
The Nascent Bloodline

Read to the 10th chapter The Infinity Era brought about a drastic change in humanity, reducing their primacy as a species due to a decrease in an unknown Energy.  Bloodline abilities such as Mind Control, Matter Manipulation, and Multi-dimensional Telepathy, were once wielded by humans. But due to the decreased energy, lesser abilities like the four natural elements- Paranormal abilities were now the dominant among humans. However, the discovery of ruins left behind by an alien race enabled humans to grow in leaps and bounds, allowing exploration of the quantum universe and creation of quantum devices.  But as human potential peaked, mysterious races of higher intelligence appeared, with an inexplicable hatred for humanity, were barred by barriers in their dimensions. As time went by, loopholes appeared, enabling them to transverse to Earth realm. Who will save the Earth realm?  Egon's lifeless body......... His skin was nearly ripped off........ Blood had no longer gushed out due to lack of it...... Then he was fully enveloped within a golden light...... Egon's eyes burst open with power emanating from them like fire.......... A beam of light descended from the heavens and shot straight towards his body - causing him to glow even brighter than before....... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He is the Nascent Human!...... Please, I'm new to writing if you spot any mistakes just drop a comment. I might not be that good at writing system, but please I would get better..... Check the auxiliary chapters out!

Paul_Okito · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

Mysterious Man


Upstairs in Tracy's room the pink wall and children decoration except for a few photographs were hanging haphazardly. A small window which allowed her room to receive a fair amount of sunlight. However, it was disrupted by the presence of The Crimson Crystal Legion who invaded to arrest Egon.

Tracy's room was in disarray as various items were displaced and littered throughout the floor. The bed frame on one side of the room was overturned, while linen and pillows were scattered around.

The small bookshelf with an array of kid books and small memorabilia were upturned, causing the contents to be strewn carelessly on the ground. 

The little lamp shade that was on the side of Tracy's bed had been knocked off.

The atmosphere in the room was tense.

 On Egon's wrist was LB in a Quantum Watch design and a notification beeped on his Watch.

*Beep beep beep*

*New quest*

"Get arrested by the Crimson Crystal Legion."

"Reward Unknown."

"Accept Quest."

"Failure to adhere to the quest will result in a punishment."

"Five minutes to accept or deny the quest or suffer penalties," chanted the LB on Egon's wrist. Overwhelmed, he muttered to himself, "When did this start?" he whispered.

Egon was dumbfounded as he read the new quest. The Quest was the least of his worries. He turned his gaze at the imposing figure before him, the aura of the man hinting that he was not an ordinary person.

The Commander spoke in an overwhelming tone "You're under arrest for murdering Leo. You'll have to face the consequences of your actions,"

Meanwhile, Freya was in disbelief that Egon would be a murder and expressed her confusion, "Is Leo dead?" She remembered seeing him confront Egon just yesterday, and she began questioning whether Egon was capable of such a crime. She needed more information to form a conclusion.

The events unfolding before him mirrored that same tragedy, and he was determined not to let history repeat itself. He made a solemn vow, "I will never allow that incident to repeat itself again. I will do everything I can to protect Tracy from harm," his voice said firmly.

Summoning his courage, Egon stood up to the Commander and confronted him, 

"Is getting arrested the cost of barging into my house? You have no idea who my Uncle is. If he was standing here, you would have already paid with your life," his eyes glowing with fury.

The man commented sarcastically, 

"What a courageous boy who has his house surrounded but doesn't have any atom of fear," as he played with his fingers.

"Will you be able to tell my Uncle that you made his daughter frightened?" Egon asked.

The man hesitated before replying, "You see, when it comes to your Uncle, I do fear him. Unfortunately, this arrest was mandated by the higher-ups, and I have no choice but to take you in for further investigation."

"He isn't here, so he would understand, besides I didn't come for his daughter, so he will understand," The commander replied, reassuring Tracy.

Egon told looked at Tracy,

I'll be back to take you to Distant Land." he gave her to go to Freya assuring her that nothing will happen to him.

Tracy responded as she cried,

"Don't leave me. I know you didn't kill anyone?" She looked up at Egon, her weeping voice evident as she clinged onto his clothes.

