
The Never Ending Market.

How far can your imagination truly extend? What are the most outlandish ideas you've ever considered? To what depth can your mind explore? What if I told you, there exists a place that caters to the unimaginable, stretching beyond the limits of even the most extraordinary thinkers... What if I told you, that there was a venue that meets all your unexplored needs, a vast space that expands infinitely, challenging your understanding with each step deeper... What if I told you, that there was a hub where diverse worlds intersect, sharing ideas and exploring the unknown to discover new realms of creativity... What if I told you, that this place was just a hypermarket... Would you believe it? ____ before you read: DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS MENTIONED BESIDES THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. heads up. Market stuff starts at 1 and 2, and starts again at 13 onwards. 3~12 chapters is a world adventure. keywords: slow/moderate pace, mystery, world hopping, multiple OCs, multiple POV, LitRPG, system, world adventures, mainstream media, non mainstream media, detailed writing, power scaling, weak to strong, moderate/slightly heavy market information, This is a test drive as it's my first writing, comments and or reviews based on improvement are highly welcomed. updates are unstable. but I will never drop this fanfiction whatsoever until I finish it, I have an idea on how to end this and planned around. enjoy.

LittleLemur · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Stand up...









 [Underground cave, Troll's hideout.]

As the ground trembled beneath their feet, signaling the approach of the colossal underground troll, the atmosphere in the cave tensed with impending conflict. Each step of the enraged giant sent vibrations through the cavern, its eyes burning with fury over the loss of its parent.




Asahi, feeling the surge of adrenaline that came with a formidable challenge, couldn't help but let a wide, eager grin spread across his face. "Oi, Akemi. Distract him for at least a minute. This will be big," he called over the rumbling, his gaze fixed intently on the advancing troll. His hands tightened around his bat, energy gathering around it as he prepared for a powerful strike.


"A-asahi," Akemi stammered, her voice tinged with apprehension. Despite their recent battle, this troll's sheer size and apparent wrath were beyond anything they had anticipated.


"Go! Just a minute, and I'll turn his bones to dust. Just a minute is enough," Asahi urged his tone firm, betraying no doubt in his plan despite the high stakes.


Akemi exhaled sharply, her face set in determination despite the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "Tsk," she muttered, feeling the weight of the moment.


Without further hesitation, Akemi dashed forward, her movements swift and precise. She knew she didn't need to defeat the troll; she could only keep it occupied long enough for Asahi to execute his attack. Her heart raced as she closed the distance, every step calculated to draw the troll's attention away from her brother.


"Hm," the troll's deep hum was focused on Akemi's movement.


Getting close enough to reach, Akemi slashed at the giant's ankle. She didn't pause to witness the effect of her strike, instead continuing to dash around the troll.


The troll roared in response, a loud sound that reverberated throughout the cavern. "RRRRRRROOOOAARrrr!!" It was more enraged than hurt. The small wound was but an ant sting to it.


Seizing a momentary break in her relentless motion, Akemi took a quick breath, her chest heaving as she evaluated her next move. She kept a careful distance from the troll, her eyes locked on its movements, reading its intentions. "Yes, it's following. I just need to keep it distracted for a minute," she murmured to herself, reaffirming her role in the strategy.


"Right! 15 seconds have passed," she whispered, prepared to strike again. As Her feet moved with precision,


The troll roared a thunderous sound that vibrated through the cave.


Akemi's heart raced as she saw the massive figure barrel towards her. The ground shook with each step the troll took, a testament to its immense power and weight. Her mind raced, calculating her next move. She needed to be faster, sharper. Every second counted.


Akemi barely dodged a swipe of its colossal hand, the force of the air behind it sending a chill down her spine. She pivoted sharply, feeling the ground shake beneath her as the troll's massive fist hit the cave floor where she had been a split second earlier. "20 seconds." she counted under her breath.


With a grunt of effort, Akemi redoubled her pace, slicing again at the troll's legs, each cut in a desperate attempt to slow it down. Her focus was laser-sharp, every sense attuned to the giant's movements.


