
The Negative Chronicles

What lays beyond death? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Emptiness? If you are a seeker of truth, look no further. For a price of only negative zero dollars, the Negative Chronicles can help you send the poor protagonist of this novel on a special journey in a not so positive direction! Don't hesitate! It's a limited time sale and won't stay at negative zero for long! #godMC #dungeons

Fluffypie · Fantasy
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31 Chs

God Sequences

"Show me the available negative god sequences."

[Retrieving catalog of god sequences ... ]

Blocks denoting folders were swiftly added to the displayed list on the holographic interface in front of Pro.

"Ancient God Sequences, Creation God Sequences, God Throne Sequences, Immortal God Sequences, Main God Sequences, Natural God Sequences, Origin God Sequences, Old God Sequences, Shinto God Sequences ..."

Just this list alone made Pro dizzy. Note that this list only consists of the folders, and each folder still have many different routes to choose from!

"As expected of traversers, they managed to contribute so much knowledge to support the future comers," Pro mumbled as he glanced through the list, "Still, it's best that I eventually walk my own path later on ... but for now, I should be satisfied with what I can get. The question is ... what to choose?"

Many of these categories were of interest to Pro. After all, he had seen them in light novels. Perhaps, he may have an easier time rising through routes in these categories.

However, the one that truly drew Pro's attention was the God Throne route.

"Throne? If I remember correctly ... I seem to have a throne in my spiritual realm? Does that have anything to do with this category?"

With a bit of curiosity, Pro tapped on the throne category.

Another list was pulled up on his interface.

"Astral Throne, Heavenly Throne, Immortal Throne, Law Throne, Omniscient Throne, Origin Throne ... "

Uhh. Yea, no clue. Pro scratched his head in frustration. He thought it would be difficult to choose a path because it was limited, but now there was simply too much that he didn't even know what to choose from.

Pro could only grit his teeth and begin to read through the descriptions one-by-one.

Many hours later, Pro wearily laid back on his chair as he stared at his chosen path.

[Heavenly Throne]

Open up your own world in your spirit sea. Establish a heavenly palace to rule over your world. Let the fate of the universe reside in your hands, and let the worlds become your harvest.

"Sounds kind of cruel ... but, I do prefer a world under my control. This is the Negative Zone. It isn't like the stories I have read in light novels. My main goal should not be to build a kingdom of god to house believers. Instead, it should serve my adventuring needs! The kingdom of god would most likely be an upgraded version of my pocket space, so I would need it under my total control so that I can use it as a safe storage space."

Alright. Using a kingdom of god as a storage space doesn't sound like some ambitious, godly goal, but Pro didn't care.

To hell with faith. Pro planned to plunder as much as he could from the dungeons and he needs a safe treasure house for his plunder! Mwahaha!

As for why he chose this heavenly palace instead of other god sequences that may have a similarly safe kingdom of god, Pro preferred this sequence because it had an extra benefit of building a heavenly palace separately.

Keep the storage area away from the majestic palace that draws attention.

Although this doesn't really matter in the short term, once he reached the upper parts of the sequence, Pro speculated that the world and palace would most likely connect to reality in some way.

At that time, he would want a separate area to greet guests instead of greeting them within a palace built in his storage area. Isn't that just inviting others to go steal his treasures?

"I don't know if this is the right choice as I don't have much data to base my predictions on. The light novels from his previous life may not be accurate. However, since I've chosen a path, I should walk till the end with no regrets. If there happens to be a dead end, I just need to dig open my own path!"

With this firm conviction in mind, Pro checked the price for the lower-grade guide for the Heavenly Throne god sequence.

200 merits. It wasn't too expensive, probably the cost of two normal dungeon runs. However, this was to be expected.

After all, most traversers who come here already had their own paths, and most were almost guaranteed to have full knowledge of their lower-grade pathways. They just had to slowly merge their own paths with negative energy.

Low-grade sequence info was not a popular commodity for traversers. The price was probably a barrier set for descendants. After all, weak descendants may have difficulty running even one dungeon, let alone two.

As for transcendants that could clear dungeons like traversers, they probably already chanced upon an inheritance that provided them with the necessary sequence info. There was no need to purchase it.

"Hey. Does this mean I'm as weak as a descendant? No, it can't be. I at least have a golden finger and god seed as a starting point."

Throwing this trivial thought out of his mind, Pro then confirmed his purchase.

"Purchase lower-grade Heavenly Throne sequence."

[Deducting 200 merits ... prepare for spiritual transmission ... transmitting ...]

A glob of red mist sprouted from the terminal. After hovering in the air for mere moments, it drilled into Pro's spiritual realm.

Oom. Pro felt a dizzy spell hit as a compilation of information struck his mind. After the information stream calmed down, Pro could still clearly recall the newly inserted info in his mind.

"So this is how you become a god ..."

Pro's eyes gleamed with excitement as he screened the information in his mind.

The lower-grade god is split into three stages: Condensation, Expansion, and Transformation.

