
the nearest end before damnation

a over powered mc, a returnee big brother, cold but beautiful big sister, cute but cunning little sister, kind and caring mother a wealthy friend, and a childhood friend all together into a new otherworldly adventure into a series of catastrophic events with a system with love your beloved author

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chapter 2:This is it!

As everyone saw the screen in front of them all panicked and quickly gathered their thoughts discussed about it within themself but no-one can see others system screen

Lee seojin asked junha "what the hell is happening right now"

Junha said "something unique"

As everyone read dialogue in the system

Only in junha's system had "error, rectifying"several system box appeared in front of junha but all said "error, rectifying "

Lastly a new emerald coloured system box appeared and said "bug rectified ,dear dreamwalker you are already played many scenarios in your dream world.hence you have a special privileges of the ultra survivor"

System panel:"title 'lone survivor ' unlocked physical stats boosted"

System panel:"tittle 'dreamwalker' unlocked mental stats boosted"

System panel:"tittle 'ultra survivor ' unlocked

Special system shop opened for you alone"

Junha then realised everything he dreamed about was rather a real survival scenario actually stimulated by the system and he realised that "this is it!"

Then everyone had gone through their system which had shops,stats distribution,their own description(age,birthdate,...)

But only junha had special system due to the dream Walker

Lisa said to junha "hey junha,first let us go to our home and analyse this situation at home"

Junha nodded to Lisa,seojin said"I will come along with you junha" to junha,then the trio walked to junha's home

After reaching home, junha's mom who is mature beauty but modest said"welcome home junha and you both too"

junha's breathtaking beautiful but cold faced elder sister said"what in the world is happening now ,junha?"to junha

Junha smart and cunning little sister said "yes,what is this system,what is the world damnation countdown,what is even happening right now?"

Then junha's mom said"your 2nd brother only came now leave him alone for now"said to both the sisters

"Here drink some refreshments" junha's mom said and then gave it tojunha,seojin and Lisa

Lisa said "as always thank you aunty"

Seojin said "yes aunty I always like your tea better than my professional Butler's tea"

Then junha asked his mom "when minho will come home"(minho is the big brother of junha)

Then all sat in the sofa and chatted about their day then suddenly the door knocked loudly "dum,dum" and opened ,all turned their eyes towards it

To be continued...