"30 seconds," she whispered to herself, darting away as the troll roared again, its eyes red with frustration. The air filled with the sound of its enraged bellows.


Akemi didn't stop; her breaths were quick and sharp as she maneuvered around the cave, each movement calculated to keep the monstrous troll's attention focused solely on her. The troll, infuriated by the persistent stings of her dagger, swung wildly, each miss causing it to grow more enraged and reckless. Akemi could feel the vibration of its movements through her soles, a constant reminder of the danger she was dancing with.


"40 seconds," she counted under her breath, her voice barely audible over the din of the troll's roars and the echoing thuds of its massive feet. She needed to hold on just a little longer to give Asahi the opening he required.


With another agile leap, she dodged a particularly vicious swing that splintered the rock wall behind her, sending shards flying. A shard grazed her cheek, the sharp pain a stark contrast to the sweat that coated her face. "50 seconds," she encouraged herself, glancing at Asahi, his bat glowing with an almost ethereal light.


"Almost." But as she turned back to face her colossal adversary, disaster struck. The troll's massive hand connected with her body, sending her flying like a ragdoll. Her back hit the cave wall with a crushing impact, knocking the breath from her lungs.


"Gaha!" Akemi coughed, the taste of blood sharp in her mouth. Pain wracked her body, pinning her to the spot, unable to move. Her eyes watered, not just from pain but from the frustration of being so abruptly halted. She struggled to breathe, each inhalation a sharp stab in her chest.


"AKEMI!" he shouted, his voice filled with concern and fury. Asahi, who had been charging his attack, saw her plight and felt a surge of protective anger.


As the troll's attention shifted to Asahi, its massive eyes narrowed, focusing on the incoming threat. Fueled by fury, Asahi raced across the cavern floor, his feet kicking up dust clouds. The glowing bat in his hands pulsed with a vibrant jade light, each stride bringing him closer to his colossal foe.


YOU BASTARD!" Asahi roared as he closed the distance, his voice echoing off the cave walls. The rage in his shout was palpable, a raw expression of his determination to protect his sister and punish the creature responsible for her pain.


As he neared the troll, Asahi tightened his grip on the bat, channeling all his energy into the impending strike. His eyes locked on the troll's thick, gnarled ankle.


"METALLIC!" he yelled, signaling the release of his pent-up energy. With a mighty grunt, he swung the bat with both hands, aiming for a crippling blow to the ankle.


"HIT!" The sound of the impact was thunderous, reverberating through the cavern as the metal bat connected with the troll's flesh. A small shockwave of force burst outward, sending a cloud of dust swirling around them.


As the dust settled, Asahi coughed slightly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "That must have killed him or at least broken a few bones," he muttered, eyes scanning the troll for signs of serious injury.


His confidence faltered as he looked up, his face contorting in disbelief. "I- impossible..." he breathed out. The troll's thick skin showed nothing more than a red bruise where his powerful strike had landed.


"How... how durable is that thing?" Asahi's voice was barely audible over the troll's heavy, enraged breathing. Now visibly furious, the beast charged forward with a thunderous roar, its massive hand swinging down in a wide arc.


Asahi tried to evade the impact, but the speed of the troll's attack caught him off guard. The backhand strike sent him hurtling through the air, his body slamming into the hard, rocky wall of the cave with a crushing force. "GAH!" he cried out as he hit the wall, blood spewing from his lips, the taste of iron sharp in his mouth.


He slumped to the ground, pain radiating through his body, but consciousness stubbornly clung to him. His vision blurred, yet through the haze, he could see the troll's massive form stalking towards him, each step causing the cave to tremble ominously.


Asahi body was sat up against the wall of the cave, his body a map of bruises and open wounds. Though he could still move his eyes, they jittered uncontrollably, mirroring the internal chaos of a body on the brink of shutdown. Pain, like a voracious beast, gnawed at every fiber of his being, threatening to swallow his consciousness whole.




+ Asahi POV +




'Is this it...?' His thoughts swirled in a tumultuous storm. The taste of iron filled his mouth as blood trickled down from his battered nose, his gaze locked on the monstrous figure of the troll advancing towards him.


