
What is it?

The figure of a middle aged could be seen on knees being scolded by a woman.

"Why would you send him there?"

"Because of what he did,he deserves it anyways."

Argon said while turning his head sideways.

'Did he just pout.'

'Is it,I see so it a punishment uh;love truly is crazy.'

"It okay I understand,just don't push it to the extreme and make sure you forgive him."

At this moment Argon couldn't help but wonder why she was looking at me him with such a gaze.







Would be the best way to describe where I was.

Staying I come to see darkness for what it was.

Slapping myself I snapped out of it.

"Looks like I was about to enter enlightenment."

Crossing my legs I took out the two things Argon gave to me.

One was a book with a thick cover the other is a scroll, fun fact I can't see shit,yep you heard me like i said am in a dark place I mean absolute darkness.

Tearing the scroll I could feel a foreign energy entering my body.

The people of this world are quite stupid you see the scroll is a permanent ability giver.

The scroll is important yet useless thing to the one's in this world the scroll is quite cheap on fact the only reason this scroll is bit expensive is because it is old and limited in production.


Is the name of the scroll it gives one eidectic memory,not only that it gives me the ability to lock away a memory far from the reach of others,makes me immune to mind manipulation to name a few.

But that is not why I want,you see to others it useless since the more powerful you grow,the more perfect you become literally.

For me who has the memory of who have lived six lives it is a gold mine.

"There it is the techniques,abilities."

"I should start practicing, but before that."

Holding the book I was given I opened only to come to a realisation.

"How the fuck am I supposed to read it?"

There was no freaking way to read the damn book.

Closing the book in anger,I heard a voice.

{I wish to see your face when you found out you can't read it;hahaha, well you don't need to worry since if you mange to master the concept of darkness you have the natural ability to read it; goodluck.}

"I knew there was a catch."

{Oh right if you don't find a way to read the book you'll be stuck there forever.}

I just say there in shock.


"Are you kidding me....Fuck."


"Let's get this over with."

I crossed my legs and sat still spreading out my energy trying to grasp it concept but.

"I give up,I don't get what am doing wrong."

Closing my eyes I stopped spreading out my energy and just let my self float in absolute darkness.

Despairing I used my new ability and accessed my old memories not becoming one in soul but also in attitude.

Regardless of the pain and the tragic story I relived the memories again and again until I became one with it in attitude, in wittiness,shrewdness, shamelessness and all.

My behaviour,my likes,dislikes everything was reshaped.

"Why should I despair,when I have such an opportunity with me?"

Snapping out of it I started training yes training I delved into all my techniques,used my abilities without fear,perfected and experimented with my body until I couldn't.



"The enemies I'll be facing are far stronger,this will be one of the few times I can get stronger."

"Now that I think of it I feel as if the author is fattening me up before killing me, giving me different ability and powerup arcs...couldn't be right?"



It been many days I think I implemented my sword arts into my spear and vice versa I also did the same for other weapons.

Putting on the weight I kept on swinging while also practicing my dark lightning control.


I wonder what makes darkness special.


I mean is it the absence of light.


Or is light the presence of darkness.


Can darkness exist without light.

" 1234."

When you think of it darkness came first,it was always there just waiting it was so inconspicuous that no one noticed it.


It is something everybody choose to ignore until light runs out.


I mean think of when people say darkness they think space but is space really dark,no it is not.


So in the end what is darkness?what makes darkness?


IS it the absence of light?is the lack of photons?is it the inability to see?


In the end the answer is all of the above.


The answer am looking for is what does darkness mean for me,what path will I take in darkness,what road will I walk.


For me darkness is nothing and everything,darkness encompasses all even space itself, darkness is just like water it has no boundary,no limit,no form,no shape and can't be held back.

Darkness is something even time it self cannot contain,all may fear but in the end we all know we need it.

Darkness is nothing.

I felt it...a connection,a surreal feeling of being part of something that should not exist.

Being of something that every one keeps on overlooking.

My art,my road,my path,my darkness is...


R3fi_Cul here I was stuck between naming his art hollow or null.

So what is darkness to you I wanna know

R3fi_culcreators' thoughts