
Finding The Truth

Bella can't describe her feelings towards Justin. Sometimes she's curious about what's on Justin's mind. Sometimes she feels suspicious. However, she also acknowledges that Justin is a good, kind, and always there for her man. Although Bella knows that whatever Justin gives her is likely for his own benefit.

Tonight, Justin was willing to leave his luxury for a while, accompanying her on the subway and city buses, walking and chatting casually. Justin has really wasted a lot of time for her. Honestly, Justin looked sweet trying the ice cream. Even when his fingers wiped the melted ice cream off the corner of his lips.

That little gesture instantly made the cold air around Bella hot. At the same time, Bella realized that she likes Justin.

"Bella! Are you listening to me? Hold on!"

Justin's voice slipped into her ears. Bella slowly opened her eyes. Vaguely she saw Justin next to her.