Though shaky and unclear, his eyes desperately scanned the dim cave for a sign of Akemi. The sight of her motionless body a short distance away sent a stab of despair through his heart. 'Akemi…' he lamented internally, the realization a bitter pill that was harder to swallow than his physical pain.


'Dammit! MOVE! MOVE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, MOVE!' His mind screamed at his unresponsive limbs, a silent roar of frustration that echoed loudly within the confines of his skull. He willed his body to obey, to rise and fight, but his muscles lay dormant, unyielding to his desperate pleas.




'MOVE!' But his attempts grew weaker as the moments dragged on. The cold reality settled in, this could very well be the end. Asahi's heart pounded with a mix of fear and regret. It was his decision to engage the troll, and his strategy was to have Akemi create a diversion. That choice had led them to this dire situation. The weight of that responsibility bore down on him heavily.


'If only we had fled earlier... Could we have avoided this?' The thoughts tormented him, swirling in his mind like a maelstrom of could-haves and should-haves. Asahi now grappled with the consequences of his actions, the cost measured in the stillness of Akemi's form.


A profound sadness mingled with his physical agony. His body might have been broken, but it was the emotional torment that truly paralyzed him. He was supposed to be the protector, and yet, here they were, on the brink of death, because of his decisions.


'No... not like this. It shouldn't end like this,' he thought despairingly. A single tear escaped the corner of his eye, tracing a path through the grime on his cheek, a silent witness to his impotent rage and sorrow.


As the shadow of the troll loomed larger, engulfing Asahi in darkness, the giant creature lifted its massive foot, aiming to crush him beneath its weight. Asahi's eyes, strained and blurry from pain, struggled to focus on the monstrous form above. The realization that this could be his end crept into his thoughts, a bitter acknowledgment of his failure to protect and stand firm.


'I failed... to stand up,' he thought despairingly, the finality of the moment weighing heavily on him as he closed his eyes, resigning himself to the inevitable.


Just then, a sharp, clear trumpet call pierced the tense air of the cave. The military-like tune was unexpected and surreal in the grim setting, drawing the troll's attention away from its intended target.


"Huh..." Asahi murmured, his fading consciousness reignited by the absurdity of the scene. The troll, momentarily distracted by the sound, paused its deadly descent, its massive head turning towards the source of the interruption.


Driven by a flicker of hope, Asahi forced his eyes scanned and turned towards the source of the sound. His gaze, though blurred by pain, made out a figure in the distance. The beam of a dropped flashlight illuminated the silhouette of a small, pink dog holding a trumpet. "Is that?" he murmured in disbelief, recognizing the unlikely rescuer in the chaos of his dire situation.


"Courage?" he whispered, his voice a mix of pain and surprise.


Still pinned painfully against the rocky wall, Asahi watched in stunned disbelief as the small pink dog, Courage, skillfully manipulated the troll's attention away from him. It was the same dog that had been mentioned in the mission briefing and who had been seen with Muriel around the market. Recognizing Courage brought a flicker of hope to Asahi's battered form.


The dog didn't just attract the troll's attention with the trumpet, it taunted the giant beast with an almost comedic audacity. With a dramatic flair, Courage stuck out his tongue and turned around to shake his rear at the monstrous creature. This unexpected act of bravery, or perhaps foolishness that seemed to infuriate the troll even further.


The troll roared in response, a thunderous sound that echoed ominously through the cave. Driven by rage, it diverted its course, charging towards the audacious little dog instead of crushing Asahi.


The troll's thunderous steps reverberated through the cavern as it pursued Courage, its massive form a blur of enraged destruction.


"AAAAAGHHH!" Realizing the imminent danger, Courage pivoted sharply just as the troll was about to crush him. With agile grace born from pure survival instinct, Courage darted away, the troll's momentum carrying it headfirst into the rocky cave wall.


The impact sent a shockwave through the cave, rocks tumbling down around the dazed troll, which roared in pain as dust clouded the area. The collision had stunned the creature, giving Courage a precious window of opportunity.


