
The Never Ending Market.

How far can your imagination truly extend? What are the most outlandish ideas you've ever considered? To what depth can your mind explore? What if I told you, there exists a place that caters to the unimaginable, stretching beyond the limits of even the most extraordinary thinkers? What if I told you, that there was a venue that meets all your unexplored needs, a vast space that expands infinitely, challenging your understanding with each step deeper? What if I told you, that there was a hub where diverse worlds intersect, sharing ideas and exploring the unknown to discover new realms of creativity? What if I told you, that this place was just a hypermarket? Would you believe it? ____ before you read: DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS MENTIONED BESIDES THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. heads up. Market stuff starts at 1 and 2, and starts again at 13 onwards. 3~12 chapters is a world adventure. keywords: slow/moderate pace, mystery, world hopping, multiple OCs, multiple POV, LitRPG, system, world adventures, mainstream media, non mainstream media, detailed writing, power scaling, weak to strong, moderate/slightly heavy market information, This is a test drive as it's my first writing, comments and or reviews based on improvement are highly welcomed. updates are unstable. but I will never drop this fanfiction whatsoever until I finish it, I have an idea on how to end this and planned around. enjoy.

LittleLemur · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Bulletin board...











Kazuhiro's presence towered silently over the assembly, a monolith among the murmuring refugees and the peculiarity of the newcomers by the entrance. His keen gaze, unfazed by the sight, it rested momentarily on each of the eight figures whose arrival had rippled through the crowd with whispers of speculation.


"Could they be from a different world?" one refugee asked, his voice barely above a whisper yet carrying the weight of their collective wonder.


Another pointed discreetly, her eyes wide with disbelief, "Is that... a cat standing on two legs?"


But the observations didn't stop there. A third onlooker, tinged with disbelief, chimed in, "Forget that. Can't you see there's a tanuki wearing a formal outfit?"


"Look at their outfits," another remarked,


Their eyes darted between the newcomers and Kazuhuro, seeking some semblance of explanation. The unique appearances of the newcomers, so starkly out of place, sparked a cascade of questions and theories.


Kazuhiro absorbed the atmosphere charged with curiosity and a thread of unease, and he knew it was time to introduce himself to the new visitors. His calm voice cut through the whispers: "Welcome to the Market. My name is Kazuhiro, and I will be of your assistance." His customary bow was met with varied reactions from the newcomers.


Amid the low hum of whispered speculations and cautious observations, a bored tone, starkly out of place yet unmistakably clear, sliced through the collective focus. Heads turned, eyes searched, and there, stood an orange cat, boldly upright on two legs..


The cat, with his hue of orange fur, peered around, its words laced with dry humor and a discernible edge of annoyance. "I don't remember it being Halloween this season, Jon," he quipped, his gaze scanned Kazuhiro's otherworldly figure and those with strange outfits. A beat passed, the room hanging on the precipice of silence, waiting for 'Jon' to respond, but no answer came. "Jon?" The cat raised a brow at the man beside him,


Following the exchange, the room remained abuzz with an undercurrent of disbelief and curiosity. The surreal sight of a conversational cat had already set a peculiar tone, and it only grew more bizarre with each new character's introduction.


"Where exactly are we, Tom?" asked a small human with a big head, wearing a short-sleeved red T-shirt and navy blue shorts. The inquiry was directed towards the well-dressed tanuki, whose standing amidst the gathering was imbued with innocence and confusion that mirrored the sentiments of many in the room.


The brown raccoon, adorned in his quintessential green sweater vest and neatly tied red necktie, looked every bit the part of an out-of-place businessman, especially with his pocket protector and its singular pen. His response, though, was devoid of the composure one might expect from his attire. "I... I have no clue as to where we are," he confessed, his bewildered tone adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding scene.


As the whispers slightly died down, the voice of a man laden with years of wisdom and insight rose above the rest. "Fascinating, wouldn't you say, Hagrid?" he mused a hint of wonderment in his voice as his fingers brushed through his beard, his eyes taking in the myriad of characters and creatures before him.


