
The Nephilim Trials: The Angel's Bite

(Just getting this out to get a taste if people like the setup and story line) Everyone wants a story of the unseen, the supernatural, but would they ever live that way? What if you weren't given the choice of your own fate? Azrael didn't have that choice, as she wonders the streets of Tokyo given only a guide book, no memory of her past and raised by someone who merely was there to use her to do the only thing she was trained to do, steal demonic souls out of human vessels. To save a part of their humanity from the unfolding war of demons. Little does she know how truly significant her existence is to the fate of humans, demons, angels, and vampires alike. She becomes entranced by the distractions of humanity, acquiring their emotions. As she uncovers more throughout her destiny, she struggles to understand, the true purpose of her existence. CAUTION: There are a few erotic scenes. So if you are not 18+ or find yourself uncomfortable, skip or do not continue. (If you like the idea, the chapters so far, help support and push the story! This will be a trio series and will end with a bonus 4th story to tie them all together! This will be a long process but well worth the wait!)

SnowCat777 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Destiny

Staring down at the now human body

laying beneath my feet, I stood in the pale light

of the parking lot outside of a small bar.

The color of her skin was returning from

the once pale monster to pink human flesh.

This was my burden to take on; I sucked the demonic vampire

presence out of the once human and returned the soul that was taken.

I took the memories that the demon had taken along

with her humanity and gave her back

to who she once was before she was bitten.

This was my job to the world, to God.

I don't remember anything of heaven,

or why I was casted down, or why this was my purpose,

but all I know is one winter night a stranger came to me

and gave me a book that told me to take demons

from human bodies and to turn them back into

the good humans they used to be, and to only drink

or kill the ones that couldn't be saved.

Demons have become a burden on humanity

and are turning innocent people into terrible people.

It is a demonic presence inside of them

that turns them into an evil being.

I was sent down to suck the demon out.

I could say I'm like an angelic vampire? A complete contradiction.

It was somewhat easy to pick out a vampire out of a crowd.

Their blood didn't flow as much, and their body didn't

give off the amount of heat as a regular human;

their veins were a dimming blue.

Their blood was more intoxicating than

regular human blood, but that's not what I was consuming.

I consume the demonic soul and suppress it

inside me until it breaks down.

Sometimes I would experience the demon's soul

trying to corrupt me.

My emotions would overwhelm me, and

I would become angry, and lose control of myself.

I would either lock myself inside a crypt or coffin,

or try to have other hunts lined up,

so I can take that anger out on another demon,

but now they seem more aware

of my presence and my position on this world.

It also did not help that I was an above average

looking human and everyone wanted a piece.

As the woman came out of her coma,

she looked around confused, but I pretended not to notice her;

she just got up from the ground and walked away.

I clenched my fist, feeling the anger of the

demon boil and rise inside of me.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry,

and I wanted to kill someone.

I shredded my nails down the brick of the bar walls

leaving indents in the side as I began grinding my teeth

harder and harder.

A drunk man stumbled out of the bar

and looked me up and down, then continued speaking gibberish;

with already clenched fists I pulled my arm back

and decked him right in the center of his face as hard as I could.

His body flew across the parking lot as I

stretched back to rub my neck;

taking a deep breath I dropped my hands at my sides

and proceeded to walk home.

I could hear the whispers of the demon I had just taken.

The more he broke down inside of me

the more the thoughts became more vulgar and gruesome.

This was only a medium aged demon,

he's been around about sixty years or so

and was stronger than the newly bitten possessed humans.

He has been inside multiple different humans,

absorbing their souls and corrupting them until

they died of some stupid act or an incurable illness.

As I made it to Sangui's luxury loft he had left me,

I locked myself inside a stone coffin that helped

contain myself when it seemed difficult to control.

I would sleep it off for days until the demon had been obliterated inside of me.

As I opened the coffin up to the sun beaming

through my large windows, I set the dark red curtains down

over them, covering the city of Tokyo below.

I rummaged through my chest that was right beside my coffin

and found the large book with my name lightly written in gold over the cover.

I also had my own journal of different demons and techniques

and how to deal with emotions and people,

along with many other things I have learned over the years.

I sat down in my favorite white chaise chair

and opened to the middle pages of the book.

This chapter was over "Suppressing of the Ancients"

which was demons that were more than a thousand years old,

such as Sangui's was; he was my first and I believe he is forever apart of me now,

whoever his demon was, he was madly in love with me

and was now attached to my soul, if I even had one to begin with.

I never had the experience or means to properly break down this demon

and I don't think Sangui was aware of the repercussions

of absorbing demons, or how it affected me.

After all I am the only of my kind.

I would notice him take me over at times as I would begin

to feel an overwhelming salacious feeling

and make me do intimate things to myself;

he would often whisper inside of my own mind

and cloud my thoughts with lustful wishes.

I wanted him out of me because all he was,

was a distraction to my work here on Earth

and I needed to either extract him or break him down,

but the more he was inside of me, the more he knew everything about me,

my deepest darkest desires and just how to make me cringe and moan.

Yet, I knew nothing of him.

As I read this chapter, all it told me was the more demons

I consumed the stronger my body would get and the more able

I would be to contain and disintegrate an Ancient.

I slammed the book closed in frustration like many times before

and jotted down small notes in my journal in the page labeled under "My Demon".

When a knock at the door abruptly halted me,

I shot a glance at the door in confusion, I never had visitors.

I threw a large blanket over my coffin and shoved my book

and journal back in its place inside an ottoman.

I looked through the eye hole in my door to see

a large figure with a long black leather over coat

with a short-brimmed cowboy hat, covering his face.

He had an assortment of weapons.

I startled as he knocked again, harder this time.

I looked down at the small scraps of nightwear

that were barely covering my breasts and my femininity;

I just shrugged and swung the door open nonchalantly.

As my eyes came across his seemingly handsome face,

I blinked slowly and gave a sweetly innocent smile, "Hello."

He bit the bottom of his lip and tipped his hat,

"Good evening ma 'lady. Who would've thought

a gorgeous mistress would have taken over the vamp Kings domain."

As he raised his head up his grey-blue eyes that had a

hint of violet beamed at me and my breath stalled in my throat.

This has not happened to me since the day I met Sangui,

and I had never expected this to happened from a mere human hunter;

I did my best to contain myself and acted as if his presence meant nothing,

"Yes, Sangui has been gone for some time now.

May I ask how you know of him?"

The hunter stroked his finger over his strong jawline

and gave me the most daring smirk, holding my eye contact,

"Well, it took me some time, but I finally traced back all

you creatures back to here. I know you are one, but you seem…different somehow."

He tried not to look at my revealed body, but I noticed a glance

slip from his eyes as he assessed me.

"So? Are you going to kill me then? Or not?

If not, please come in, because I have much to discuss

with you and possibly make a proposition."

I needed to get on the hunter's side before

they came to hunt me down next;

I needed them to understand that I am here for the same reason they are;

to eradicate.