Seizing the opportunity, Courage acted quickly. He darted over to Akemi, who lay motionless nearby, and with surprising strength for his size, he hurriedly scooped her up and placed on his shoulder. His actions were swift and frantic as he then rushed over to Asahi, who was struggling to comprehend the situation.


As Courage lifted Asahi with the same surprising ease, Asahi found himself in awe of the small dog's incredible strength. "How can he...?" Asahi muttered to himself


With both twins on either shoulder of the dog, they were being carried all the way out of the cave systems. Asahi didn't have energy left there, as his eyes were the only thing that moved.


His eyes met his sister's face, and he could see a heave in her chest, a sign that she was breathing, just unconscious and bruised.


The cave quaked and shuddered. Rocks tumbled and fell as if the whole was about to collapse. Courage yeeped and eeked as he tried to evade the falling obstacles caused by the stunt displayed in the troll crash.


As Courage sprinted through the cave with the twins on his shoulders, the cavern around them seemed to convulse in response to the earlier chaos. Rocks tumbled from the ceiling, and the ground shook, a testament to the force of the troll's impact against the walls. Each shudder of the cave sent a new wave of debris falling, adding to the peril of their escape.


Asahi, drained of his energy, could only move his eyes. He glanced at Akemi, relieved to see the rise and fall of her chest despite her unconscious state. Her face, though bruised and battered, showed she was still with him, still fighting.


The sounds of the cave's instability grew louder, with each quake sending a shiver through the ground. Courage, the small pink dog with a heart seemingly as vast as the cavern itself, navigated the treacherous terrain with impressive agility. His small whines and determined barks punctuated the air as he dodged falling rocks and navigated through narrow passages, focusing solely on getting them to safety.


Asahi's gaze shifted, watching the trail that Courage blazed. The little dog's determination was palpable, and it instilled in Asahi a mix of awe and gratitude. Courage's quick thinking and brave actions had turned a near-certain demise into a sliver of hope for survival.


Asahi's gaze lingered back on Akemi, a sense of responsibility settling over him as the chaotic echoes of the cave became a distant murmur. He watched her, her face peaceful despite the bruises, 'I'm sorry, Akemi…' This thought resonated deeply within him, echoing with his last bit of consciousness before his eyes finally closed, surrendering to exhaustion.





 [A few years ago]

The tranquility of dusk enveloped a park, where the soft chirping of birds and the gentle hues of the sunset created a picturesque scene. Two teens dressed in their middle school uniforms walked along a path,


"Hey, Akemi. What's all this about? If you're mad, I already apologized. I didn't—" Asahi's words halted as he noticed Akemi stopping abruptly. She stood silent, her back to him, unmoving and unresponsive.


"Akemi—" Asahi couldn't finish his sentence, only to be punched square in the face, sending him sliding across the pavement.


Asahi winced, not just from the physical pain of the punch but also from the shock of Akemi's aggressive stance. He wiped the blood from his nose, his eyes wide as he looked up at his sister, who stood backlit by the setting sun, her silhouette tense and ready for combat.


"Akemi, what are you doing?" he started confusion and hurt mingling in his voice.


"Stand up!" Akemi repeated firmly, her fists still raised. Her stance was unwavering, a clear challenge thrown down.


Asahi slowly got to his feet, his mind racing to understand the sudden shift in Akemi's behavior. "Akemi, if this about getting expelled, then I already—'


"SHUT IT AND FIGHT ME, YOU FATASS!" Akemi's words were sharp, her insult stinging more than Asahi wanted to admit. Clearly, she was trying to provoke him, to push him into a confrontation he had no heart for.


"Akemi, not everything has to be dealt with—" another blow from Akemi as she charged at him and punched him again, sending him down.


"Get up." She readied her stance once again.


"Ku," Asahi pressed a hand against the cold pavement, pushing himself up with a grimace. Blood dripped from his nose, staining the ground beneath him. He looked up at Akemi, his eyes clouded with pain but also with a growing resolve.


"Why are you doing this, Akemi?" he managed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, his voice hoarse. "This isn't like you."


Akemi didn't utter a single word and just waited for her brother to initiate.