The one named Hagrid, whose presence was that of a giant, couldn't help but agree, "I've seen somethings in me time, professor, but this... this is somethin' else." His words, laid with a heavy accent, drew the attention of those nearby, their eyes flicking between the towering man and the figure he addressed.


The mentioned professor absorbed Hagrid's assessment, turning his gaze to Kazuhiro, and posed a question that seemed to hang in the air, charged with the collective curiosity of all who found themselves within this place. "And I believe you are the steward of this realm?" His inquiry, directed with a calm yet penetrating focus, sought to unravel the mystery of their host. The intensity of man's gaze, coupled with the solemnity of his tone, underscored the gravity of their quest to understand this realm.


Kazuhiro, standing with the composed stoicism that characterized him, met the professor's gaze directly. "No," he responded, his voice as calm as ever, dispelling the assumption with a single word. "I am merely a worker, tasked with its management, not its creation." The clarification served to deepen the enigma of the place, hinting at forces and entities beyond Kazuhiro.


The gathered crowd absorbed this information. The old man, however, remained unfazed, his expression thoughtful as he considered Kazuhiro's words. Standing beside him, Hagrid scratched his beard thoughtfully, the gears turning in his mind as he pondered the implications of a place that even he, with all his experience, found beyond the ordinary.


As he said, Kazuhiro observed the one unfamiliar visitor who didn't input anything or question as to where they were. Their noticeable features were blond hair, blue eyes, and a headband with an unrecognizable symbol. The young man seemed to observe those around him and his surroundings in silence. His composed demeanor spoke of resilience, a quiet strength that piqued Kazuhiro's curiosity about his character.




+ Hachiman POV+




"Let's just get this over with," he said as he made his way through the gathering. His accidental bump with the cat elicited a brief, almost comical exchange.


"Hey, I'm standing here!" the cat protested with annoyance. Hachiman's response was a subtle shake of the head, an attempt to dismiss the absurdity of a speaking cat from his mind. Yet, it was clear that the surreal nature of the place was pushing the boundaries of his understanding.


Standing before Kazuhiro, Hachiman's expression was one of weary resignation rather than awe. The intrusion of the magical into his everyday life, manifesting as a door in his bathroom, was an anomaly he was keen to address and resolve. His stance, while guarded, was devoid of hostility; it was the posture of someone who found themselves trapped in circumstances beyond their control and sought a way out, a return to normalcy.


"How do I get rid of it, that door?" Hachiman's question was straightforward, cutting through the crowd's speculative murmur. There was no hint of interest in the vastness of worlds Kazuhiro had alluded to. His concern was singular, rooted in the desire to return to his normal life and to dismiss the existence of that door.


Hachiman observed the entity in front and felt that he was being scanned. He had to change to his homely attire just to confront this about phenomenon happening in the bathroom. The tall figure shook his head as if he had no clue. "I do not have any intel about that. But one thing that I know is that the Market is sentient. It will appear and vanish on its own."


Hachiman's shoulders slumped slightly under the weight of his new reality, disappointed by the answer given. The possibility of the door manifesting in his personal space, potentially exposing his sister to its mysteries, was a concern he hadn't anticipated. The implications of such an encounter weighed heavily on him. 'Great,' he resolved silently, annoyed at the outcome.


The realization that he might need to safeguard the secret of this existence from his sister added a layer of complexity to his daily life. The thought of Komachi encountering the door filled him with unease. "I just hope it vanishes soon," he murmured,


Slowly walking back from where he came, planning on going back, the crowd in front watched their interaction silently as they made way for the person.


However, Hachiman's retreat was momentarily paused by someone's hand landing on his shoulder. His voice broke through the silent anticipation of the onlookers. "Um, can you tell us which one is your world?" The question, simple in its phrasing, carried a profound weight, reflecting the collective desire for a fresh start among those gathered.


Caught slightly off-guard, Hachiman turned, meeting the gaze of the one who stopped him. It was a teen, probably the same age as him. "My world?" he echoed, somewhat perplexed by the notion of his everyday reality serving as an escape for others.


