What lies in store for their destiny? Uncover the answers as you delve into this story.

aiedrow · History
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14 Chs

Chapter 0

The atmosphere inside the flight buzzed with a mix of excitement and curiosity as Aiedrow and his team embarked on their journey to the USA. The long hours ahead prompted casual conversations about the upcoming adventure, food preferences, and the anticipation of exploring a new country.

Seated in their designated places, Aiedrow initiated the banter. "So, who's excited to try the famous American burgers?" he grinned, glancing around the group. The team chuckled, with Oviyan expressing a particular interest in exploring local cuisines.

As the flight soared through the skies, discussions drifted from food to places they hoped to visit. Niyank, always the well-informed one, shared snippets about famous landmarks, while Ameya expressed her eagerness to experience the cultural diversity the USA had to offer.

Dev, in his usual laid-back demeanor, added a touch of humor. "I heard the coffee in the USA is something else. We might need it to keep up with all the brainy discussions."

The mention of other teams sparked Dev's curiosity, and he turned to Niyank. "What other countries are participating, Niyank?"

Niyank, ever the information hub, listed the participating nations. "Team China, USA, England, and Korea are in the mix."

Ameya interjected, "Only seven of us will be participating, and each country has a team of seven. It's going to be an intense competition."

As the team pondered the potential strengths of participants from other countries, Pratham wore a knowing smile, exchanging a glance with Aiedrow. They both understood that beneath the surface, this competition held more complexity than a simple exchange of ideas.

Upon landing at the US airport, Aiedrow took charge. "Follow Pratham's lead. I will see u guys later" "For now I have someone important waiting for me.", he added.


Quinston, a man of stature and charisma, welcomed Aiedrow with a firm handshake. Their conversation flowed seamlessly, a blend of casual banter and subtle inquiries about each other's teams.

Quinston, with a twinkle in his eye, asked about Aiedrow's team. "How's your team shaping up, Aiedrow?"

Aiedrow, equally adept at the art of conversation, responded, "As promising as ever. And your other teams, Quinston?"

Quinston chuckled. "You know I always have a few aces up my sleeve. Are you participating this time?"

Aiedrow, with a cryptic smile, replied, "I might. My team, however, is more than capable."

Quinston, not one to back down, teased, "Your team might just lose if you don't."

"They are not weak," Aiedrow defended.

"It's unfair if you don't even participate," Quinston remarked.

"I guess that is true," Aiedrow conceded, and the banter continued as they made their way to the dining hall.

In the midst of the ongoing party, Aiedrow's attention was diverted towards an Indian businessman. Quinston introduced him, "Aiedrow, this is the one who told me about you first."

Aiedrow smiled, extending a greeting. "Hello, uncle. Nice to meet you again."

Quinston, attempting to make sense of the earlier introduction, asked, "you guys have met?"

Aiedrow, with a knowing smile, confirmed, "Yes, He is the father of a friend. And the friend, she will be participating too."

Quinston, intrigued, accepted a file from Aiedrow. "Ameya, she sounds promising."

Aiedrow nodded. "Yes, she is, and she is even handling the Sruti NGO. Exceptionally if I am not wrong. Isn't that right, uncle?"

The older man, with a proud smile, responded, "She is doing alright."

Aiedrow, injecting a touch of humor, added, "He is joking. He is more proud of her at this moment than he would be if he surpasses you in net worth."

The conversations continued, intertwining threads of business, friendship, and the impending competition.


As the other teams arrived, the stage was set for the first event—an intricate simulation of a simulation competition, focusing on the Third World War. Each team represented their country, and the decisions made were recorded and simulated with the help of AI.

Aiedrow, not participating himself, entrusted Pratham with the leadership. The situation presented was complex, demanding strategic thinking and diplomatic skills. Pratham suggested a unique approach—simulating the current framework of the country and appointing members of the team to key roles. Ameya assumed the role of the president, Visnu as the Prime Minister, Niyank as the Home Minister, Devesh in opposition, and Shiv as the foreign diplomat.

Simultaneously, other teams devised their strategies, forming alliances and making tactical moves. The stakes were high, as only the top 50 teams would proceed to the next stage.

The Chinese team took an early lead, leveraging their strong positions. As the simulation progressed, teams faced real-time situations, challenging their diplomatic prowess and decision-making abilities.

The pressure intensified, especially on India. Teams from the USA sought support for their causes, attempting to sway middle countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and several African nations. Canada played its card by labeling India as oppressors, creating a complex situation for Shiv to navigate.