"I get it, Akemi, you're just pissed because you got expelled." Asahi's accusation hung heavy in the air, reflecting his frustration and the pain of feeling responsible for his sister's troubles.


"You're just mad that To-san and Ka-san lashed out at you!" Asahi's voice rose, his anger peaking at Akemi's confrontation.


"THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE YOU STOOD UP FOR ME!" he shouted, charging towards her with clenched fists, blinded by misplaced fury. "YOU THINK THIS IS ALL MY FAULT, YOU BITCH!"


But Akemi, experienced and quick, dodged his clumsy punch with ease. She countered with a swift move, she punched him back down to the ground, her face blank, masking her expressions.


Asahi hit the pavement hard, his emotions spilling over. He lay there, feeling utterly defeated, not just by the physical fall but by the crushing weight of his perceived inadequacies. "Tsk, damn you. This is all your fault." His voice broke as he spoke, tears streaming down his face, mixing with the blood from his nose.


"If only you left me alone. Then you wouldn't have gotten expelled," he sobbed, the words thick with guilt. He believed that if he hadn't been so weak and in need of protection, none of this would have happened.


Akemi, observing her brother's defeated form, felt a pang of heartache. She knelt beside Asahi, extending a hand to help him up. He remained on the ground for a moment before taking her hand, his movements sluggish and pained.


As he stood, Asahi wiped away a tear with the sleeve of his uniform, his expression a mixture of confusion and hurt. Akemi's voice softened as she reached into her pocket and pulled out an ice pack. "Here," she said gently, offering it to him. "I figured this would happen on your first session," she added, a slight smirk playing on her lips.


Asahi took the ice pack, still a bit dazed by the confusion and with a hint of frustration in his eyes as he accepted it. "What do you mean, 'first session'?" he asked, confusion lacing his voice. His hand trembled slightly as he pressed the cold pack against his bruised face.


Akemi grinned, her mischievous nature evident even in a tense moment. "Ora, I guess the secret's out," she playfully stuck out her tongue, her eyes twinkling with a mix of defiance and humor.


"Oi! This is no time to be messing around!" Asahi retorted, his patience wearing thin. He couldn't believe she was taking their fight so lightly.


"Fine, fine, come sit. Don't think you can stand up much longer," Akemi said, a chuckle escaping her as she motioned to his legs, which wobbled exaggeratedly. She was clearly enjoying the moment despite Asahi's discomfort. Walking over to a nearby bench, she plopped down, stretching her arms across the back of the bench and spreading her legs in a carefree, unladylike manner.


"This girl..." Asahi muttered under his breath as he observed her relaxed posture. It was typical of Akemi to dismiss conventional norms, even if it meant attracting stares. Luckily, the park was nearly empty at this hour, sparing them from curious onlookers. As he joined her on the bench, he couldn't help but feel annoyed by his sister's attitude.


Asahi reluctantly followed Akemi to the bench, his steps unsteady. He sat beside her, still holding the ice pack to his swelling cheek. His brow furrowed, still trying to process the unexpected physical altercation and his sister's cryptic comments.


"Seriously, Akemi, what's this about a 'first session'?" Asahi pressed, needing clarity more than anything. His tone carried a mix of irritation and curiosity, exacerbated by the pain and the shock of being punched, not once, not twice, but three times.


Akemi paused as she went into deep thought. "Hm," she tapped and rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "I forgot."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FORGOT?!" Asahi's exasperation peaked, his voice rising in both volume and pitch. The absurdity of the situation was almost too much.


"Oh right," Akemi stoically was unfazed by his frustration, casually held up her hand, displaying five fingers. "It was for that time you ate my bento, five years ago, remember? Wednesday morning, 7 am at the—"


"ARE YOU EVEN BEING SERIOUS?!" The vein on Asahi's temple throbbed ominously. He took a deep breath, trying to cool down, as he slumped back on the bench, the cold pack against his face providing little solace. "Look, Akemi, if this is about you getting expelled, I'm sorry, okay? I really am." His voice softened,


Akemi scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Sorry this, sorry that. If you really are sorry, how about changing something for real?" She lifted a finger decisively. "First, shed those fat stacks you've got," she said, poking at his self-consciousness about his weight. "Second, learn how to fight," she added another finger, her tone firm but encouraging. "And third, stand up for yourself instead of getting picked on all the time," she concluded, turning to face him with a challenging grin. "I'll make damn sure to help you with that. We've got a week till summer break starts, and then the real training begins."


