
The new Demon God

William Dongery is invoked by the Demon God, to become his Hero, but to his surprise he ends up asking for his power and rank. William must adapt to his role as Demon God and must handle the war between Gods and Demons that has haunted for millennia.

Losty147 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

chapter 1: Time to have fun (1)

"Thank you for the ride, Adel."

Adel had guided me to my quarters, we spent quite a while walking the corridors, but we arrived.

My quarters were what a rich king would have, it was all very lustful and had many things, a bed I already want to try, a private library, lots of furniture, a luxurious bathroom and there was a locked door at the end of the room.

"Adel what's behind that door?.... eh... I'll do that I didn't see anything relocate this room".

"Understood sir, it will be relocated in the afternoon."

What a pervert that old man was, I will need some time to assimilate why he had all those elements there.

In that room there were elements, for torture and well, some unspeakable things.

"Adel did you know about that and much more importantly who came here?"

He asked with a face of indignation

"Sir I didn't know about this,... uh... about who was coming here, well... many people.

That old man doesn't deserve any respect, well I hope from now on I have a less pleasant use.

"Adel tell me something what kind of world am I in?"

I asked Adel as I lay down on my bed, the best I tasted I must say.

"Well Sir I will compare it to a video game, to make it easy to understand, although it is very different is that ok with you?"

I nodded to him, although the truth is I didn't have the opportunity to play many of them, actually I will have barely played about four in my life.

"Well I will start explaining, in video games there are levels the maximum level is 100, but in this world level 40 is the maximum, for normal people, only talented people reach that level, then summoned people can reach level 100 easily in 10 years, finally kings, Angels, Gods and few more can surpass it, but this has some disadvantage. The important thing, right now focus on visualizing a panel in front of you."

"Alright I will focus."

When I finished saying that I focused on seeing a picture, nothing was appearing.

"Adel didn't make it"

"Okay sir try again, picture yourself and try to see inside".

I will concentrate it shouldn't be hard.

I imagined myself, once I visualized myself and tried to see inside me.


"It appeared!" I was glad once I got it.

"I can see my level, it's 178.... nope!... it's 179, how weird it's going up by the minute and my stats are over 100,000 each, minus holy stamina which is 73,874!"

"I see he's still receiving power from Lord Ingarud."

Wait a minute I'm supposed to be like this for a week and every minute I go up a level WHAT LEVEL WAS THAT OLD MAN!

"One question Adel do you know the old man's level?"

I asked him with a What the fuck was that old man face.

"I really couldn't tell you, he wasn't a very open person to tell you the truth."

He was more like a sick person.

"Well go on explaining, if possible go to the magic part".

I hope there are very powerful spells.

"Magic has different elements the most important ones are Fire, Ice, Air, Water, Earth, Light, Dark, Divine, Infernal, Infernal, Sacred, Sacred, Electric, Time, Command and these are composites or elements that lost their magic like, the Steel, Mind Control, Fabrication....

Mmm... the fabrication one is the one that the old man used.

"... Sand, Summoning, Destruction, Demonic..."

"You didn't say it already!

"Sir I said the Infernal one, not the demonic one."

"And what's their difference!"

I shouted somewhat annoyed, I can't believe how many magics there are.

"Infernal magic is that coming from hell, while Demonic is coming from demons, I inform you that demons do not come from hell".

"And where do they come from" I asked calmly, but I really had my brain saturated and I didn't want��a shout.

"The demons come from the Vortex, it's a pretty nice place with quite a bit of vegetation, although I wasn't born there."

So the demon world isn't flames and hot rocks, good to know.

"Ah sir I leave you these few scrolls about spells, by knowing what they do and saying their name you should be able to cast them and when you master them it wouldn't be necessary to say the name."

"Adel it is good that you give me those scrolls, but don't you think they are not few."

While we were talking Adel was collecting scrolls from the library and left them on the floor for me, but they are not few they are like 100 books, today it's time for reading he would say some of them in his stories in social networks

"Adel I don't need to sleep do I?"

I asked, to know if I would have time to read.

"Obviously not Sir, nor do you need to eat or drink, but you can do the latter if you want."

At least I can eat and drink, well it was obvious the old man could drink that wine, that vin? WAIT I REMEMBERED THE WINE!

"Creation unlimited glass of wine]!"

After saying that Adel looked at me with a face of - "seriously" - and started to form something in my hand and it was, it was My precious wine glass! I drank some, to check if it was unlimited and it turned out it was.

"I did it Adel, I used magic!"

"I'm glad sir, b-but I didn't expect you to do that."

How good this wine is, I will carry this glass everywhere.

"Sir come with me, I will introduce you to your order the gentlemen of the Gulag, but first choose some clothes you see fit and wear these rings."

Adel hands me a box with 10 rings, I think they are the old man's, they sure have great powers and as for clothes.... mmm... I think I'll wear that, it always works

"Alright Adel tell me what do you think of this garment [Clothing creation]!"

I started to imagine a flashy garment.

Adel could be heard whispering "Hay Ingarud" after hearing my words.

When my garment was finished being created, I placed it on in the baths of my chamber.

"Sir I must say you surprised me, you remind me of a mob assassin."

He said what I believe was a compliment to me as I came out of the bathroom.

He was wearing a long black trench coat, quite smart, equally smart black pants, black shoes that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, just like the rest, a black tie and under the trench coat a white shirt.

"Well take me to meet those gentlemen!"

I said cheerfully, as I opened the doors.