
The Necromancer of Doom

As a handsome man with long silky black hair was seen standing at the top of a monstrous mountain of skeletons he was facing off with another man who stood among the clouds with his twelve pairs of wings supporting him in his flight as he condescendingly looked down on the man stood on the skeletons which had wisps of fire in their eyes, there was a clear suspense in the air as the man on the skeletons said “who would’ve thought that there would be a time where little Matthew thinks he has the chance to go toe to toe against me, HAHAHAHA “ as the man laughed…. (Cover art isn’t mine, Let me know if it’s yours and I’ll take it off)

Just_Jabeen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 10: First Companion

As Oryo was busy checking out his new 'companion' and looking oddly familiar to a scene from his childhood, little did he know that far far away across several oceans there was a completely white kingdom, so pristine it could blind you if looked upon at a certain time of the day.

This was the kingdom of Ultyne where almost all if not all seraphims resided these were beings of so much power that it was unfathomable, however they weren't even at the top of the food chain here, there was a higher power for everyone even the most powerful of people, in this kingdom it was the being known as The One.

This was an old looking man who you would maybe smile at in public to make them know your not one of the 'thugs' and they would smile back, but as the saying goes don't judge a book by its cover, the old man had his eyes closed he seemed as he was in complete tranquil and nothing could break him out his mind, but then a loud BANG went off somewhere behind him but it seemed as if only he heard it, the noise was constant as it went of three more times


Before finally subsiding, with the end of the noise the old man finally opened his eyes as they slowly flickered open and only revealing the smallest gap in between his eyelids, the radiance from them was visibly begging to come out as if it had its own will, when his eyes opened he let out an aura of light so bright it threatened to leave the room but it seemed as if the room was made for it to be trapped it forever, all that was heard was a small sigh and a ' it seems the peaceful times have come to an end' that came from the old man even though his mouth had been closed this whole time as he looked without moving his head towards the right where the smallest of holes was, it was as if he could see through this cellular level hole completely fine.

We are far away from this realm so let's get back to the story….

As Oryo was done checking his weirdly cute friend out he looked around and decided that he had to figure out what he wanted to do and where to go from now, it seemed as if he was struggling as he had a clueless look on his face as he thought "now what do I do?" As he let out a sigh, he knew he couldn't go deeper into forest as it was too dangerous with his current level of strength and all he was a skeleton bird and a scrawny body, he had decided as it was almost impossible to recognise a necromancer just by looks he decided to go to a different town one which was a few towns away from his original town, he decided this even whilst knowing the risk of his secret being found out but he knew only the highest realms of cultivation into the holy arts or energy dense cultivation path could someone find out his secret.

His next destination was The Town of Slyton which he heard from conversations he had eavesdropped upon was famous for their sailors which were capable of crossing the ocean and going to different continents and meet their people and learn of their culture and came back to let their own people know.

However he had almost nothing on him just a few gold coins and his companion as he made his way back to the town and arrived onto the side road where he could see several carriages go and come which sparked an idea in his mind as he could he see a carriage led by two normal horses towards him as he jumped into the road and shouted " WAIT WAIT STOP"

End Of Chapter

Author thoughts
Im finally back from a long hiatus lots of tests and school got into the way and I forgot if am honest, il try to carry on the story and keep a steady rate of updates.
I would love any feedback and what you would like me to add to the story.