With a somber tone, he shared the plight of his own world. "Yeah, you see, we faced troubles with ours. It's not suitable for anyone to live in. It's been rough, and some of us wish to start anew." His eyes held a desperate hope, looking for understanding.


Hachiman surveyed the crowd and noticed the downcast eyes and the uneasy shuffling of those around. Their faces spoke volumes of the dire situations they wished to flee from. It was a heavy moment that laid the weight of their hopes on his shoulders. The gravity of their request sunk in; these were not just faces in a crowd but people seeking refuge. Hachiman seems to be in a conundrum of thoughts. Not knowing if he should help those or reject them, the concept of worlds is all too much; you never know who or what these people used to be.


Feeling the onset of a headache from the magnitude of what was being asked of him, Hachiman took a deep breath, his brow furrowed in contemplation. After a prolonged silence that seemed to stretch on indefinitely, he finally exhaled, and his decision was made. "Fine. I will just share the information," he conceded, his voice low and resolute.


However, he was quick to set boundaries, and his skepticism was still apparent. "But that doesn't mean you'd have to come to mine. I need to confirm your world first and whether your statement holds truth. There are other things that need to be taken into consideration, but we'll leave that aside for now," he added, ensuring there was an understanding of his caution.


"That... yeah, that works fine," Takashi responded, a slight relief washing over him. He was grateful for any assistance in these uncertain times. Hachiman nodded, acknowledging the gravity of his decision.


The teen later gestured toward the screen,. "Whenever you're ready."


Hachiman hesitated for a moment, his thoughts racing. How could he encapsulate the essence of his world, a place devoid of the extraordinary yet rich with its own complexities and challenges?


Someone wearing what seemed to be a detective coat over his cop outfit briefed him on how the controls worked. Hachiman listened, to think he'd have to do this. 'Whatever, let's get this over with.' As he was about to browse the various world. A voice interrupted their actions. The same voice that came from the orange.




+ POV End +




The voice of the orange cat, once more drawing attention, cut through. "World this world that, come on, Jon, let's not waste any time and get the ingredients," he said, his tone laced with impatience at this weird convention like gathering that took place. With a casual tug, he grabbed Jon's hand, pulling him slightly toward the direction he presumed they needed to go.


Jon, momentarily lost in thought amid the surreal happenings around him, blinked back to reality at cat's insistence. The bizarre circumstances had him second-guessing the nature of their location. Was this a costume gathering? Or just some store event?


"Uh, right, the ingredients," Jon replied, a hint of bewilderment still in his voice as he allowed the orange feline to lead the way. His glance shifted from the cat to the towering figure of Kazuhiro and then to the diverse crowd that filled the place.


As they moved, Jon couldn't help but steal glances at the other newcomers aswell, each with their own peculiar attributes. From a raccoon in formal attire discussing their predicament to a distinguished old cosplaying wizard conversing with an unkempt giant, the scene before him was something straight out of a dream.


Going back to the teen, The place slowly transformed into a stage of quiet anticipation as Hachiman, with Shinichi's guidance, interacted with the control panel. Maintaining a respectful distance, Kazuhiro observed with a keen watch, his towering presence a silent sentinel over the unfolding scene.


A collective hush fell over the crowd as the interface came to life, illuminating the space with its bright glow. Both refugees and newcomers alike drifted closer, drawn by the luminescence and the promise of discovering worlds beyond their imagination. The screen, a gateway to infinite possibilities, held everyone's rapt attention.


The teen, initially hesitant, found himself at the center of this quiet spectacle. The interface before him displayed a catalog of worlds, each entry accompanied by vivid images and descriptions that seemed to leap off the screen. The crowd behind him, a variety of beings from different realities, watched over his shoulder, their curiosity mingled with an array of emotions, skepticism, wonder.










Four new worlds have been scanned and added to the database...








As the teen navigated through the interface, a sudden notification popped up, momentarily catching everyone's attention. The screen flashed briefly before displaying a new message, its contents clear and bold against the backdrop of the digital landscape:


The room, already thick with anticipation, buzzed with renewed interest. Whispers and murmurs spread as the crowd pondered the implications of this update. For many, it represented new possibilities.