Noah from Team USA cornered Team India, pressuring them to choose a side in the war and extend their support. Teams from England and Australia backed the USA, while Canada played its own game.

Shiv, unyielding in the face of pressure, asserted India's stance. "Every country is looking out for itself, and so are we. This war does not include us, hence we are staying outside of it. We will not choose sides as it will be our loss. We can't afford that."

The straightforward response left the opposing teams bewildered, but soon, prejudices and hidden agendas surfaced. Noah attempted to leverage past alliances, but Shiv, with a calm demeanor, reminded him of the principle of self-growth.

The simulation continued, each team grappling with the complexities of global diplomacy and warfare, while politicians and spectators watched with keen interest. The intelligence and strategic thinking of these young minds were proving to be a spectacle worth observing.

In the unfolding drama of simulated war, alliances shifted, strategies evolved, and the fate of over 100 participating teams hung in the balance. The stage was set for a battle of wits and diplomacy, where the most brilliant minds would emerge victorious.

As the simulated war unfolded, the geopolitical landscape shifted dramatically, surprising both the participants and the observers. The pressure exerted by teams from Iran, Pakistan, and eight other countries to drag India into the conflict took an unexpected turn.

In a twist that no one foresaw, Japan declared war against the USA, launching a strategic bombing campaign that inflicted a staggering 30% casualty rate. The unexpected blow left the USA reeling, its status as a formidable competitor diminished in the blink of an eye.

Meanwhile, India, targeted by teams seeking to exploit the simulated chaos, took decisive action. With strategic precision and aided by collaboration with the Russian team, India not only repelled the Chinese forces but also inflicted significant setbacks on Pakistan. The tables had turned, and India emerged from the simulated conflict with a loss of 23%, a notably lower figure compared to the chaos unleashed on other nations.

The aftermath of the simulation was profound. Almost every country experienced a loss in value, some up to a crippling 40%. Yet, despite the challenges and uncertainties, the leading teams remained somewhat unchanged. The genius minds of Aiedrow's team navigated the complex scenarios with strategic acumen, maintaining their competitive edge.

The simulation concluded, leaving a palpable tension in the air. The alliances formed and broken, the strategies employed, and the unforeseen actions of AI-controlled nations showcased the unpredictable nature of global dynamics. The virtual battlefield had witnessed a clash of intellects, and as the dust settled, the leaderboard reflected the resilience and adaptability of the participating teams.

The inaugural event of the Global Genius Showdown proved to be a crucible, revealing the brilliance and strategic acumen of young minds from around the world. As the virtual battlefield echoed with the decisions and alliances formed, several names emerged as beacons of intellectual prowess, destined to become future giants in their respective fields.

Noah Stirling of Team USA emerged as a dynamic force, employing persuasive strategies that swayed teams toward American causes. However, the tides turned dramatically when Japan, led by the audacious Hikari Tanaka, declared war against the USA, delivering an unexpected blow.

Meanwhile, Shiv Shastri of India showcased diplomatic finesse, resisting immense pressure to pick sides and safeguarding India's interests. Li Wei, representing China, grappled with unforeseen challenges as India, with Russian support, altered the course of the competition.

Ekaterina Ivanova's collaboration with India underscored the power of alliances, emphasizing shared interests. Olivia Kensington's leadership for Team England shone in navigating the complexities of the simulated war, while Malik Adegoke of Nigeria demonstrated resilience in the face of global turmoil.

These emerging geniuses not only showcased individual brilliance but also highlighted the importance of teamwork and adaptability in the pursuit of intellectual supremacy. The world now anticipated the unfolding saga of these young minds on the global stage.


In the electrifying second stage of the Global Genius Showdown, the martial arts arena became a battleground for the world's brightest minds. Noah Stirling faced off against the formidable Yusuke Tanaka from Japan, showcasing unparalleled agility and strategic brilliance.

Li Wei of China, engaged in a fierce match against the skilled Iranian Amir Hosseini, with every move a calculated dance of power. Devesh fought an intense battle against Rafael Silva of Brazil, displaying both resilience and calculated tactics.

While Vishnu faced the South Korean dynamo, Park Min-ho, in a high-stakes duel of speed and precision.

