
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · Fantasy
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89 Chs

76 - End of the Auction

"It's a Platinum Weapon!"

"Holy hell, they brought out a Platinum Weapon in this auction!"

"Isn't this the first platinum weapon to ever appear during the school opening auction?"

The crowd below the stage talked to each other, completely destroying the calm atmosphere.

The smile of Rose's face grew larger and wider with every word that was spoken.

Knowing that the iron was still red hot, she struck harder to bring it to the max.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't your run of a mill platinum weapon, no this piece of equipment is quite special, as not only is it enchanted with not one but two amazing enchantments. One that increases your overall combat power and speed but another that can be used either to deal a powerful blow or to create space."

Rose spoke introducing both enchantments on the long spear, she even made up some 'history' on the spear and how it got the name Glory's Reach.

Listening to all the made up stories about the spear the crowd's interest grew, it even inspired the youth amongst the crowd making their blood boil.

"Umm since when did it have such a history?" Michael with a strange face slowly turned to Victor and asked full of confusion.

"That's because it doesn't have such a history, it's all made up to sell it at a higher price." Violet answered him, while internally being impressed by Rose's story telling.

"But won't the auction house get in trouble if they discovered?" Michael asked back.

"Ha, why of course, not only will their reputation be damaged but they'll lose a huge amount of income and clients. As auction houses operate off of their reputation and trust they pain stakingly created." Violet answered.

"But doesn't that mean that they're actively harming themselves right now?" Michael realised immediately upon thinking about her words.

"Well usually it wouldn't really matter if it wasn't a important item, as long as they don't try to increase the items price to much that this. But in this case it's a platinum weapon, an item of immense value, at the level where they need to tread carefully with their actions." Violet shock her head.

"After all it wouldn't take much effort to find out the truth of an item like Glory's Reach, and when it is found out that the auction house knowingly made up 'history' about it, well then they'll be in some real trouble."

Completely unaware of the conversation happening in one of the VIP rooms, Rose knowing that she'd brought the room to the max hype, she moved on to announcing the starting price.

"We will begin with the starting amount of 100 Platinum Coins!" Hearing the price hisses of intake of air, as some couldn't help but take a sharp breath at the high price.

After all that's a sky high price for a lot of people here today, and even then this wasn't even close to the market price of a weapon like this. It wouldn't be strange for this weapon to be traded instead of being sold.

So in the eye's of the knowledge bidders this was more of a steal than anything, even if it went over the weapon's market price.

As platinum equipment is incredibly rare not to mention one that suits you, and one with not one but two enchantments.

Victor silent as ever watched on as people started to bid for the spear, but he noticed that it was only the other 19 private rooms that were bidding.

And heated it was, there wasn't even a break between each bid, making the price grow faster than a rocket.

It was already passed the point that those among the crowd couldn't afford to bid, just showing the extreme difference between those in the private rooms.

Rose called out each amount growing more and more excited with each increase, she was almost drooling at the thought of her cut from this sale.

But little did she know she wouldn't be getting even a single copper from this sale, but she didn't know this as she was under the impression that it was the property of the house.

But unfortunately for her on top of this, the seller of the spear doesn't have to give a cut of the sale. As the tickets Violet used exempted it, meaning that the entire sale amount will go to the original owner.

Rose completely unaware of this tried her best to increase the price by as much as possible, using all sorts of skills and spells while trying not to be found out.

Li Yan watched on as the price grew before he finally made his own bid of 160.

"Why do you want it?" Li Xuan asked with slight confusion, after all what was the point in buying a spear when you use a sword.

"Coming across such a weapon is quite rare, so not getting it will be a shame. And even if it has no current use doesn't mean it won't in the future." Li Yan said while continuing to watch the ongoing bidding.

Violet who was happily watching the bidding suddenly pulled out her phone as she felt it vibrating.

Seeing the caller's ID, she used one of her many skills to separate her from the boys, making it so they couldn't hear her conversation.

Michael gave her a curious glace when he saw that he couldn't hear her anymore but didn't pay any more attention as he figured it was her own private matters.

Finishing the call, Violet hung up before putting her phone away, turning to the two boys she spoke after she cancelled her skill.

"Come on guys we need to get going, so wrap it up." Violet finished the last of her wine before checking her outfit for crumbs.

"Huh? Why, the auction isn't over yet?" Michael turned to her as his eyes widened in disbelief at her words.

"Yeah, well it doesn't matter, we've got to go." Violet didn't care as she got up.

Victor didn't say anything as he looked at her before standing up as well.

"But why are you in such a hurry?" Michael asked as he reluctantly looked once more at the auction before standing as well.

"Why, because we've got to register you both and move you two into your dorm room." Violet said before opening the door and leading them out.

A staff member immediately noticed the three of them leaving the room, he quickly walked over with a smile but internally he was nervous.

"Is there anything wrong? Are you not satisfied with our service, if so allow me to apologise." He said slightly hurriedly worried that they were dissatisfied.

"No, we have over prior obligations, so can we check out and pay now please." Violet smiled.

"Oh? Yes please follow me." He bowed politely before raising his hand out to lead the way.

Fellowing him the three went back down to the private lounge where staff were already waiting for leaving guests to pay and receive their items or money.

Coming up to a counter Violet handed over their tickets and two cards.

"One moment please." Taking the tickets and the two cards the employee quickly got to work.

"So do you wish to check out?" He asked after confirming their number and account.

"Yes, I want to pay with the first card, as for the money earned from the items I want it deposited into the account on the second." Violet said.

"Oh, yes... One second please." He quickly used the first card to pay for all the items they brought before checking the amount they earned.

"So the payment was successful but unfortunately I can't transfer the whole amount to your second account as you still have an item being auctioned." He first used the first card to pay before trying to transfer the money earned to the second.

"That's fine but I would like the transfer as soon as possible." Violet said while out of the corner of her eye she kepted watching the hallway leading to the private rooms.

"Ah, yes let me just check once more.... Just in time, it would seem that it was just sold, I'll transfer it now." The employee said before quickly transfering the whole amount to the second account.

He handed back the cards to Violet before a few other staff came out with everything they brought and thanking them for coming.

Violet didn't respond as she took everything into her storage ring, before leading both boys out of the lounge and down the stairs, they existed the auction house.

"Here take it, and make sure to not lose it, I'll give you both your other stuff later." Violet handed the second card over to Victor, although with a large amount of reluctance.

Taking the card Victor checked it before putting it into his ring, knowing that this money will come to be useful.

"Ok don't stand there like a rock slime, we've got to hurry along, and we're already behind schedule from attending the auction." Violet said as she got into a taxi carriage.


Ok two things!

We've finally made it to the academy!!! Yay, it's time to celebrate!! Cough, But anyway now the story can finally fully begin, so let's get started :)

Alright second more serious, I know our two guys getting such a huge amount of money so early doesn't make any sense as of now, especially with what I've explained with them going through a slow development.

But trust me it'll all came into play much later, so as of now don't even worry about it, as they won't be able to use it as of yet anyway.