
Scorpius’ Lost Book

The dungeons were always cold his time of year. The cold stone floors were unforgiving to his bare feet as he crossed the Slitherin common room. He sank into a stiff chair that sat before a roaring fire, shifting uncomfortably on the taught leather. He drummed his fingers on his knee, letting his mind wander. Scorpius lifted his bag off the floor, spilling its contents onto his lap. Scrolls of parchment, quills, and ink wells fell as he searched for his book. It was gone. His book was gone. He racked his brain. Where did he leave it? A memory suddenly drifted to the forefront of his brain. He was exiting a classroom when a small girl ran into him, his book falling from his hands to join her books that had tumbled to the ground. She looked up at him and he felt the air leave him. She had brown eyes that matched her hair. Her skin was sprinkled with freckles along her cheeks and her lips were a pale pink. Scorpius leaned forward running his hands through his hair. She had the book. The girl with the brown eyes and big attitude had his book. He had to get it back. But how?