
The Nectar of Prodigy

The cosmos is a vast expansion of nothingness along with some petty organisms that roam freely on their homes known as planets. However, the true rulers of the Cosmos are beings higher than mortals. Those beings are life-forms capable of destruction and creation at its finest. When the Deity of Destruction destroys a planet allied with the Akashic Records, he unknowingly spares a child that may bring tough consequences. Along with the memories of his life and a little present from his savior, can the boy regress through time itself to prevent the destruction of his home from such an absolute being? Inspiration - The Author's POV

AceAmbrosia · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Sphere of Multicolored Darkness

A dark figure could be seen sitting before three other figures in a room dimly lit by two candles.

The figure possessed dark hair tied into a man bun and a smile that could even disgust the heavens.

His menacing smile, which was a distortion of his face with two teeth sticking out in the front, was directed towards the three figures who cowered in fear.

The three figures that sat before him were Ace's family. Amanda, Adam, and Alice Ambrosia.

"Now, now, people. I don't want to hurt someone as fragile as you. So, why don't you just speak into this mic, and you won't feel any pain."

His smile, which seemed as gentle as possible, contained a hint of devilishness as it leaked his sheer killing intent towards Ace's family.

Felix was one of the fifty Co-Council members, below the 10 Council Members and the leader of OTF.

Phantom, however, was just a lowly slave determined to serve Felix to the best of his abilities.

What does a dog, as delusional as he may be, do when a competitor threatens to steal his position using unconventional ways?

It devours the competition.

However, since the leader of OTF was indirectly intertwined with Ace and desired to poach him, Phantom couldn't harm Ace himself.

But, there was no rule stating that his family was off-limits.

This was because the OTF didn't care about a member's family.

They only cared about the member and his usefulness towards their organization.

That said, even though Ace was a variable that was seemingly important to the leader of OTF, Phantom believed that the latter wouldn't go as far as directly offering assistance.

Moreover, since Ace possessed knowledge about the OTF and operation Anatropi, if Phantom killed his family and he was resentful, the leader of the OTF would have full obligation over his life since it concerns the safety and well-being of the organization as a whole, rather than a particular department.

"Are you going to do it?"

Violently shaking their heads, all of the members of Ace's family refused the proposition.

Despite it being fruitful to them and Phantom, they would never do anything that could potentially harm Ace.

And the feeling was mutual.

"I see. Then why don't we use methods that might be considered 'unhealthy' or 'forceful?'"

The mana around Phantom changed drastically, and all that was left was the concentration of pure mana revolving around his finger.

The mana was colored blue and was created using the purest and most refined energy Phantom could muster.

His current power would rival one at the S Rank at the least, maybe even S+.

As the blue-yellow flames crackled inside the dimly lit room, Amanda, Adam and Alice froze.

They had expected there to be consequences towards their actions, but this man was straight-up going to murder them.

"Now, do you see the true consequences of Ace's actions?"

His face contorted into a devilish smile as wings created using mana emerged from his back.

It was a form of [Mana Manipulation]. However, the concentration span needed for such a performance prompted it to become an actual skill [Mammon's Wings].

The wings petrified the three figures who sat before him, causing Amanda to fall into a state of stupor.

Alice tried screaming, but her cries were blocked by the noise-canceling room they were in.

"No one is powerful enough to save you from the clutches of me anymore."

Refraining from laughing like a cliche villain, he directed a death stare towards the three.

Immediately, all three of them had fainted.

From the beginning, he had no intention of hurting them until he created a video informing Ace about the sequence of the events leading up to this one.

"Now, let's create a video."




"Did he pick up?"

Felix shook his head in dissatisfaction, disappointment, and confusion and rested his phone on the desk.

"I wonder why. He had never done such a thing before."

He was perplexed due to Phantom's unusual actions.

Firstly, he had abruptly disappeared during dawn and had not returned to Felix's shadow yet.

Secondly, he wasn't attending Felix's call.

Since technology had advanced to such a level, it was not possible for one not to have phone service at a particular place.

