
The New Age Female Cultivators

In a time when being good at cultivation is really important, there are some incredible women who don't just follow the rules – they set their own. They come from small villages in the mountains, places that are beautiful but full of secrets. These women dream big as big as the mountains themselves. They don't have any magical shortcuts like coming back to life or moving to a magical world. They're all about making their own way with hard work and strong beliefs. These women, without any special help, depend on their own strength and never-give-up attitude. They face all kinds of tough challenges in cultivation, but they keep pushing through. They're showing everyone what it really means to be a cultivator, proving that it's not just about magic, but also about having the courage and the will to keep going, no matter what.

Twana_Shilany · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Meng Yao didn't have time to be sad in her heart, but the whole person was wrapped in the cold liquid that poured from all sides, and it turned out that there was a waterhole below.

She didn't even die?

Meng Yao, who picked up a life, was almost stunned, and it took a while to react, and she hurriedly held her breath, floated to the surface, and swam to the shore.

With the faint moonlight, Meng Yao could only see the surrounding scene vaguely.

It was a natural cave, and in the center of the cave was a small pool, and she had just fallen through a gap in the mountain above the pool.

Just looking at the height, the mountain gap is about seven or eight zhang high from the waterhole, and it is difficult to climb out by manpower.

I just hope there is another exit from this cave...

Meng Yao shook her head and suppressed her thoughts. It's too dark, and she's tired, so let's take a good look tomorrow.

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, although she stumbled and fell into the depths of this mountain, but it was not for nothing, not only found a natural cave that could be temporarily accommodated, but also found a water source by the way, which saved a lot of trouble.

On the second day, Meng Yao woke up on time.

At this time, the sky had just let through, the sun had not yet risen, and the cave was also a blur, and there was no way to explore the way.

She couldn't sleep, and she didn't want to waste time, so she simply started to meditate cross-legged.

I don't know if it's her delusion, but she found that after entering the meditation today, the amount of aura she attracted was almost three times that of usual.

Meng Yao just had a little doubt and put the matter aside, and she had to concentrate when meditating.

She closed her eyes and began to reconcile the aura around her.

The blue water aura is the most well-behaved, and it fuses quickly with the green wood aura, but once the yellow earth aura is added to these two auras, it will dissipate at once.

Meng Yao was not discouraged, she didn't know how many times she had encountered such a situation. Still patiently starting over.

Finally, after repeating it many times, the aura of blue, green, and yellow merged together for the first time!

Meng Yao stabilized her mind, silently recited the exercises in her heart, and guided the aura into her body. The aura group walked crookedly all the way, but it was introduced into the dantian without danger.

It worked!

Meng Yao opened her eyes in surprise, although it was still far from the real qi induction into the body, but this step was very crucial.

Next, she only needs to introduce the aura mass into the dantian, constantly fill the dantian, and then use the exercises to guide the aura in her body to practice around the Great Zhou Tian.

Just as she was about to continue her cultivation in one go, her stomach "growled", and Meng Yao came back to her senses, it turned out that her cultivation had taken half a day.

After cultivating for so long, she didn't feel tired at all, but felt in good spirits.

Meng Yao took a Bigu Dan and prepared to explore the cave to see if there were any other exits.

The belly of the mountain is not very large, except for the small waterhole and the place where she sleeps and cultivates, the rest of the place is almost unobstructed, and there is no other exit at all.

Meng Yao, who had just become happy because of the breakthrough in her cultivation, was suddenly depressed, and there was no other exit, which meant that she was going to be trapped in this cave!

She counted the Bigu Dan in the storage bag, there were only fifteen of them, if she still couldn't get out after eating these Bigu Dan, wouldn't she be trapped here and die!

Meng Yao shuddered, a little frightened by her own thoughts.

She shook her head desperately, dispelling the horrible thoughts from her mind.

"There will definitely be a way, there are fifteen Bigu Dan, if you save a little and eat half a day, you can last for thirty days! I'm small, and my consumption is not large, so half a pill should be enough.

Thirty days is enough time for me to breathe into my body.

She raised her head and glanced at the crack in the mountain, after inhaling the air into her body, she should be able to climb out, right?

Meng Yao is not sure, but now there is no other way but to try her best.

After making up her mind, she sat down cross-legged and began to cultivate.

This cultivation is a full ten days.

In addition to the necessary three hours of sleep every day, Meng Yao spent all her time cultivating, so the progress was also amazingly fast, and the aura in the dantian was becoming more and more abundant, and it would soon be full.

On this day, after Meng Yao introduced the aura mass into the dantian, she found that the dantian had been completely filled.

She blessed her soul and directly began to run the "Easy Formula", carefully guiding the aura.

With the operation of the exercises, the spiritual energy followed the spiritual veins and wandered among the limbs and bones, undergoing some kind of reborn transformation.

Meng Yao only felt that her whole body was comfortable, and wherever the aura arrived, her body became warm, as if she was soaking in warm water.

However, the warm feeling soon faded and turned into a sharp pain.

It turned out that as the exercise worked, the aura gradually left the place where the spiritual veins were located and wandered towards a deeper place.


Meng Yao couldn't help but exhale in pain, Rao was mentally prepared, and she was also caught off guard by this severe pain, almost subconsciously, she wanted to stop the operation of her mind.

It was only soon that she remembered what Uncle Gu had said in the lecture room.

"When you draw qi into your body, you will feel warmth when you pass through the place where you pass at the beginning are protected by spiritual veins. But as the exercises go deeper, the aura will wander into more places that are not protected by the spiritual veins, and at this time there will be severe pain, and many people will stop practicing because they can't stand the pain.

If you stop because of the pain, although you have successfully induced qi into your body, your cultivation path has also come to an end.

The pain you endure is actually nothing more than the transformation of your body by the aura, and the longer you persist in this step, the greater the benefit will be for your future cultivation.

No, can't give up here!

Meng Yao was ruthless and continued to start running the mental method.

She was originally the daughter of a peasant family, she couldn't read big characters, and she finally got the fairy fate to be able to cultivate, so she had to do her best!

With the passage of time, the transformation of the body by the aura became deeper and deeper, and even penetrated into some meridians that the exercises did not guide.

Meng Yao trembled in pain, but gritted her teeth and refused to admit defeat, she had to hold on longer, longer!

Later, her consciousness was a little blurred, she couldn't support it anymore, tilted her head and fainted...

Meng Yao was woken up by the smell.

She wrinkled her nose and opened her eyes, her consciousness still remaining in the process of inducing qi into her body, and she didn't know if she had succeeded or not.

Meng Yao first checked her body and found that the aura in the dantian was extraordinarily full and full, and there was also a faint aura circulating throughout her body, so she put her heart back into her stomach, and it was finally successful.

Only then did she have the leisure to look for the source of the stench.

turned out to be stunned to find that it was actually herself who exuded an amazing smell?

It turned out that she was covered in a layer of black filth from top to bottom, and she emitted a foul smell from head to toe.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Yao understood that this was the dirty thing that was discharged after the aura transformed her body.

It was quiet and uninhabited here, Meng Yao directly removed the clothes on her body, and a fierce man plunged into the waterhole and began to wash it.

It took an hour to clean the annoying dirt on my body.

After washing, Meng Yao found that she seemed to be much whiter than before, which should be because of the aura washing and quenching her body.

"Now that I've got my aura in my body, I don't know if I can leave this cave." She whispered and looked up.

(End of chapter)