

It took 2 days to reach Kinds, and during that time I got much closer to the merchant. When we reached the walls, which were dozens of time our size, Lucifer exclaimed, "We're here!".

The he suddenly frowned and said "Usually I get attacked by monsters or other species at least once during the voyage. It seems we had great luck this time and I didn't lose any cargo."

I smiled. In truth, whenever I sensed ill intent aimed at us, I had broken down all the bodies into the elements it was made out of and returning them to the ground. This method left no trace and healed the world too by giving the elements back to it. I felt like this was repayment for the ride. I know some may be wondering why I didn't walk here. While is is true I could have just "teleported" by breaking myself down and reforming myself anywhere, I had wanted to experience traveling with mortals, so I had waited.

We waited in line to enter the city. There were guards on the walls, patrolling the walls and standing by the gates checking everyone who went in. However, if it was the guards, the people waiting to go in or the mortals coming out, they were all orcans.

"Are orcans they only species present in the city? How come."

"We're the only ones because the baron who owns the city hates all other species. All others who enter are killed unless they are embassies or have a pass from the king. I'm surprised you don't know this, were are you from?"

"Uh..." is said, I couldn't tell him the truth and I had no lie ready.

"Oh, my apologies." He said," I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to tell me."

"The truth is that I was raised in the mountains!" I blurted out. Sure he said he didn't need to know, but I didn't want to make him suspicious, after all he had been a great host and I didn't want him to have a bad impression of me. As for why I said mountains, I had to blame that mortal whose brain I read. It seemed he had heard a lot of stories of people who came from the mountains who had world shaking power and talent, and he dreamed of being just like those protagonists from the stories.

He looked dumbfounded but he quickly smiled and said "Oh, what was life like?"

"Well," I said going along with whatever was in that mortals memories." One day, when I was 12, I found a strange looking flower with rainbow leaves and a diamond in the middle surrounded by what appeared to be fairies. But before I could pull it out, I fell unconscious and when I when I woke up it was night time. I realized that my hearing, sight, strength and focus had all increased so much so that one punch could destroy 3 trees. The flower was nowhere to be seen. I headed home and went to sleep like usual. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night due to hearing moans, groans, screams and vulgar language coming from my parents room, in fact it wasn't just them, I seemed like the whole mountain was at it, from the rabbits to the birds, and with my enhanced senses, I could hear every beautiful sound and see every movement. I couldn't settle down for hours. It happened day after day. On the 5th day I went to confront my parents about it but instead, they kicked me out of the house and mountain so I wouldn't ruin their fun. They gave me nothing and I had to survive on my own for a while before I finally found people."

Lucifer's eyes grew very large and he didn't even try to hid it. 'What in blazes, did this person go crazy?' He thought while looking at those eyes that seemed to be unable to tell a lie.

I frowned internally, 'Was the story strange? It seemed normal to me.'

He stopped talking until we reached the gate, the guard checked Lucifer's ID, but since I didn't have one, we had to make one. Lucifer helped me fill out the forms

We entered the town. "Well, I'll see you around." he said

Surprised I said "Your leaving me?" 'The story couldn't be that bad could it?'

"Well yeah," he said awkwardly, "I can't let you follow me around everywhere. I'm sure you can make a living doing jobs here and there, you have a good build."

That was because the people I scanned had mostly been strong, though I also have traits from that female mortal...

"Okay, I'll see you around." I said not wanting to make things more awkward. I started to walk the streets aimlessly, I followed the people until I arrived at a shop that was quite popular.

It was called "The Place of Magic", interested I entered the shop. The inside was 50 times bigger than the outside. This confused me quite a bit.

"Hello, costumer, welcome to The Place Of Magic. My name is Elena. Are you looking for something specific?"

I turned around to see a girl. I glanced around the shop and saw that many people were wearing the same set of clothes she was.

"Why is the store so much larger in the inside?" I asked.

This made the girl frown slightly 'Is he a idiot or/and a person who lives on the outskirts?'

"It's because of special expansion magic." she said.

'I see I thought, these people harness this 'magic' to use the elements such as the infinity expansion element. I didn't know mortals could do that."

"Do you have someone that can cast this spell to show me?l

"Not at the moment sir" she responded. 'Does he not know we sell magic items and that we're not enchanters?' "However, sir, we do have a multitude of products that can cast fireballs, summon lighting spirits, spacial rings and so much more."

"In that case I wan't the strongest spell you have."

"In terms of destructive power, sir?"

"Sure, why not."

"That would be the single use level 100 dark fireball. If your a VIP costumer we have the level 130 greater wind arrow."

'VIP? Levels?'

I quickly read her brain. "I will like to buy VIP and the greater wind arrow."

"VIP is 500,000 commas (the currency) for the year, you will be able to buy exclusive items in the shop, have priority on orders placed, and a free magical item given to you every week. The greater wind arrow amulet is 4,200,000 commas. Are you paying with cash or using a card?"

"Cash, by the way can you let me touch a comma coin?l

She frowned deeply 'Is this creep trying to steal my money?'

"Why is that necessary sir?"

'Oh, well I tried asking for consent' I thought. I looked at her pocket and analyzed the coin in it.

"Sir! Where are you looking!" She yelled attracting lots of attention.

I ignored her and the people around. "Where do you want me to put the money?"

Instead of answering, she called security over.

Since I got no reply I just called the elements forth to create a huge mound of coins in front of her. She yelling talking immediately. She picked up a coin and checked to see if it was real, and to her surprise, it was!

Immediately she got on her knees," I'm so sorry for my behavior in front of such a great person such as yourself. Please forgive me. I am willing to do anything. Please be merciful." She was shaking knowing that she had offended a big shot.

"Just give me my stuff." I said.

"Of course!, of course!" She hurriedly got up and went to the counter she passed me a amulet and gave me a piece of paper and a writing feather. "Please fill out this form for a VIP card." She managed to say, still obviously shaking.

As I did so, she transferred all the money into a spacial ring only to find that the ring wasn't big enough! She had to get 3 more before all the money was safely stored away.

I handed her the form and she finished making a card.

"Have a good day sir" she said as I left the store.

The reason that she was surprised one wasn’t enough was because she was in great shock and because no other costumer has used that many coins, most just pay with cards.

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