This was why the situation was highly confusing.

"Do you think Phantom could be the one behind it?"

Felix's eyes displayed a hint of murderous hint before disappearing completely.

"No, I don't believe it is. However, if somehow it is him, I will rip him to shreds myself."

Gritting his teeth profusely and uncontrollably, he rested his arm on his armrest.

"Damn it…"

Ace stated, heading towards the exit of the room.

However, he was stopped by a specific force directed towards him that seemed to pull him backwards.

That force was an idea that had popped up in his mind.

"Wait, can we–"

However, before he could complete his sentence, a buzzing sound resounded throughout the room.

Checking his pocket, he realized that the buzzing sound was coming from his phone.

"Go ahead, check it."

Nodding solemnly, Ace turned the phone on.

His eyes immediately widened as it they threatened to bulge out.

His jaw had dropped and a gaping mouth could be viewed from afar.

However, his reaction soon disappeared as all that was left was an indifferent expression devoid of any emotions or reactions.

Dropping his phone on the ground, he clenched his fist as hard as possible, causing blood to leak from the gaps.

As the drops of his blood fell on the phone, he opened his mouth.

"It's Phantom."

A perplexed expression formed on Felix's face as he nodded invertedly, asking for an explanation.

"Phantom kidnapped my parents."

"How can you be so sure?"

Walking over to Felix's desk, he opened up his phone and showed him a particular message he had received from an unknown number.

[Unknown: *** *** ****]

[x1 Attached Video]

[Hey, Phantom here. I hope you understand that the consequences of your actions are beyond your expectations, Ace Ambrosia. The misery, the jealousy, the envy. I can't take it anymore. I have your family hostage, and all you have to do is sever all relations with the OTF, including Felix. And don't mention this to Felix unless you want your family to die.]

[Either way, I will make you pay for the agony you have caused me.]

Reading the message with an expression of true horror and betrayal, Felix couldn't help but attempt to grab the phone out of Ace's hands.

However, due to Felix's mental state, Ace was easily able to avoid such a catastrophe from occurring.

"H–How…? I–I've known h–him since I was five…"

He didn't believe Phantom would commit such a heinous deed, even if he and Felix were from the OTF.

However, the proof was laid out before him, beckoning him to kill his childhood friend and 'former' subordinate.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

Felix, I finally became your subordinate!

Indeed. I hope you will serve me well.

Stop talking too formally. We're friends, right?

You gotta work hard to protect your position, though. Many people might crave it.

I'll kill everyone one of them.

*Chuckle* Sure, kid.

Back then, Felix had thought of it as an impulsive response.

However, seeing as what transpired today could not be ignored, he said…

"We have to end his life."

Ace nodded solemnly, resting his two hands on the desk.

"Now, listen. I have an idea."




A luxurious room covered in darkness was where the leader of the Iniquitous Faction, Genro Govel, resided during his stay at Academy 07.

The space was at least 5000 square feet and could fit an elephant with a few adjustments to the ceiling.

Genro, the man with blazing red hair, had been asleep under his bedsheets before sensing something unusual in the atmosphere.

Despite having extensive knowledge of magic and mana, he had never sensed such a substance on any planet.

"It's that child."

He muttered in a raspy voice that contradicted his appearance.

With his perfectly-toned muscles and a V-shaped torso, one could say he was the most handsome man they had ever seen.

A couple of days ago, he had seen a child with a wolf cut, who he believed was named the King of Indifference.

That child carried in himself a substance that was unknown to him.

Moreover, he hadn't lost to Luna in a race.

Of course, he hadn't won either. However, Luna was at an inhumane level in terms of speed, and that child had managed to match her.

"He isn't ordinary."

He had felt an unusual fluctuation of an unknown substance which had woken him up.

He believed it came from Principal Felix's office a few hours ago.

It was almost dawn before the mana control event began, meaning most participants should have been sleeping.

However, it meant that child was overly confident in matching up against Genro's daughter in the mana control event.