In the Condensation stage, Pro needed to condense his true name!

Note that his true name was not his actual name nor the code name he chose for his identity card. The true name is a code name or identification code in a mysterious ancient language that the realm uses for its communication.

This true name is something that is recognized by the realm, in this case, the Negative Zone. It already exists and is bound to the soul.

To describe it in another way, every soul already had information bound to it. After arriving in a different realm, their true name is the code name that the world interpreted and converted into a recognizable format from their soul information.

In simpler terms for those who don't understand the nonsense above, the true name is the arbitrary name given to the soul by the Negative Zone. This name is most likely made up by a certain existence that likes to come up with bad names for a story called Negative Chronicles.

What Pro had to do is follow the provided Heavenly Throne method to retrieve this true name by communicating with the Negative Zone and then condensing this true name in his spiritual realm using negative energy.

Note that the true name can receive feedback no matter the distant as long as his true name was spoken in the respective language of the realm!

Unless there was a special barrier or the distance is too far off, the owner of the true name can 'listen' in on those who speak of them. Of course, this is still restricted by the strength of the true name owner.

All in all, the true name is a complement to the god's innate ability, faith core, which only accepts feedback from those with faith.

Condensing the true name was the first step for a demigod to become a lower-grade Condensation stage god. Even though this sounded simple, it can still be a tedious, long process as a lot of negative energy is required!

"Another deep pit for negative energy ..." Pro didn't know whether to feel happy or sad.

The second step in the Condensation stage is to open up their own space within their spirit sea. This could be done by using some special treasures or completing a ritual provided in the Heavenly Throne method, which requires certain materials.

Unfortunately, Pro couldn't afford these special treasures or materials at the moment. Fortunately, he had already opened up a space. Note that this was a simple space, not a kingdom of god.

Finally, one must let the god seed grow and 'sprout'. It wasn't really sprouting in the real sense. It was just simply growing his seed to the next stage.

A god needs a vast spirit sea in order to support his rise. It was simply a minimum requirement for a god.

There would be no bottlenecks for this step as long as the previous two steps were completed.

After completing the first stage, one would arrive at the second stage, the Expansion stage.

In this stage, it is also the time to nurture the condensed true name and the opened space. This was the time to stabilize their realm and expand their space.

After stabilizing their realm, one must turn their space into one that they had full control over!

According to the Heavenly Throne sequence, this can be done by integrating their true name into their established space.

Doing so would enhance the soul's control over the space itself. It will also connect the true name to the space, and allow for faith power directed at the god to be stored within the space!

This method was safer as it would allow the god to decide whether to absorb the faith power into their spiritual realm or keep it in the space for other purposes. Note that directly absorbing impure faith power into the spiritual realm may not be a good thing.

So, the space was like an extra layer of protection.

This was unlike the demigod realm, where there was no choice but to accept all faith coming their way.

Fortunately, no one had faith in Pro ... er, is that something to be happy about?

This second stage can be considered to be the easiest, yet also can be said to be the hardest.

It is true that it is easy to integrate the condensed true name into the pocket space to turn it into a controllable domain, coined with the terms of pseudo kingdom of god or kingdom of god prototype.

After doing this, one would step into the Transformation stage, where the kingdom of god prototype will slowly be nurtured and transformed into a real kingdom of god.

However, here comes the difficult question: when to do so?

The Expansion stage of the lower-grade god sequence is one of the most important stages as it relates to the foundation of a god. The kingdom of god is an important asset of a god. So, the larger it is, the better.

However, a larger space will require lots of resources to nurture.

The bare basic expansion from the growth of the god seed itself is sufficient for being transformed into a kingdom of god, but if Pro were to do so, he would have the worst foundation with a small storage space.

Although he could continue to expand the size of his kingdom of god in the Transformation Stage, the degree of resources required is multiple times more than in the Expansion stage.

After letting his true name integrate into the space, the space will become more stabilized but at the same time, more resistant to change.

So, the best time to expand the size of the space was before the true name integration.

It was noted in the sequence data that the spacial pocket can be expanded quickly by absorbing space debris, spatial stone, natural space-related treasures, and other space-related objects.

Pro could only make a rough estimate of the prices of these objects based on his short exploration of the bazaar. However, even without much knowledge regarding these objects, Pro knew that they were expensive ... and he was a poor man.

As if this wasn't enough, Pro also knew he needed a method to nurture his soul body.

As his spiritual realm grows stronger, the soul body, serving as the container, also needs to get stronger. Not only that, a larger kingdom of god also requires a stronger soul body to contain!

Pro couldn't help but cry inwardly as he firmed his determination, "Merits! I need merits! I need to plunder anything and everything in dungeons if I were to expand my space! I also need to expand my space as much as possible so I can store more plunder!"

Hence, a new member joined the money grubber association of protagonists. The rise of money grubbers have come! Money Grubber Association OP!

Leaving the Tower of Wisdom, Pro was determined to move forward!

"Less nonsense info dump! It's time to prepare for dungeons!"