
Chapter two

My name is #5304, I know it's crazy but that's how we are addressed, they use code numbers to identify us.

So another mission just arrived.


"#5304, you are assigned to assassinate a particular man on the picture. His name is David Clark, 174 cm tall, 32 years of age. Your time is limited within 48hrs. Please proceed with caution."

Wow an easy task, anyways my abilities are quite special. I can control any kind of elements and I only give orders. It means exactly how it sounds like. I think you'd understand if you find out how I fight...

As I entered a private premises, I immediately found this David guy's room.

He was holding a gun, and when he immediately shoot the bullet, he got shocked when the bullet stopped right in front of my forehead and he said

"Y-y-you're #5304!!?"

I approached him and said

"So you know me, what an honor.


He suddenly got out of breath and died in front of me... I know it's brutal but that's our way...