
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · Fantasy
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89 Chs

19 - Point Farming

The Skeletons ran forwards as quickly as they could, Victor controlled them to split into groups of two and headed for a Goblin each.

Seeing this ridicule appeared in the eyes of the Goblin Shaman as it saw the weak Skeletons run towards the Goblins.

Thinking that there was no way for his Goblin race to lose too a bunch of walking bones.

However that all changed when the Skeletons reached the Goblins, what the Shaman expected to happen didn't instead the weak moving Bones didn't even become fazed as the Goblins attacks approached.

And after the attacks hit it didn't cause much of any real damage too stop the attacking Skeletons.

Infact seeing the Skeletons relatively unfazed made the Goblins start to panic as they lost their confidence, allowing the Skeletons to grab them and hold them down.

Using this chance the Skeleton Wolf came in and killed two Goblins while the Shaman was still shocked.

But seeing the death of it's new servants the Shaman came to itself and started to cast magic to kill these undead.

However the Shaman was stopped by Michael charging over, forcing the Shaman to stop and retreat inorder to save it's own life.

The Shaman seeing that Michael was it's biggest threat changed it's target to Michael and started to cast offensive spells.

Seeing this Michael tried to shorten the distance as quickly as possible but seeing that the Goblin Shaman had finished casting it's spell.

And feeling danger, Michael jumped and rolled to the right just dodging the fire ball that exploded behind him.

Feeling a hot heat assault his back Michael felt sweat run down his face and back at that close call.

Knowing that he didn't have any protection against Magic, so Michael knew he couldn't take a single spell and not come out without serious injuries.

So he had to play it safe and can not be hit at all, moving forwards and constantly dodging different flame balls again and again Michael thought of a brilliant idea.

Grabbing a dagger on his belt Michael threw it at the Shaman, seeing this the Shaman panicked and raised it's hands and staff in a attempt to block.

Managing to block the dagger from dealing a killing blow, the Shaman sacrificed it's left arm as the dagger stabbed into it's left forearm crippling it's arm.

The Goblin Shaman in pain and fearing for it's life casted another defensive bubble to protect itself from physical attacks.

"Damn, the ugly thing blocked it and great now I can't do that again." Michael cursed as he saw the Goblin still alive and placed defenses against his current only attack method.

"No keep doing that." Victor said as he saw the Goblin Shaman's actions.

"Huh? Why?" Michael asked back as he once again dodged a ball of flames.

"He'll run out of Mana if you keep attacking him." Victor answered as he continued to control his Summons.

'With all those spells the Shaman has casted combined with the two different defense spells that each constantly drain Mana, soon the Shaman will completely run out of Mana and be left defenseless.' Victor thought as finally the last Goblin was killed by his undead.

[ Goblin (Lvl 5) Killed Trial Point + 5 ]

[ Soul Absorbed + 1 ]

'Huh? interesting so we get points for killing these Goblins too, than that means the Goblin Shaman didn't summon them.... So there might be more.' Only now noticing that they earned points and Souls for killing these new Goblins, Victor quickly thought of a idea from this conclusion.

'If so then..' Victor quickly came up with a plan that will benefit them greatly.

"Michael don't kill the Shaman just disable it." Victor quickly told Michael who was busy throwing different things at the panicked Shaman.

"Why, I'm about to kill the damn ugly thing." Michael complained but still stopped going for the kill.

And a few seconds later just as Victor hypothesised a new Magic Circle appeared and five more Goblins were summoned.

"We're rich" Victor said as a rare smile spread across his face while he controlled his own summons to attack.

Over on Michael's side he had ran out of things to throw at the poor Goblin Shaman and had once again started to move forwards.

The Shaman feeling it's quickly depleting Mana knew it was about to die but a thought came to it's mind.

'If I stop the Anti-Mana Shield then I'll have enough Mana to cast Lightning Bolt.' The Goblin Shaman though before canceling one of the Bubbles around it.

A blue light started to form on the Goblin's staff before the sound of lightning crackling spread as the blue light changed into a ball of electricity.

'Danger!' Michael screamed in his mind as he saw the lightning form, he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge it.

But right as the spell formed, a ball of green and black flames flew over towards the Shaman.

"Right on time." Michael said seeing the Undeath Flame hit the Shaman just in time to interrupt the spell.

"Aarraraa!!" The Shaman screamed in pain as not only the Undeath Flame caused massive pain and damage but it's own Mana backlashed as it's Mana flowed in reverse and became chaotic.

A Mana blacklash is one of the biggest worries for anyone but mainly Magic reliant classes but as your strength and knowledge increases the less likely you'll have a backlash as the more counters and protections you'll have in place

Not much knowledge about classes or magic and skills is taught outside of the Academies as for most there isn't a way to predict the class you'll receive, so this allows everyone to learn other important subjects like math, science and other subjects to a relatively high level.

So that students can focus on their classes and pick their future careers without much to any worry.

But there is still certain things that you have to learn about even if its just a light introduction.

So almost every student has at least some knowledge of Mana Backlash or as it's also known as Reversed Flowing Mana.

And because of this the Goblin Shaman is now in no state to cast another spell, hell it's lucky not to be dead.

Using this chance Michael ran over to break the Goblin Shaman's arms and legs to take it completely out of the fight without killing it.

"Yeah not so tough now are you, how'd it feel throwing one stupid spell after the other. I bet not so high and mighty now are you, you ugly Bastard." Michael said as he punched the Goblin in the face as he took out his frustrations on the direct cause of his anger.

"Ok that's enough we have to keep him alive after all." Victor said as he passed over some rope and a few potions.

"Give it one after all we can't have it dieing yet" Victor further instructed.

"But why? This is the last few potions we have left, why would we waste one on a monster and why are we even keeping it alive?" Michael asked as he reluctantly tied up the goblin.

"Because of that." Victor said pointing over to where his Summons were killing a third wave of Goblins, not only earning them more points but also helping Victor to collect Souls.

"Ooh so we're farming points?" Michael asked as he only now noticed and figured out why as the fourth wave started.

"Yep, for as long as possible we're going to get as many points as possible." Victor confirmed as he drunk a Mana potion.

"But shouldn't we not be able to do this?" Michael asked back with slight worry on his face.

"It's not against the rules, infact anyone should be able to do it but the question is how long can they hold on for." Victor answered with his guess which was actually correct.

Anyone is allowed to do what they both are doing but how long can they do it for is the true question.

As everyone has a limited amount of stamina, Mana and Energy and how they use it and how much they have is the real test of this challenge but no one would have believed that a anomaly like Victor would appeared.

As even though all of Victor's current Summons are super weak they have the unique traits of Undead Creatures allowing them to basically never run out of physical energy as the Dead don't rest...

"Hmm, what's this? Those two... hmm it is a shame their have insane potential but they've only just began their journey.... It would be a waste especially that one I can see the Mana likes, no they surround him... they love him... but why???

No they'll both die in the next challenge.... We can't have that... It's my purpose to find people worthy but... hmm that won't break the rules..." A voice in the Void spoke while watching all the different participants taking on the challenges.