Ekaterina Ivanova exhibited her martial prowess against the Australian contender, Samantha Harper, her moves blending elegance and lethal precision. Oviyan, the enigmatic artist, found himself in a clash with the Nigerian Ade Coker, showcasing creativity and adaptability. As the battles unfolded, victories and defeats were scattered across the arena, shaping the fate of the participants.Amidst the fervor, a name echoed through the arena, creating a hushed anticipation: "Aiedrow against Klaus" In a dramatic twist, the final battle unfolded between Aiedrow and the formidable Klaus Smith, an American martial arts maestro.

In the electrifying clash between Aiedrow and Klaus, the martial arts arena became a canvas for a breathtaking display of skill and strategy. Every move was a dance of precision, and the air crackled with the intensity of their clashes. Aiedrow, a master tactician, and Klaus, a powerhouse of martial prowess, seemed evenly matched, each anticipating the other's moves with uncanny precision.

As Aiedrow lunged forward with a lightning-fast kick, Klaus dodged with a grace that defied the laws of physics. The arena echoed with the sound of their blows meeting mid-air, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the entire space. Aiedrow's calculated strikes met Klaus's unyielding defense, the two locked in a mesmerizing dance of strength and strategy.

The crowd watched in awe as the fighters seemed to defy the very essence of defeat. Aiedrow, with the agility of a panther, evaded Klaus's powerful punches, while Klaus, a force of nature, absorbed every blow with unwavering determination. The ebb and flow of their movements created a spectacle that transcended the boundaries of mere martial arts.

Krishna, observing it all through his phone, felt a strange connection to Aiedrow. The aura around him reminded Krishna of a figure he had admired in his childhood, and the realization struck him deeply. Meanwhile, Pratham Shukla, the man Krishna idolized, watched with a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgment of the unfolding brilliance.

However, the intensity of the battle seemed to transcend the physical realm. Suddenly, a searing pain gripped Krishna, his head throbbing as if resonating with the seismic forces at play. At the same time, Rudra, perched atop the school where he had first encountered Asva, experienced a similar overwhelming sensation. Unbeknownst to the spectators, a spider-like figure stealthily leaped onto the commentator's microphone, causing a sudden distortion in the broadcast.

Pratham, sensing the unfolding events, rose from his seat with a calm assurance, muttering, "It's finally begun."

A powerful punch from Aiedrow connected with Klaus's head, momentarily shaking him. Yet, just as the arena quaked from their clash, an unexpected earthquake rattled the entire vicinity, sending shockwaves of panic through the onlookers.

Jay, amidst the chaos, glimpsed a shadowy figure reminiscent of his dreams. Driven by an inexplicable connection, 'F#$K it, not in reality', he sighed as he pursued the elusive entity. Aiedrow, in the midst of the intense battle, exchanged a knowing glance with Pratham, their silent communication expressing a profound understanding.

As thunders cracked in the sky and natural disasters unfolded globally, the entirety of Team India moved closer, their unity evident. However, a sudden crack tore through the arena floor, swallowing them whole. Aiedrow, Devesh, Visnu, Ameya - nowhere to be found.

Soon after the same crack that swallowed these geniuses appeared a mysterious figure emerged with an ethereal grace. Anansi, the African god, stepped into the earthly realm with a regal demeanor. His appearance was both captivating and otherworldly, with an intricate pattern resembling a spider's web etched across his face, highlighting his connection to his arachnid form.

Anansi's facial structure held an enigmatic charm, with sharp, intelligent eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries. His clothes bore a celestial elegance, woven from threads that shimmered like starlight, and a cloak that billowed with an unseen cosmic breeze. Symbols and glyphs adorned his attire, each telling a story of ancient divinity.

As he walked, Anansi moved with a graceful fluidity, his every step leaving a trail of residual energy. The atmosphere seemed to bend to his presence, acknowledging the god's return. With a measured poise, Anansi extended his arms, and the crack through which he emerged closed behind him, leaving only a faint trace of its existence.

"I am Anansi, the weaver of tales, the keeper of wisdom," he declared in a voice that resonated with cosmic authority. His gaze swept across the bewildered onlookers, acknowledging their mortal curiosity.

"The gods are returning, and the threads of destiny are being rewoven. Prepare, for the tapestry of existence is about to be unveiled in ways unforeseen. This world is now ready.", Asva and Pratham looked at the sky with smiles on their faces. A new saga awaited- The story where these mere mortals broke past their limitations, where they found the real world. A tale that was going to introduce others like them, Daevanshas. The story of ArdhDaevas was about to begin.