The announcement of new worlds added to the database sparked a wave of curiosity and speculation among the assembled crowd. With a contemplative stroke of his long beard, the old wizard peered at the screen, the gears of his mind visibly turning. "New worlds, you say?" His voice, rich with intrigue, filled the room, inviting others to ponder the implications of such a revelation.


The tanuki, Tom, leaned in closer, his entrepreneurial spirit alight with possibilities. "What does that mean?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.


Kazuhiro, ever the patient explainer, nodded towards the group. "Each new arrival to the Market triggers a scanning process, adding their world's data to our stored library. This allows us to offer a comprehensive overview for those considering a visit." he elaborated, his tone steady and informative.


A particular newcomer, previously silent and observant among the listeners, shifted his stance slightly. His eyes, previously a guarded pool of calm, now flickered with interest towards the screen. This man noted for his stoicism, seemed to wrestle with a newfound curiosity about the potential insights into his own world and others.


The group's reaction to Kazuhiro's explanation varied from awed murmurs to nods of understanding.








__Information board__


Available worlds:


W10: (Naruto)



This is a ninja-dominated universe with prominent shinobi (ninja) villages. The world has a rich history of clans, wars, and alliances centered around the use and mastery of chakra, a spiritual energy that allows for the performance of jutsu (ninja techniques).


Danger level: ☆☆☆☆



︎ Do: understanding the nature of chakra as it is the primary energy of this world and learning the history of the world

︎ Don't: wander off aimlessly as you will be either taken advantage of or be killed by merciless rouges that roam the ninja world.

︎ Bring: Weapons are essential for combat and survival. A scroll for recording new jutsu and techniques you learn on your journey can be invaluable. Additionally, carrying a map of the ninja world, including the locations of the hidden villages, can aid in navigation during missions. Protective gear tailored to your fighting style can also provide a crucial edge in battles.



W11: (HP)



A magical universe is hidden within the modern, non-magical world. This enchanting realm is filled with witches, wizards, mystical creatures, and mysterious places.


Danger level: ☆☆☆



︎ Do: Increase your Knowledge of spells and artifacts, as they are essential within this world. Learn about their properties and magical locations before engaging with them.

︎ Don't: Underestimate the importance of non-magical knowledge and skills.

︎ Bring: A set of standard potions and a magical creatures guidebook can be incredibly useful for various encounters.




W12: (Animal crossing new leaf)



A charming town filled with anthropomorphic animals. A world where humans and animals co-exist


Danger level: ☆



︎ Do: Take the time to get to know each inhabitant, as they can provide valuable advice, exciting stories, and gifts. Participating in town events and activities can also enhance your experience and provide opportunities to collect rare items.

︎ Don't: cause any unwanted trouble,

︎ Bring: A notepad can be helpful for tracking resident requests and remembering important calendar dates for events and birthdays. Additionally, ensure you have a net, fishing rod, and shovel to engage in the various collecting aspects.



W13: (Garfield)



This world is a reflection of everyday life through a humorous and sometimes sarcastic lens. Be informed that there are talking pets roaming around.


Danger level: ☆



︎ Do: Engage in the simple pleasures of life and exploration

︎ Don't: Take things too seriously.

︎ Bring: Essentials if you wish to settle or travel within this world.








+Hachiman POV+




As Hachiman scrolled through the digital catalog of worlds, slightly wide eyed at the information displayed. 'Was this all what he briefly read, true?' The descriptions varied dramatically, from tranquil and mundane realities to others laced with inherent danger. His attention caught on a particularly unsettling note about a world where revealing one's name could prove fatal. 'to think death can happen by just sharing one's name, to simply put it, your life is at the hands of someone that knows your name.' The concept of such a power dynamic unsettled him deeply, causing a visible frown to crease his forehead.