"There's another event tomorrow. Projectile Accuracy, I believe."

Sighing, he returned towards his bed.

'I'll see that child again tomorrow anyway.'




"That's what I was thinking of."

Ace admitted, much to Felix's disbelief.

"You were thinking of contacting the leader of OTF too?"

"Of course. He's the only person who can help us in a situation that involves a rogue member of the OTF, also known as the Devil's Spawn."

Felix's eyes widened to saucers when he realized the sheer amount of knowledge Ace possessed about the affairs, terminologies, and purposes of the OTF.

Before this, he had believed Ace only knew a portion of information about the organization.

However, he had confirmed that Ace would greatly help their organization, even though it might be after his years at Academy 07.

What Felix had to do was nurture his potential, prompting him to grow into a warrior that could assist the OTF in their endeavors.

"I see. I guess you possess extensive knowledge about the OTF."

"Of course."

It wasn't as evident as Ace made it out to be since the organization's existence was hidden from the heads of the Factions.

However, for a talent such as Ace, Felix believed it wasn't so noteworthy.

"Now, call him."

"Of course."

As Felix uttered those words, he immediately took out his phone and dialed the number hidden from everybody and could never be tracked down.

The number was created using the few remaining scientists who hadn't switched to the field of mana.

This was so that the leader of OTF's location or contact information could never be discovered by an existence not belonging to their organization.

If a non-organization member touches the phone of an organization member, the phone would immediately explode.

[Hidden Number]


It didn't even show the phone number on the top like it usually did.

The call soon connected as a commanding yet soothing voice was heard from the other side.

"Yes, Felix?"

The leader of OTF asked, perplexed by the sudden call.

"Leader, we have an emergency."

"Of course, we do. It's about Phantom, isn't it?"

Felix's eyes widened as he realized that the leader of OTF wasn't unbeknownst to the fact that Phantom had gone 'rogue'.

"S–Sir, how did you know that?"

"I'm the leader of the organization. What, did you think I wouldn't know about everything that goes on during my absence? Now, I've already sent assassins. They're trainees, so it could take a little while before Phantom is assassinated. Anyway, take Ace and go to the abandoned dog shelter on Layerwood Drive."

"Y–Yes, sir."

Hanging up, his expression soon turned solemn.

"The leader's connections and information networks are truly horrifying."

He muttered under his breath before explaining the situation to Ace, who listened carefully.

"So, they're at Layerwood drive, huh?"

"Indeed. Now, we should get going."

"Car? Buspod?"


Nodding with an expressionless face, they headed towards the terrace of the main building.




"Is this the place?"

A hooded figure in black asked his comrade, his tone solemn.

"I believe it is."

His comrade, who was wearing the same clothes, answered.

Suddenly, they both vanished into thin air, leaving behind a clump of stale air.

No, they had activated a form of [Stealth], which turned them invisible and nigh-impossible to sense by a mortal.

Nodding at each simultaneously, they headed inside the abandoned dog shelter on Layerwood Drive.

The leader of OTF had contacted them, trainee assassins, to go on a mission involving a rogue member of the organization who had betrayed one of the highest-ranked Co-Council Members, Felix Edwards.

They had been proud and gleeful that the leader had contacted them personally.

However, the glee turned into a sense of duty when they realized that the rogue member had captured a family and was using them hostage against a 16-year-old boy who had allied with the organization.

Despite being from an organization that was considered 'evil' by those who knew of its existence, their morals were supposedly 'pure'.

"Is that him?"

Assassin #1 asked, pointing at a figure encompassed by ecstasy as he stared at an empty wall.

"Why is he so ecstatic while staring at a wall?"

"Maybe he's happy that his plans worked out."

"Possibly. Anyway, you wanna kill him now?"

"No, let's play with him first."

"All right."

They both revealed devilish grins as they licked their lips while directing lewd stares at Phantom.

They wanted to have an actual battle with an S Rank individual, which they hadn't received a chance to do for the past two years while in training.