"You wouldn't understand. Go to Freya. I promise you that I'll come back," Egon replied as he tried to remove Tracy's clinging hands.

"Noooo… Egon, don't leave me. I don't want to go to Distant Land. All I want is for you and Dad to be by my side," Tracy cried out in despair.

Freya's heart shattered at the sight of Tracy's distress. She could empathize with the pain Tracy was going through, having experienced a similar situation during the murder of her mother.

"General, please reconsider your decision. What you're doing isn't right. You don't have to tear this family apart to conduct an investigation," pleaded Freya as she purposefully approached Tracy.

"Hey lady, you don't have the undercity to tell me what is right or wrong," snarled the Commander as he turned to look at Freya, his gaze carrying his power.

Despite Tracy's fear, she refused to go with Freya and ran towards the general. She dropped to her knees and held onto his foot while crying, "Sir, please have mercy on my brother. He didn't kill anyone. He can't do that Sir… please," Tracy implored desperately.

Egon felt his anger simmer as he witnessed Tracy's heartbreaking plea.

The Commander appeared emotional too; he knelt down and told Tracy,

"Little girl, I'm sorry, but it's not within my power to free your brother of all charges. If he undergoes a trial and is not found guilty, he'll be free to come back home to you," he said before helping Tracey to her feet and handing her over to Freya.

"Agents! It's time for us to wrap this up and get going," the Commander ordered his Legions.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where you're taking me," Egon said with anger

The Commander stared at Egon and replied,

"I don't think you have enough power to know where you're going," he scoffed.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Egon bellowed.

"Silly boy! I don't have time for your tantrums," the Commander retorted.

The Legions advanced on Egon, quickly moving to place an Elemental Dampening Cuffs on him. However, Egon, using his strength, struck out and sent the soldiers reeling.

"Please, Tracy, close your eyes," the Commander told Tracy, and Tracy immediately complied. She didn't want to see the events that were about to unfold.

The man turned his attention back to Egon. "You look strong, but you aren't strong enough," he taunted, his piercing gaze emitting a powerful aura that sent Egon flying, rendering him unconscious.

As Egon lay there unconscious, an unexpected message popped up on his watch: 

*Quest Accepted*.

"Now, you guys can take him out," the Commander instructed the soldiers present.

In an instant, a shadow figure cloaked in darkness appeared out of nowhere. "Where do you think you're taking him?" the masked man asked in a low, rumbling voice, his aura palpable.

The cloaked figure gestured with his hand, and the men who had been attempting to carry Egon on a stretcher were hurled out the window due to immense pressure.

"You're in no position to take him without my orders," the cloaked man roared.

The general, realizing that this man was an Overlord's power rank like himself and didn't want to engage in a one-on-one confrontation, proposed a bargain.

"I suggest you abstain from this confrontation. It wouldn't do us any harm. Let's avoid unnecessary hatred. It's not my decision to take him, but a decision from the higher-ups. Please, let us do our job," the commander diplomatically appealed to the dark figure.

"I won't stop you from investigating, but I came to warn you that any foul play in his case will result in the downfall of The Crimson Crystal Legion," the shadowy figure warned ominously. He then approached Tracy, who was with Freya, and said, "Take care of this little girl," as he tapped her hair before vanishing.

Freya felt a well of fear bubble up in her; the aura of the cloaked man had been overwhelming.

"Thank goodness he's gone," the Commander remarked.

"Good luck, Lady Freya," the cloaked man said as he opened a warped space with his bare hands and left the room. The soldiers carried Egon's stretcher into the newly created void and exited in quick succession, leaving a quiet atmosphere behind.

Freya and Tracy were the only ones left in the room. Tracy was crying bitterly, her little body quaking with sobs. "Will Egon come back?" she asked in between sobs. She clung to Freya, seeking comfort in her embrace.

"I promise you; he will," Freya said, doing her best to soothe Tracy's fears.....

I sincerely appreciate my readers. I'm dedicating this chapter to two of my best commenters "TheAncientoneII & DKAnime"

Paul_Okitocreators' thoughts