Asahi blinked, taken aback by her intensity and the sudden plan. "B-but what about school? Your academics?" he stammered, concern flickering over his features.


Akemi waved dismissively, her grin broadening. "Who gives a crap about that now? To-san and Ka-san are planning to move us anyway, and you'll be going to the same school as me. Sure, I'll be a grade lower because of the expulsion, but that means you'll be on your own. I won't always be there to watch your back," she explained her tone a mix of sternness and warmth, reassuring him of her support despite the challenges ahead.


"A—Akemi... Tsk." Asahi sniffed as he clenched his fists, his resolve firm despite the bruises marring his face, he felt touched knowing that his sister was looking out for him. "I—I won't disappoint you," he declared, meeting her gaze with an expression of newfound determination.


"Yes, yes, by the way, wear this mask so I don't get any beatings from Ka-san," Akemi replied nonchalantly, handing him a gaudily decorated lucha libre mask.


"WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT?!" Asahi exclaimed, his eyes wide as he stared at the ridiculous mask that was sure to draw attention rather than deflect it.


"Just put it on, we need to hurry home," Akemi urged, her voice was that of impatience.


"Uh, okay, man, this sucks," Asahi grumbled, but he pulled the mask over his head, adjusting to its snug fit. Despite his complaints, there was a lightness in his step as they started back home, a mix of embarrassment and the comforting weight of his sister's quirky care.








 As the static of the old TV blared, intermixed with the thumps of a persistent hand trying to fix it, Asahi's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the harsh overhead light. He groaned, feeling the surprising comfort of the couch beneath him as he attempted to sit up.


"Hm? You're finally awake? Took you long enough." came a gruff voice, punctuated by the thumping on the TV set. Asahi turned toward the sound and saw Eustace, furiously banging on the top of the television in an effort to fix the relentless static. "Work, you darned piece of junk!" Eustace grumbled, his frustration echoing in the cramped living room.


As his surroundings came into sharper focus, Asahi realized he was back at the farmhouse. A weight by his side drew his attention; it was Akemi, bandaged and sleeping peacefully as if she had been waiting for him to wake up.


Suddenly, the clattering from the kitchen paused. "Oh, is that boy awake now?" Muriel's voice called out warmly as she approached to check on him, her footsteps light against the wooden floor. The gentle concern in her voice brought a soothing atmosphere to the room, a stark contrast to the earlier cacophony.


Asahi winced as he reached for his head, the dull ache a sharp reminder of the ordeal they had just endured. He glanced over at Muriel, a look of concern knitting his brow. "How long have I been out?" he asked, his voice a quiet murmur.


Muriel, wiping her hands on her apron as she approached, replied with a gentle tone, "You've been asleep for two days now, dear. We were quite worried. Courage brought you two here all beat up. We had no idea what you two had been through."


"Yeah..." Asahi's voice faded as he lay back down, the effort to sit up proving too much.


Sensing his discomfort, Muriel quickly added, "You must be starving, dear. You haven't eaten in days. I'll warm up some of the stew I made. It'll help you feel better," she said, her voice carrying warmth and care.


She headed back to the kitchen, her light laughter echoing back into the living room, a sound that always seemed to make the farmhouse feel more like home.


As the sounds of pots and pans clattered from the kitchen, Lying back on the couch, Asahi's thoughts drifted back to the events that had led them here. The memory was painful, tinged with regret and responsibility for the danger he had placed Akemi in. He turned his head slightly to look at her sleeping form beside him, her breathing even and peaceful under the bandages. A soft smile, knowing she'd get to live to see the next day.


Gently, Asahi reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. The gesture was tender, filled with regret and resolve. "This won't happen again, Akemi. I promise,"