Further exploration brought him to the description of his own world, labeled as World 6. The mention of timelines within the entry sparked a complex chain of thoughts. The idea that one could potentially navigate through different periods was fascinating yet fraught with potential complications. The implications of such travel were vast, posing both opportunities and risks that were hard to comprehend fully at the moment.




+POV End+




Shifting his gaze from the screen, Hachiman faced the expectant crowd. He pointed towards the description of his world, his voice carrying a blend of resignation and practicality. "This is it," he declared, indicating the entry with a casual flick of his thumb. The crowd surged slightly forward, their eyes scanning the screen, each person digesting the possibility of a new beginning in Hachiman's world, reflecting a myriad of reactions from curiosity to concern.


Hachiman's parting words underscored the boundaries he was not yet ready to cross. "Like I said, I'll only share information for now. I have yet to trust a group of strangers showing up in one's world," he explained firmly. His decision to reserve judgment until he could visit their worlds spoke to a cautious pragmatism. "However, I'll come back to look into yours. For now, I have to go; someone is waiting for me," he added, hinting at personal obligations that awaited his return. As he walked away, he cast a final glance over his shoulder, acknowledging the encounter before disappearing from view.


The crowd's reaction was a mixture of understanding and resignation; they respected his need for security in such a bizarre context. This was a world of strangers meeting under the most extraordinary circumstances, and trust was not given lightly.


With Hachiman's departure, Masaru exhaled and redirected the conversation towards more practical concerns. "Right, with that out of the way, you mentioned that one must pay a travel fee? How much is the cost?" he inquired, signaling a shift in focus towards the logistical aspects of their potential journey.


Kazuhiro responded to Masaru's query with a practical breakdown of the Market's economy. "There are various ways to gain currency within the Market, which can be used to pay for services or purchases offered here," he explained. His words suggested a structured system within the Market, where contributions or participation could earn one the necessary means to explore new worlds. This concept sparked curiosity among the crowd and the newcomers about what kind of activities or tasks might enable their travels.


Kazuhiro's explanation of the Market's financial mechanisms drew sharp attention from the crowd. "You can exchange your world's currency for store credits using the ATM located over there," he directed, pointing towards a sleek, modern-looking machine that stood against one wall. The simplicity of currency conversion seemed straightforward enough, but it was his next point that added depth to their options. "Alternatively, you can sell any item in your possession for credits."


The room's interest was piqued further when Kazuhiro introduced the concept of a loan system within the Market. "For those in urgent need of credits, we offer loans ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 store credits," he continued, his tone becoming slightly grave as he touched on the conditions of this financial aid. "However, these loans come with obligations. They must be repaid within a set time frame," he warned.


The implications of failing to meet these obligations were stark, and Kazuhiro did not shy away from outlining them in clear, unequivocal terms. "Should you fail to repay your loan on time, any possessions registered under your name will be confiscated until it returns the amount that you burrowed in full including with interest. If you own nothing of value, your personal service may instead be claimed as collateral, and you will become a purchasable asset within this domain."


The revelation sent a chill through the crowd, the gravity of the potential consequences hanging heavily in the air. The notion of becoming part of the Market's inventory was a stark reminder of the severe nature of financial dealings within this unusual place. The mix of opportunity and risk was palpable, leaving many to weigh their options carefully before making any commitments.


Shinichi's unease was palpable as he considered the potential pitfalls of taking a loan in this unpredictable realm. Tinged with caution, his voice cut through the murmuring crowd, "Is that it? Or are there other alternatives?"


Kazuhiro responded with his signature monotone, retrieving a device from his pocket. "There is," he began, his fingers deftly navigating the screen, "and it is one of the new additions in the market." A subtle hum filled the air, drawing curious glances from the assembled crowd. Kazuhiro stepped back, positioning himself near the cashier counters for a better view.


The left side wall began to glow, its brightness intensifying with each passing second, capturing the crowd's attention. Kazuhiro, ever the stoic figure, observed the unfolding spectacle. The crowd, now hushed, followed his gaze, anticipation building.


As the light reached its peak and slowly faded, a 48 x 96-inch large bulletin board materialized on the wall.







