
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · Fantasy
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89 Chs

85 - Wood Elves

Victor distanced himself from Michael exhaustion filled him, as he took constant breaths, trying to lessen the exhaustion.

Michael on the other hand was only now beginning to feel tired.

"It used to be the opposite, I would get tired and run out of stamina first, while you kepted pushing me with advantage.

But now even if I hold back I still have double the amount of energy you've got." Michael cheekly said his wooden sword resting on his shoulder.

The two had spent yesterday and today sparing together, as not only to pass the time but get into the best mind for class.

After all this is one of the best Academies on this side of the continent, so the classes should be more than a bit hands on.

So Victor and Michael were under no illusion that class here would be anywhere near normal, after all just look at their housing situation.

That just screams this place is where you have to fight and complete for anything here, so the classes should prepare you and build upon this.

Well at least this was both boys conclusion, so the two spared to not only free their minds but to also enter into a mindset of competition.

Seeing that it was now becoming time for other plans, the two packed up preparing to leave.

Victor turned to an area next to him before speaking.

"Ok that's it for today..." Skelly who heard his voice stopped what it was doing, it's head turned creepily as it's jaw opened.

During this time Victor had decided to start training his familiar, so he started to give it instructions on how to use its new weapon.

So Little Skelly was spending it's time hacking and slashing with its broken rusty blade, over and over.

But even though Victor was a very smart individual and could understand things very easily, he wasn't the best.. well teacher especially to something with the intelligence ability of a 2 year old.

So it was quite a trying process, but he still did his best to train little Skelly on how to use a sword and shield.

"Why don't you just take him to a Summon trainer?" Michael couldn't help but ask after packing up.

"Well I might have to.." Unsure, Victor answered as he unsummoned the boney guy.

Suddenly a large crowd of about 20 drew over both boys attention, the crowd was watching a certain few people training on the field.

"Now what's that about?" Michael asked, his nose almost smelling the thick interest in the air.

Victor gave him a side eye, knowing exactly what he was thinking, but he couldn't really care less, as he wanted to get back a have a shower and practice Alchemy.

How could Michael not know what that looks meant or Victor's thoughts, but he completely ignored them, as he instead dragged Victor to follow him over to see what the excitement was about.

As they drew close, they started to hear discussion from the crowd, which immediately dampered Michael's interest.

"Look at them over there!" A new male student said in amazement.

"They're so graceful and beautiful.." A human girl with lovestruck eye's, couldn't help but say dreamily while hold her hands to her cheek.

"Is everything they say true? Are they really that strong?" A tough tall boy asked, his gaze full of thirst for battle.

"This is the first time I've ever seen one before, they are just as others said." A short half dwarf girl said to her friend.

Especially when his guess on what the crowd was fascinated about was made clear, when they could see on the other side of the crowd.

This group of eleven people were watching a group of Elves training and sparing, five male and six female.

The reason for the crowds great interest was for one it is incredibly rare to see an elf outside of their territories.

But the biggest factor is the reputation surrounding the race, they are said to be one of the strongest races in the new world.

Possess incredibly long life spans to the point that it's not well documented when they die of old age, just showing how long they could potentially live.

Possessing some of the greatest known feats of recorded magic, as every single elf type is incredibly gifted in their respective magic element.

But what draws most of others eyes and fever, is the elven incredible beauty and grace, which not many can begin to compare with.

Not only is the awe for the elves large but the fear as well, as there's a reason why they are one of the most powerful race on the continent.

All the Elven powers and races are United in the face of the threats and struggle, which makes them one of the few races that can put down their own prejudice and hatred for each other to work together.

Which even Dwarfs have trouble doing and they far more united then the human race could ever dream of.

So legends and rumours of Elves have spread to the point that it's common knowledge, but as they are so rare to encounter, most people can not help but be in awe when they do finally see one.

"Arh, It's just a bunch of Elves.." Michael lost all interest at once, and couldn't help but complain under his breath that it wasn't something interesting.

Victor as well didn't share the crowds enthusiasm or excitement, as he had other things to do, and one of them wasn't to waste time here.

"Well this was a let down, oh I know just what would cheer us up, come on Vic let's go get some food.." Michael's short attention immediately moved to something he enjoyed after being let down.

