just an op girl, with a yandere god after her
"she's awake" I heard a voice yell.
I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital and I looked around confused.
"Where am...I" I asked as my throat was extremely dry.
"try not to move ma'am, you've been in a coma for almost three years," the nurse said.
"where's Jay," I said looking around for her.
"There are no records of Jay visiting you. the only person that has visited would be your mother and on occasion, your father" the nurse said as she was thinking about my mental health.
I stared off into the distance in silence before I turned to the nurse.
"...what happened to me?" I asked.
"you and your father were in a fatal crash, and you had some major injuries. it made you go into a coma and we were unable to tell if you were able to wake up" the nurse replied.
I sat there before yanking off the IV and other needles in my body.
"don't do that," the nurse said as she grabbed my hand.
I felt my heart begin racing as my eyes darted around the room.
I felt uncomfortable and exposed. I sat up and the nurse was trying to have me lie down.
"ma'am, you woke up from a 3-year coma, you need to be careful," the nurse gave up and began helping me up.
"it's too damn cold in this goddamn room," I said as I laid back down.
I slept and then I heard voices talking. I woke up and saw my mother. she looked older and had tears streaming down her eyes as she hugged me.
"mo...ther? " my voice cracked as I said.
"oh my sweet baby," my mom said pulling me into a hug while crying.
after that, the dam collapsed. I began crying while holding my mother. my mother told me what happened.
My father and I were coming back home when a got hit by another car and that put me in a coma for the last 3 years.
... stunned.
how can this be, she was with Vel and Jay...
for the next couple of weeks, I suffered from some mental illness. on week 4 I escaped the hospital and went to a spare warehouse to sleep.
I sat there in the dark cradling my knees feeling a little hopeless...
eventually, I stood up and showered before going to sleep.
the next day I went to therapy and I began getting better. I continued going to therapy and eventually, I was finally getting out into the world.
at the end of my life, I lay in my hospital bed pretty content with my life. I may not have had children or any lovers, but I loved my sister's children like my own.
I closed my eyes and finally... drifted off to an endless sleep.
I'm going to get back into writing again. sorry for taking so long.