
the nearest end before damnation

a over powered mc, a returnee big brother, cold but beautiful big sister, cute but cunning little sister, kind and caring mother a wealthy friend, and a childhood friend all together into a new otherworldly adventure into a series of catastrophic events with a system with love your beloved author

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chap 4 : reunion of a happy family

As Minho opened the door,all members stared at him,he felt a little shy as he finally meet his family after a long time

Minho:"hey guys,after ages I can finally see you guys"said to them

All confusingly started at him,Miyoung said "oppa,did you hit your head in the car or at office,you saw all of us only this morning"to minho

Minho after realising only him had not seen them for ages , then awkwardly smiled and nodded and said "hahaha,sorry today was rather a stressfull day you know" to miyoung

Then miyoung who sat at the sofa ran to him and checked him with a full circle but was interrupted by a slight head knock by hyejin who then said "leave him alone,you little girl"

Then jiyeon asked " why are you early home brother?" To minho

Minho:"because of this system message,I left early to check you all are safe"

Suddenly seojin who sat with junha said "what a caring brother you have junha?"

Minho :"oh!our seojin and Lisa are here too!"

And welcomed them

Lisa:"hey,minho"and nodded at minho.

Junha:"minho,I think we need to check about this system "

Minho:"yea,we have to;but before that let us stock some supplies for precaution"

Suddenly seojin raised his hand and said "oh ,no need to worry I bought you guys all necessary supplies as my family have many supermart, don't worry about it as it will arrive soon"to minho

Minho:"thank you,seojin for your help"

Seojin:"no need for thanks as I plan to stock with you guys from now on"said smiling awkwardly at them

Jiyeon :" here I am wondering why you are so helpful today"

Junha:"hey sis, don't be too harsh"

Lisa:"if you don't mind,may I also join you guys?" Asked them

Jiyeon smiled happily and hugged Lisa and said "sis,will your little brother jihoon also join us?"asked smilingly

Hyejin:"no problem join us with your brother Lisa"said to Lisa as she stroked her head

Junha:"anyway what will be the catastroph that mentioned in the system?" Asked as he thought himself

Minho:"no matter the catastroph,we should move to a safe house first before anything" said to them

Seojin:"ah minho,I can introduce some people who have past history with construction of bunkers to you"

Minho:"then, let me know when it is done jin(Nickname of seojin-jin)"

Then seojin left to contact through his connections and minho with junha left home and entered their car

Junha:"where are we going minho?"

Minho:"we need money for the safehouse right?"

Junha:" do you have a saving or some thing?"

Minho:"of course,enough to run our family for two decades in normal situation"

Junha:"don't tell me"as soon he came to finish his sentence minho said "yes,I took a loan with our home and all our property before that damn system descended"

Junha:"huh!are you crazy,you psycho.why did you take a loan with all our property, damn man"

Minho:"you birdbrain,do you think I do something stupid"

Junha:"what then do you predict this system descending or catastroph coming or something"minho was silent some time

Junha:"don't tell me you really did"smiled awkwardly and asked minho

Minho then thought within himself "do I really have to tell him all the sad things I went through"then changed the conversation as the came to the bank

Minho:"here,we came to our first stop"as he and junha got out from the car and looked at the central bank

To be continued...