"Hey do you think any of them could spar with me?" Suddenly this idea popped into his mind and took root, his eyes shined as he excitedly asked Victor.

"....Well considering where we are.. there should be a few who could spar with you not holding back much." Michael's idea caught him off guard, but after a few seconds of thought he found it feasible.

"You can go ahead and ask, after all it's not easy holding back when sparing with me." Victor voiced his opinion.

"Alright which one are you gonna fight?" Excitement glowed in his eyes like a predator, as he scanned each elf.

"I'm not interested, instead I'm going to go back and start practicing Alchemy." Victor wasn't interested at all, so he left leaving Michael alone to have fun and cause mischief, as now the one who kepted in check was leaving.

Victor walked on the nearby path to leave, pulling out a small towel he started wiping the sweat of his neck, face and head covering his hair as a group walked past him, he paused before slightly turning his head to look behind him.

His gaze fell upon a certain persons back, his eyes unknowingly locking on them, Victor's thoughts ran wild as he spoke unconsciously.

"Is that... But it can't be..." Victor's mind full of memory, but when he blinked it was like that person was never there, so with a complicated mind he left continuing with a heavy heart.

That person completely unaware that they had walked past Victor..

Michael with a large smirk on his face marched towards the group of Elves, this group were entirely made up of Wood Elves.

This action drew the attention of the crowd, as the all started to talk amongst each this time about Michael.

The elves stopped what they were doing as the saw Michael approach, but it wasn't because Michael was rude like those watching on thought.

No it was because as soon as Victor had left, Michael's whole being changed dramatically, from the lazy goofball to a dangerous predator.

Even step he took was like a predator about to pounce, they weren't looking at a human but a deadly threat.

Being Wood Elves they grew up in the forests amongst the wildlife, training to become warriors for their people, and right now it was like the very first time they went out hunting.

When they first truly saw a real predator, Michael sent all alarm and danger signals blaring as soon as he got close enough.

The was part was they could tell he had released this aura intentionally, as his eyes scanned them like they were food.

This feeling was unlike anything they'd felt before, it was completely different from every over gaze sent their way, not at all similar to the lust, awe, dislike or worship of the rest.

No it was indifference to them, like they only meant anything, were worth anything if he deemed it so.

"H-How can we help you?" A beautiful female elf stepped forwards with clear hesitation in her body language, as expected of a Wood Elf her hair was green, a bright green like summer leaves, her skin was perfect without blemish.

Short sharp green eyebrows sat above her Brown bright eyes, small cherry lips. She could truly be called a image of beauty by others.

Not to mention that her physique could be call amazing, thin long arms and waist, wide hips and proud chest. She could make most men excited and women jealous.

She truly was an Elf, clearly showing why Elves are said to be one of the most beautiful races.

But right now she was standing in front of Michael who towered over her, her arrogance and pride completely gone like it never existed.

A grin grew on his face showing off his pure white teeth, making her unknowingly more nervous.

"Why I've come over to ask if any of you are up for a nice spar of course." His words cheerful Michael stared right into her eyes before gazing across the group of Wood Elves, fighting intent blazing in his eyes.

She lost her nervousness as she blinked, she wasn't expecting for him to say that, not at all. So she was completely caught off guard and her suprise only grew when she saw no other emotion or intent in his gaze, no lust or hatred at all.

"W-well in sure that we would love to have you join us.." Confusion filled her mind but she pushed it down upon remembering that she represented the race, so her arrogance came back even if she didn't realise was greatly lessened.

"Clap! Wonderful, now who wants to go first?" Michael clapped his hands bringing the rest of the elves to themselves as his dangerous aura completely disappeared like it never existed.

"Hupf! I'll be your opponent!" She let out an arrogant noise as she took a step forwards and crossed her arms under her chest while looking up at Michael.

"Oh, you? Alright let's have some fun shall we!" Michael's large grin grew even larger as he slightly raised his wooden training sword.

At this moment another group of Elves came over to the field, but this group was made up of another Elven race, and was following a single male elf, who was trying to talk to a female elf wearing a veil...


Sorry I know I said that I'll start the classes this chapter and get to the really important information, but I completely forgot (thinking I've already done it) something really important.

So I have to do that first and hopefully it will pay off! ( Or it might not, after all I've rewritten this chapter 13 times so hopefully this chapter and the next few work but we'll see....)

See next chapter :)