Battle experience was the best, they believed.

"Hey Phantom!"

Assassin #1 shouted as he dropped into the room, cushioning his fall using mana.

Immediately, the room was filled with the auras of two S Ranked individuals, Assassin #1 and Phantom.

"Who are you!?"

"Does it matter? We don't talk to dead men."


Suddenly, Assassin #2 dropped down, causing cracks to form on the floor.

"I see. Assassins, huh? Did that Ace kid snitch on me? What organization are you from? The Assassins corp?"

"You don't need to know, Phantom."

Phantom, who was able to rival an S Rank could easily match one of the assassins.

However, two of them were physically impossible, even for someone like him.

But there was no other option. He couldn't just surrender his life without a battle, could he? That'd be shameful even after his death.

The atmosphere around the three men turned intense as heat radiated from their bodies.

The assassins were stealth-type fighters, while Phantom was a brute who utilized fire magic as well.

The assassins' bodies grew colder and colder, eventually forming a shroud of pure darkness and emptiness.

On the other hand, Phantom's grew hotter and hotter, eventually forming wings near his shoulder blades and fire encompassing his entire body.

His lower body was covered in an orange-red hue while his upper-body carried a blue-yellow hue.

His wings that protruded off his shoulder blades were colored navy as they gave the assassins an ominous premonition.

'Looks like he's not just any S Ranker. We should have assassinated him stealth-fully.'

They both had the same thoughts as they glanced at each other before nodding solemnly.

Suddenly, all three of them vanished into thin air, later appearing near each other.

Phantom, who specialized in stealth as well and had a basic understanding of the works of assassins was knowledgable in the subject, which assisted him to resist the two assassins.

However, the assassins were only specialized in one form of mana use, and were unable to keep up with Phantom's destructive and resourceful nature.

Phantom used [Mammon's Wings] to form a resistance using wind while throwing in specks of flames that wouldn't extinguish to obstruct the assassins from memorizing his patterns.

Doing this would allow him immunity to attacks based off speed, since they wouldn't approach him unless they sacrificed their body.

The only way they could approach Phantom for a silent kill was to let one of them die.

One of the assassins would block the fire using their body, while the other assassins suffers the least amount of damage possible by using the former as a meat shield.

However, having become the best of friends during their training at the OTF HQ, they couldn't bear to lose one another.

"What do we do?"

"Remember the [Sphere of Multicolored Darkness]?"

Assassin #2's face paled as he realized what Assassin #1 was talking about.

[Spear of Multicolored Darkness] was a skill they had learned during their training at OTF.

It is a very abstract skill that few people can afford to use.

However, it is the most powerful of skills if mastered correctly.

"No, we can't use that!"

"We have to. Otherwise, we'll die. Moreover, we still have to save that boy's family."

Gritting his teeth, Assassin #2 hesitantly nodded as he gathered the mana inside of his hand.

[Sphere of Multicolored Darkness] was a skill that used every single impurity in your brain to form a sphere of emptiness, darkness, and gloomy, negative thoughts and memories.

In exchange for one's darkness, one would receive immense power.

The only catch was that one would become naive and innocent after using such a skill, most likely not being able to stay an assassin who had to go through torture, grueling scenes, and much more.

Phantom's eyes widened as he realized what skill they were about to use.

He charged at the two with the intention to kill, but he couldn't reach them in such a meager amount of time.

The only option was… [Soteria's Protection].

A sphere materialized in the raging storm of mana, absorbing every inch of it to grow its power.

The sphere, or orb, was as dark as the void itself.

From afar, it would look like the entire world had been devoured.

As mana was poured into the spear, the darkness that resided in the assassins' bodies was sucked away rapidly, damaging their soul.

As their dark and negative thoughts fueled the sphere that contained the abyss itself, the nearby atmosphere became dryer than a drought in a desert.

Soon, it was complete.


The sphere flew towards Phantom at rapid speeds, piercing the wind along the way.

Approaching Phantom was a sphere of death, so all he could was block.

